What Is Online Training For SEO?

What Is Online Training For SEO?

An excellent question “What is online training for SEO?” but to figure out what training for SEO is first you need to understand what SEO stands for and what happens with the SEO.

I have done my best to explain SEO below and at Wealthy Affiliate, you can learn more and more daily with all the experienced members that are a part of the community.

The owners Kyle and Carson make sure that any updates rolled out by the search engine algorithms are passed onto the Premium Members knowing the importance of SEO to our online businesses.

Want to skip reading what I have to say about SEO then you can join Wealthy Affiliate right now for FREE and start your training to become an Online Entrepreneur by hitting the box below, no credit card is required!

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What Is SEO?

SEO descriptionSEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and that is how ranking is reached with websites, YouTube videos, advertising, pretty much anything you search for on the internet.

Algorithmic improvements over band-aids that address specific problems are what Google implements when it is time for a change. They employ a team of search quality raters to evaluate and provide feedback on search results.

The quality raters guidelines is a 164-page ranking algorithm update and for you to know what Google is planning on doing are you going to memorize all 164-pages?

Therefore, you need a place you can rely on to keep you up-to-date with all these changes in real time as they are being implemented things are not the same as they were a few years ago.

This does not mean that keyword research is going to go away it means that you are going to have to know what you are looking for to rank higher than the others.

With all the new voice-activated searches coming out now optimizing your content for virtual assistants as Siri and Alexa will soon be the way of our future.

Successful content must be optimized for a vast array of mediums, including video, apps, and voice search. Optimized content for mobile is more important than ever starting right now.

How is SEO Changing?

Prepare yourself for some crystal ball gazing? We already know that search is no longer limited to text on a computer screen it is mostly voice activated on a mobile device or on devices like smart home speakers (Alexa, Siri, etc.).

pictures of cell phonesKeeping this in mind when creating content for the search engines you want it to be “mobile-first” because there is not mobile-only indexing.

Therefore, if a site does not have a mobile-friendly version, the desktop site can still be included in the index, but due to the lack of a mobile-friendly experience would impact the rankings negatively.

This would mean a site with a better mobile experience would potentially receive a rankings boost even for searches on a desktop over a site that does not have a mobile-friendly version.

With all of this in mind, building out a website owner’s want to make the most of Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) when working the SEO for their sites.

Website themes need to be taken into account along with the number of plugins used on a website for loading times the faster a site loads the better ranking you will receive as well.

Image/photograph size can also be a factor when it comes to loading times and they should be EWWW optimized or compressed in another way prior to loading them onto your website.

JavaScript is a favorite for developers because of its flexibility and capabilities, but in the past search engines found it difficult to process JavaScript successfully.

A new SEO workaround has recently been released by Google called dynamic rendering that will now support sites with JavaScript that have a strong social media presence.

Voice Search Changing SEO

Soon in the future, you are going to be looking at half or more than half of all searches will be spoken looking into how this is going to affect SEO to optimize content is going to be interesting for all content writers.

picture of alexaWith voice search accelerating due to the use of Alexa, Siri, Cortana, and Google Assistant moving forward content writers must start to prepare now for a future where voice search plays a significant role in the content discovery and conversions.

If you have been checking that your website is responsive on the mobile version then you do not need to do anything differently as long as you are happy with your current rankings.

Checking to ensure that the mobile page speed load time is prioritized and the images and other elements are actively optimized correctly for the mobile experience.

Making sure your mobile version has the same high-quality valuable content as your laptop site, including text, videos, images, and make sure the formats used on mobile are crawlable and indexable (including alt-tags for images).

Verify the mobile version on Google Search Console the same as you would your regular laptop or desktop version of your website.

Improvements in mobile phone cameras and search engine image feature detection capabilities more people are using visual search for finding products, planning travel, and other activities using images that are clear can make a difference.

Making sure to optimizing for visual search can drive more traffic and significantly enhance user experience driving your conversion rates with a better user experience with your images and videos.

Keeping Up With Changes

For the latest in SEO, you need a place that is going to keep you up to date with the algorithm changes that Google and the other search engines are planning to implement in real time.

This all takes time and research on a daily basis and if you are starting out with an online business or building a new website how are you going to have the time to find all the current information required to properly rank with the search engines?

Local businesses and even some of the larger businesses have no idea how to work SEO getting into this field of expertise is exponentially profitable but as a website builder, you need to know what SEO is to properly build a website for ranking.

People all over the world are looking for an easy way to make money online but what they do not understand is there is way more to working with a business online than pushing a magic button that some guru or scammer is trying to sell you.

Being in the online business takes time and dedication learning all the ins and outs is not hard just keeping up with changing times I believe can be just as hard.

Today I gave everyone a small peek into what SEO is and how to learn what you need to know to succeed with an online business. This might have been complicated for some but once you have the basics this really is quite easy.

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In Closing

Giving you this small insight into SEO today was a prelude to letting you know that I would like to help those of you out there who are wanting a better way of life, are tired of trading your time for that paycheck every week.

I would like to invite you to join me at Wealthy Affiliate where you can learn everything you need to know about SEO and many other opportunities for running your own business from home as I do.

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How much does it cost to build an online business?

Exactly how much money would you be happy earning?

You can leave your answers to these questions along with any comments, suggestions, or questions you have for me in the space provided below, I always answer all of them.

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