Wealthy Affiliate Training VS Builderall Training

Wealthy Affiliate Training VS Builderall Training

Being a Premium Member of Wealthy Affiliate for the past eight months learning how to build websites checking a few other options for what these places offered occurred to me possibly adding more to my knowledge base.

Buiderall was brought to my attention from an advertisement that another person had sent me wanting me to join about four or five months ago.

At that time, not being interested I placed this on the back burner until today. Considering the account was created with them back when first finding out about the Buiderall Platform I decided to see what they have to offer.

For those of you interested in getting started right now for FREE with Wealthy Affiliate, please click the box below and “Create Your Free Account Now”.

Click Here for your free account

Builderall Offers

builderall logoThe first thing that I found is in order to access most of the Builderall Platform you must upgrade the membership with one of the following plans:

Web Presence Digital Marketing Builderall Business
$9.90 Per Month $29.90 Per Month $49.90 Per Month
Unlimited Pages & Subdomains Unlimited Professional Email Marketing Builderall tools and applications
Unlimited Professional E-Commerce Connect up to 15 domains Unlimited Professional Email Marketing
Connect a Domain SSL included Unlimited professional e-commerce
Bandwidth and unlimited visitors 10 GB Disk Storage Webinar and streaming platform
Third-party Integrations Unlimited Access and Bandwidth Facebook Messenger Chat Bot
SSTP Included Facebook Intelligent Video Post Autopost manager tools
Premium Local Hosting Facebook Inbox Auto-Answer Affiliate Marketplace
Ticketing Support System Professional Copy Script Generator Leveraged affiliate system
Access to the Pixel Perfect Builder Website Chat/Reviews Tool Builderall Business community
One Click SSTP / HTTPS Included NEW Unlimited Conversion Proof App Unlimited pages and subdomains
Automatic Cache System Unlimited Heat/Click Map Tool Connect up to 15 domains
for Better Loading Time Unlimited Mockup Creator Bandwidth and unlimited visitors
Connect 1 Domain Unlimited Mockup Editor Third-party integrations
SubdomainsbuilderallUnlimited Visitors Unlimited E-Learning Platform SSL included
Unlimited Pages and Websites Social Share Locker Traffic Generator Premium Local and CDN Hosting
Unlimited Funnels Webmail Manager Ticketing Support System
Instant Publishing Create Professional Email Accounts With Your Domains Unlimited Visitors
Lightspeed Page Loading Technology Unlimited IOS/Android App Builder (Powered by Siberian) Unlimited Pages and Websites
Action Counter and Stats per Element Autoresponder for Browser Notifications Unlimited Funnels
Truly Drag and Drop Responsive Builder Browser Notifications App With Unlimited Leads Unlimited E-Commerce System
100% Wide Screen Responsive Websites Unlimited VSL Builder, With Unlimited Downloads Blog App
Mobile First Drag and Drop Builder Unlimited Animated Video Builder Instant Publishing
More Than 1000 Professional Templates Exclusive Floating Videos Creator – Unlimited Streaming – (Flash & HTML) Lightspeed Page Loading Technology
2 Step Optin Pages Responsive Email Builder Action Counter and Stats per Element
Smart Optin Pages Campaign Automation With Many Triggers Truly Drag and Drop Responsive Builder
Parallax Effect High Inbox Delivery Rate 100% Wide Screen Responsive Websites
Scroll Animation Unlimited Email Sending Quota Mobile First Drag and Drop Builder
Image Gallery Manage UNLIMITED Emails and Leads within Autoresponder Tool More Than 1000 Professional Templates
Video Background BUILT-IN Professional Autoresponder Email Marketing Platform 2 Step Optin Pages
Device Specific Backgrounds Automatic Image Compressing for Faster Page Loading Smart Optin Pages
Duplicate Pages and Layouts Create Personalized and Smart Forms Parallax Effect
Website Transfer Image Seo Optimization Scroll Animation
Complete Funnel Transfer SEO On Page Optimization Image Gallery
Social Network Plugins Drip Content Menus Video Background
Insert External HTML Code Plugin Create Multiple Membership Areas on the Same Website Device Specific Backgrounds
Pre-Made Sales Funnels Create Free Membership Websites Duplicate Pages and Layouts
Integration With Popular Email Create Paid Membership Websites Website Transfer
Marketing Tools Create Personalized and Smart Forms Complete Funnel Transfer
Ready-To-Go Content Blocks Sales Funnels Checkout Builder With Up-sells and Down-sells Social Network Plugins
Popups With Different Triggers One-Click Up-Sell Checkout for Stripe Insert External HTML Code Plugin
Device Specific Popups Transparent Checkout Pre-Made Sales Funnels
A/B Split Testing 3 Step Checkout Integration With Popular Email Marketing Tools
Page Conversion Stats Free Product Plus Shipping Checkout Ready-To-Go Content Blocks
Multiple Layouts per Website Checkout With Bump-Sell Popups With Different Triggers
Scarcity Timers – Evergreen Website Registration and Login Device Specific Popups
Scarcity Timers – Fixed Date Scarcity Timers – Fixed Date A/B Split Testing
Website Registration and Login Scarcity Timers – Evergreen Page Conversion Stats
Checkout With Bump-Sell Multiple Layouts per Website Multiple Layouts per Website
Free Product Plus Shipping Checkout Page Conversion Stats Scarcity Timers – Evergreen
3 Step Checkout A/B Split Testing Scarcity Timers – Fixed Date
Transparent Checkout Device Specific Popups Website Registration and Login
One-Click Up-Sell Checkout for Stripe Popups With Different Triggers Checkout With Bump-Sell
Sales Funnels Checkout Builder Ready-To-Go Content Blocks Free Product Plus Shipping Checkout
With Up-sells and Down-sells Integration With Popular Email Marketing Tools 3 Step Checkout
Create Personalized and Smart Forms Pre-Made Sales Funnels Transparent Checkout
Create Paid Membership Websites Insert External HTML Code Plugin One-Click Up-Sell Checkout for Stripe
Create Free Membership Websites Social Network Plugins Sales Funnels Checkout Builder With Up-sells and Down-sells
Create Multiple Membership Areas Complete Funnel Transfer Create Personalized and Smart Forms
on the Same Website Website Transfer Create Paid Membership Websites
Drip Content Menus Duplicate Pages and Layouts Create Free Membership Websites
SEO On Page Optimization Device Specific Backgrounds Create Multiple Membership Areas on the Same Website
Image Seo Optimization Video Background Drip Content Menus
Automatic Image Compressing Image Gallery SEO On Page Optimization
for Faster Page Loading Scroll Animation Image Seo Optimization
Create Professional Email Accounts Parallax Effect Create Personalized and Smart Forms
with Your Domain Smart Optin Pages Automatic Image Compressing for Faster Page Loading
Webmail Manager 2 Step Optin Pages BUILT-IN Professional Autoresponder Email Marketing Platform
Premium Hosting Included More Than 1000 Professional Templates Manage UNLIMITED Emails and Leads within Autoresponder Tool
1 GB Disk Storage Mobile First Drag and Drop Builder Unlimited Email Sending Quota
Unlimited Access and Bandwidth 100% Wide Screen Responsive Websites High Inbox Delivery Rate
Unlimited Dedicated Servers With Truly Drag and Drop Responsive Builder Campaign Automation With Many Triggers
DDOS Prevention Action Counter and Stats per Element Drag and Drop Automation Builder
Dedicated Servers With Automatic Lightspeed Page Loading Technology Responsive Email Builder
Daily Backup Instant Publishing ZAPIER integration
Hundreds of Tutorial Videos Unlimited Funnels Exclusive Floating Videos Creator – Unlimited Streaming – (Flash & HTML)
Ticketing Support System Unlimited Pages and Websites Unlimited Animated Video Builder
Unlimited Visitors Unlimited VSL Builder, With Unlimited Downloads
More Than 1000 Professional Templates Subdomains Browser Notifications App With Unlimited Leads
Connect up to 15 Domains Autoresponder for Browser Notifications
Automatic Cache System for Better Loading Time Unlimited IOS/Android App Builder (Powered by Siberian)
One Click SSL / HTTPS Included Create Professional Email Accounts With Your Domains
Dedicated Servers With DDOS Prevention Webmail Manager
Builderall Dedicated Servers With Automatic Daily Backup On Page SEO Report Tool
Hundreds of Tutorial Videos Social Share Locker Traffic Generator
Ticketing Support System Unlimited E-Learning Platform
Unlimited Mockup Editor
Unlimited Mockup Creator
Unlimited Heat/Click Map Tool
NEW Unlimited Conversion Proof App
Website Chat/Reviews Tool
Professional Copy Script Generator
Facebook Inbox Auto-Answer
Facebook messenger chat Bot
Facebook auto post tool
10 GB Disk Storage
Unlimited Access and Bandwidth
Unlimited Subdomains
Connect up to 15 Domains
Automatic Cache System for Better Loading Time
One Click SSL / HTTPS Included
Builderall Dedicated Servers With DDOS Prevention
Builderall Dedicated Servers With Automatic Daily Backup
Hundreds of Tutorial Videos
Ticketing Support System
Build Your Own Business With Leveraged Affiliate system
Ready-To-Go Sales Funnels for BA. Regular Plans
Ready-To-Go Sales Funnels for BA. Business Plans
Ready-To-Go Sales Funnels for Commercial / Local Niches
Bi-Weekly Webinars
Step-By-Step Training
Done For You Marketing Material
Builderall 365 Business Builder System
Sales & Income Leverage System
Recurring Monthly Income
Your Business in an Everlasting and Huge Demanding Niche
Build Your Own Business With Builderall
“We Pay For Your Car” Incentive
Unlimited Webinar and streaming Platform
Market Place and Checkout
Sell your products With Affiliates
Checkout with auto-Timers
Checkout With Dime-sales system

Looks like a very impressive list of features for the price right? But exactly how many of all of these features are you seriously going to use?

I have been doing this for over 8 months now more than half of the features listed are not even required to build a profitable affiliate website. Let alone most people do not have a clue what most of these are 🙂

Below let’s see what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer. I am sure you will find it much easier to understand, as well as the deal is so much sweeter.

Wealthy Affiliate Offers

wealthy affiliate logoCompared to these are the Wealthy Affiliate Membership Plans and what is included, later we will discuss some of these in more detail.

Free Starter Membership Premium Membership
FREE $49.00 Monthly
This membership is free for $234.00 Six-Month
as long as you remain active! $359.00 Yearly
20 Lessons Over 120 Lessons
Level 1 Contains 10 Lessons in the Online Entrepreneur Certification
Online Entrepreneur Certification 5 Levels 10 Lessons Each
Level 1 Contains 10 Lessons in the Affiliate Boot Camp Training
Affiliate Boot Camp Training 7 Levels 10 Lessons Each
2 Websites 50 Websites
On the siterubix.com domain 25 on the siterubix.com domain
25 Domains you purchase
2 Classrooms 12 Classrooms
For Questions and Answers For Questions and Answers
Free Hosting Free Hosting
Included: Site Speed Included: Site Speed
SSL Certifications SSL Certifications
Site Protection Site Protection
Live Chat 24/7 Live Chat 24/7
First 7-days only as Starter Member Complete access always!
Website Backup Website Backup
Personal Affiliate Blog Personal Affiliate Blog
Keyword Research Keyword Research
Limited to 30 Searches on Jaaxy Unlimited searches on Jaaxy Lite
Earn While You Learn Affiliate Program
Paid Affiliate Commissions for your Paid at 2X the Commissions of Starter
referrals at half the rate of Premium Membership
1 -on-1 Coaching 1 -on -1 Coaching
First 7-days only as Starter Member Unlimited Access
WordPress Private Access to Owners
Select from 12 free themes Speak directly to the owners of WA
with Private Messaging
27/7/365 Site Support
Handles all technical issues
Website Feedback Platform
Website Comment Platform
Website Analysis
Live Training Weekly
Recorded for viewing anytime
past ones as well over 400 videos
Private Messaging
Select from over 3000 Free Themes

These are the highlights of WA that I have listed above, there are a number of other benefits not included. One that I would like to mention is Premium Members who have a total of 300 referrals in a year receive an all expenses paid trip to Las Vegas for the Super Affiliate Conference.

This is hosted by the owners of the company, where they take care of all the costs you pay for nothing! You will not find this offered with any other affiliate training out there. Imagine talking to others who have all the same goals as you do!

Major Differences

What are the pros and cons of these two different training platforms? To begin with, Buiderall has the video lessons but working these with hands-on is hard I tried. Even with my experience, it is hard to follow along with the training.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is explained in one of the videos on Builderall, with WA they take the time to teach you how and why this is highly important for your site.

Builderall has a two-tier commission payout almost in line with a type of MLM but you cannot earn unless you take the most expensive membership with them. WA you get paid commission even as a Free Starter Member!

Notice Builderall gives you a huge long list of benefits, understanding even half of those is for technical personnel. WA has a list of benefits explaining exactly what you are getting and leaves the technical for Site Support!

For the cost of membership and considering commissions alone, this would be the biggest concern of joining WA over Builderall.

In Conclusion

Pointing out just those few pros and con’s to me was enough to make my choice simple. Another is with the massive amount of training available on WA with hands-on learning.
Should you be interested in doing Local SEO having the option of 50 websites over the 15 domains on Buiderall can make a drastic impact on your earning potential.
Interested in working from home starting your own affiliate marketing business? After all, with WA you can get started right now for free what is stopping you?
Click Here for your free account

Should you have any comments, suggestions, or questions please leave them in the space provided below. I answer them all usually within 24 hours.

Thank you for taking the time to compare these two training websites, at least now you have some information base a decision about them.

Best wishes in your online venture,


2 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate Training VS Builderall Training”

  1. Hi,

    You mentioned that WA offers 25 free websites once you go for the premium option but how likely are you to get traffic to free domain websites and compared to domains that you buy? Is there a chance that you would actually make money using the 2 free websites offered in the free version of WA?

    Also noticed that WA does not have their own autoresponder which is a huge deal when it comes to email marketing and making the big bucks on a subscription basis. Are there are any alternatives to that when it comes to WA?

    Any response would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

    • Shezan,

      There are many alternatives to WA, but it depends on what level you are working to be able to get started. WA gets you started for FREE
      then as you progress you can become a Premium Member to learn even more. The community is always available to help you anytime night or
      day so you always have help available.
      Word Press has many Plugin autoresponder programs to choose from some are free others are paid subscriptions it all depends on what you
      need or are looking for.
      And in all honesty, you starting out would not need an autoresponder right away this is something that can be added down the road in a
      couple of months.
      Thank you for your interest in WA and Working From Home as for myself I prefer sticking with WA now and in the future.


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