Free Website Themes / How to Choose a Theme

Free Website Themes – How to Choose A Theme

If you are going to build a website then, of course, it requires a theme – now if you are one of those highly technical people who write code then this is not a problem for you.

But what if you are just an average day person and want to start an online business requiring a website or a small business owner that wants to get your business out on the internet?

Good news today I am going to discuss the use of free website themes or paid website themes and how to choose which of these is going to right for you to build the website of your dreams and run your online business.

Just know that you are going to have thousands of themes to choose from and finding the one that is right for you is going to take some time one thing you do want to look at is the load time of your site this affects ranking.

Free Website Themes

You can find free website themes from many of the places on the internet where you can build a website but building a website takes training and support to know how and why you are doing things.

Twenty Seventeen website theme picture

Places like GoDaddy, Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, and Webnode to name a few looking at these you will find a free trial to build the website with a free website theme but remember this is only going to be a 30-day free trial on the site.

The best place to find a free website theme and learn how to build a website the right way is Wealthy Affiliate they offer not only free website themes when you join but training that teaches you how to build the website and what is required.

Building websites from free themes is an easy task if you know what you are doing and can be done in a matter of seconds as the video below will show you – Kyle is one of the owners of Wealthy Affiliates and teaches all the training.

How to Build a Website in 30 Seconds Video

Most people are under the impression that when you build a website the ease of it is to build a page put some advertising on it and bam it is finished without knowing all the other components that must be added to reach people on the internet.

When to Use Free Website Themes

Starting out as a new internet marketer is the best time to use the free website themes to become experienced on how, why, and what is needed for a website to rank on the search engines and be visible for people to find.

Free website themes come in many formats and have custom features unique to each one finding one to fit your needs is easy as long as you know what you are looking for.

Free WP Theme Picture

Bloggers have themes that they use as well as businesses of all kinds prefer themes that can be customized to meet their needs and requirements.

Website themes which contain many features can also come with widgets that can be added for even more custom results adding sidebars, footers, menus, and posts to them.

There are different platforms available to build a website on as well and at Wealthy Affiliate, they use WordPress which is known worldwide for building websites and this comes free with a membership at WA.

WordPress is easy to use and has paid themes when you are ready to move on to them that are compatible and can be added to the ones available for free within the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

When To Get a Paid a Theme

Experienced online entrepreneurs want themes that they can work with making them custom features to their business models and what they are looking for to work for them and any business that they are going to be promoting.

When selecting a paid theme you should always do your homework about the company that you are purchasing the theme from making sure you are going to receive the best customer support from that company.

Paid theme compatible with WP

Customer support is the one thing that is of the greatest importance when you are going to purchase a theme knowing that they provide you with updates and solutions to any problems you will encounter in the future.

Paid themes can cost anywhere from $30.00 and up into the hundreds so know that this is going to be something that you can use for years to come not just a one time deal.

The following companies are ones that offer paid themes so you can check some of these out and see what paid themes do actually cost.

ThemeForest has been recommended by our own Jay at Wealthy Affiliate for a good company to use.

Squarespace gives you categories to choose from on their website but has no prices listed when I was looking at them.

Envato Market has a nice layout of designs that you can preview but could find no prices when I was looking on their site.

Studio Press this is another paid theme company recommended by Jay they have numerous themes compatible in WP.

These are just a few of the companies you can purchase themes from and depending on what you would be looking to build with a website can offer you options not available for free with Wealthy Affiliate and Word Press for free.

Paid or Free Website Themes

Online Entrepreneurs know what they are looking for when it comes to a website theme and do their homework prior to releasing their website to the public and search engines this is just what we do.

Can anyone build a website? Yes, even a child can build a website trial and error is what makes you great at building them but if you do not know how to place the proper elements and required information behind the scenes then you have built it for nothing except you to look at.

Getting Support for Website Theme Picture

All beginners need training even those professionals that feel they can learn no more need to be kept up to date with things like SEO, Site Speeds, Site Protection, and what is new on the market.

Training on being successful online is a continued educational experience as technology today keeps moving at a fast pace into the future without keeping up with this knowledge even the professionals can be left behind.

In Closing

Selecting a website theme can become a task in itself and cause many to become discouraged but never despair once you have selected one even if it is not what you want it can always be changed to another.

All of the content will transfer over to the new theme just remember all themes are different so once the transfer is complete you will need to recheck every page and post to make sure the layout is how you want it.

Some adjustments may need to be made with menus and images with a new theme due to coding in the back end, but with Site Support offered at Wealthy Affiliate 24/7 and 365 days a year you can always get help. (Premium Members Only)

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you within the WordPress platform how easy this can be accomplished and the videos that walk you through the change over makes learning this simple.

Whether you are new to building websites or a professional as a member in Wealthy Affiliate you will always be kept up to date on the newest techniques and information available to make you successful in any online business venture.

Click Here for your free account


What are your thoughts on free and paid website themes? Do you have any experience building a website? Interested in learning how to build a successful online business?

I am very interested in hearing your answers to these questions please leave them in the space provided below along with any questions you might have, comments, or suggestions.

Thank you for checking out free themes or paid themes you can find more information on the website concerning website building and what is involved.

Best wishes and to your future success,



2 thoughts on “Free Website Themes / How to Choose a Theme”

  1. Susan, do you have any suggestions about how much time we should spend when selecting a theme in the beginning? There were so many free themes to choose from, it seems like I spent hours trying to decide on which one that I wanted to use. Then I still ended up changing it later.

    Or should we just quickly pick a theme at the beginning and focus on writing blog posts that will start the process of bringing us traffic?

    Thanks in advance,

    • Sondra,

      That is what most new people do when trying to select a free theme! Time wasted is not a good thing
      in this business. To begin the best course of action is select the one that best matches the niche
      you are going to start with.

      Content writing is a skill that everyone continues to develop over time. As time progresses most all
      the people I have talked with has changed a theme more than once it is an easy thing to do, but just
      know adjustments may need made to the way content has been set up.

      Building websites takes time and experience but the one place that you can learn this is at Wealthy
      Affiliate where you are not going to be wasting valuable time. Members can refer you which theme
      is the best for the niche selection you have chosen.

      Thank you very much for asking these important questions here,


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