How To Earn A Passive Income At Home

How To Earn A Passive Income At Home

There are several ways that one could earn a passive income at home, but this would depend on the amount of investment and risk you are willing to take.

For people like myself getting started on a fixed income is not an easy task to accomplish. That is correct I started out online and have been able to build an online business that will earn me a passive income for years.

Guess what, I am not talking about one of those get-rich-quick push-button scam systems. Not at all, you will need to invest sweat equity into building an online business if you want to be successful.

Let me ask you a question, How much money would you be happy to make each and every month from an online business?

Be realistic, do not make it something that you feel is impossible. I mean sure people do make millions daily from the internet, but we are talking about YOU.

Would you be happy with an extra $1000.00 a month? What about $10,000.00 a month? Neither of these figures is unrealistic, but they will take time to reach. Would three years be too long?

Seriously, at your current job are you making $10,000.00 a month? Are you able to work when you want and where you want? Travel and take your work with you as long as you have a laptop and internet connection?

DOES THIS INTEREST YOU? THEN FINISH READING MY ARTICLE! But if you are not willing to commit yourself to work for yourself for the next three years minimum then you should just close out and leave.

For those of you in a hurry, I am including the box below. You can “Create Your FREE Account NowNo Credit Card Required, and you are never under any obligation to upgrade ever.

Work from Home Create Your Free Account Now

Earn A Passive Income At Home

I have searched for years trying to find a way to make money online. Sure today there are many platforms that you can join depending on what you are looking to spend to learn ways to make money online.

Remember if they are promising you get-rich-systems of making money online then you are pretty much guaranteed they are trying to sell you on a scam. These usually start out cheap and end up costing you thousands in the end.

Most people never make a single cent from these types of systems. The people that they have done their promotions are all actors for hire. Go check on Fiver where you can hire them for quite cheap.

Then I found a website called “Wealthy Affiliate” this was an eye-opening experience. When I stated above that you can “Create Your FREE Account Now” with No Credit Card Required, and no obligation to upgrade I was not kidding.

Create Your Free Account Now

How do I know this? Because on July 3, 2018, I did just that. Then on July 4, 2018, I became a Premium Member of Wealthy Affiliate (WA for short as members in the community refer to the company).

It took me only 24 hours to realize this community was different from any of the scams that I had tried to earn money online with previously.

The “Free Starter Membership” is good for seven days, but you get to keep the Starter Membership for as long as you remain actively working on your online business.

Never have a 30 day or longer dormant period from working on your online business and your websites stay live. Considering WA pays for the hosting this is one great steal of a deal wouldn’t you say?

I am sure you are thinking that the training would be all about affiliate marketing. But the name is deceiving in this respect, you will learn much more than just affiliate marketing with WA.

Did you know there are over 50 ways to monetize a business website? There are many other ways for you to earn an income once you learn the skills required to supplement your income while building your online business.

Really with a few of these you can make an extra side income that is equal to or over what a full-time income JOB pays you right now. Many of the members inside the community branch out into other businesses while building their own.

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Affiliate Marketing for a Passive Income

Wealthy Affiliate provides in-depth training to keep all the members up-to-date with any changes with the major search engines. This is vital for anyone with an online business.

Learning the proper way of doing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for a website on-page and off-page a necessity for an online business is taught by the Live Training Coach.

Keyword Research is required knowing what people are searching for on all the search engines. There is much more involved with keyword research such as competition for each keyword, traffic, quality, and SEO rating.

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Having one of the finest Keyword Research Tools available at Wealthy Affiliate is a value all by itself. The owners of WA created their own Keyword Research Tool – Jaaxy – for affiliate marketers created by affiliate marketers.

Yes, there are many other Keyword Research Tools on the internet that you can use, and they cost quite handsomely. But if you do not know how to use them what help are they going to be for you?

Website building or creating to some of you might sound like something difficult. Believe me, it is not, with technology today the ease of website creation is very simple.

WordPress is provided by WA to build out your website along with 12 free WordPress themes to choose from as a Free Starter Member. These are easily customized to fit any online business you can think of promoting.

Site Content is another of the great features of WA, you can set goals for how many words you want to have in the number of articles you want to produce in a certain period of time.

So, exactly how does all of this equate into a passive income?

Once your website is built then you are going to be monetizing it with affiliate links. There are affiliate programs for every single product you can think of promoting.

Depending on the affiliate program these pay commissions anywhere from 3% to 75% or a one-time commission in dollar amounts which is different for every program. Example of one-time payment below per item per consumer.

Max Bounty Offer Commission

With over 4 Billion users on the internet today and continually growing. Consider the number of sales you could possibly receive on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis from just one product that is popular.

Evergreen niches (things people are going to continue to search for years from now) are much harder to break into but know that this is only a matter of time.

Using proper keyword research that is taught within WA it can be shortened due to learning all the necessary skills required to see an ROI faster.

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Why Wealthy Affiliate?

So far I have not found any other community where they give you what WA does just to get started. The “Free Started Membership” includes everything you need to build an actual real online business about what interests you.

When I asked you earlier about how much you would be happy earning each month, for now, you need to concentrate on how you can reach that level of success.

In order to do that you need to focus all of your attention on building your online business learning all the skills necessary to get you where you want to be.

I am not going to lie to you. This takes work, time, dedication, commitment, but most of all patience. The major search engines do not have a clue who you are. A newcomer to the online world to them is a nobody.

Over time adding more content to your website (online business) that is keyword rich high-quality will have them looking at you in a more serious light.

It also takes time for your domain name (URL) to age. Brand new URL’s (domain names) take a few months for the major search engines to sit up and take notice. I compare this to a fine bottle of wine which need to age just like your website.

Domain Screenshot

With the “Free Starter Membership” you are going to receive 20 Free Lessons – Level 1 of the Online Entrepreneur Certification (10 Lessons) and Level 1 in the Affiliate Boot Camp Training (10 Lessons).

To be able to follow along with the training you will have 2 Free Websites on the subdomain. This means you will be building your website along with video step by step instructions showing how and what to do.

Both of the websites receive Free Hosting from WA. Included will be 2 Training Classrooms, Personal Affiliate Blog, Website Backup Daily, Affiliate Program, Earn While You Learn, and the Beginners Training Course.

You will have access to Live Chat 24/7 for the first seven days of membership and receive One-on-One Coaching from me. Live Chat is PRICELESS jump in and you can ask questions anytime day or night in real time get answers.

Live Chat screenshot

Take this into consideration the “Free Starter Membership” is a great way to “kick the tires” to make sure this is going to right for you. It is not going to be right for everyone out there otherwise more than 1% of the people trying it would still be here.

Most people give up or quit prior to even seeing any results due to they become discouraged. No one ever tells them that this is going to take time it is not a get-rich-quick method to earn a passive income.

We are all programmed from birth to want instant gratification for all we do. Building an online business is not something that is going to provide you with instant gratification. Once you earn that first commission then things change!

Higher competition niches take even longer to see that first commission. But when you do have the first one the feeling is unmatched by anything else that you have gone through.

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In Conclusion

Look you can keep searching for a way to earn a passive income, honestly, this is the best and easiest way you are ever going to find.

Sure it is going to take time, work, dedication, commitment, more work, and lots of patience but in the end when those commissions start rolling in all worth what you are going through to begin.

The sooner you begin the sooner you will see results ACTIONS speak louder than words. I can write over a thousand articles telling you how to earn a passive income but if you do not take ACTION you will never earn anything.

Smash that box below “Create Your FREE Account Now” – No Credit Card Required – under no obligation to upgrade – I am guessing right now you will once you see the value of what is provided inside the community you will upgrade prior to the seven days being up.

Work from Home Create Your Free Account Now

Imagine in a few years where your online business can take you. Working from where you want when you want on a schedule you decide. No more boss telling you what to do or looking over your shoulder while you work.

Have any other ideas on how you can earn a passive income at home?

I am sure that my readers would love to hear them especially the ones who are on a limited income like myself. No get-rich-quick scams will be considered I see them coming a mile away.

Hearing from my readers is welcome in the form of comments, suggestions, or questions that you have for me, please leave them in the space provided below. I answer these usually within 24 hours.

Thank you for stopping to read my article. My profile inside WA is Marley2016 stop over and say “Hello”.

Best wishes to your future online success,



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