How Can I Make Money Online?

How Can I Make Money Online?

Almost every person I know who uses the internet asks: “How can I make money online?”. Of course, this includes myself and I chased every single “shiny object” that came across the internet.

Chasing “shiny objects” is what 99% of people who are looking for a way to make money online get into the habit of doing day after day. These are those scams that promise you big rewards as soon as you fork over money to them.

You do not want to know about the thousands I wasted buying into one after the other. I have a whole closet full of printed out systems in my closet that do not work!

I tried all the survey websites that I could find signing up for one after the other. I would spend hours on the computer trying to qualify for survey after survey. Or even read email after email for a couple of pennies each.

Freelance writing just was not for me either working for someone else that after working for hours they could reject what I had written for them meaning I would make nothing.

Do not think that I did not try Facebook, LetGo, Craigslist, etc. because I have tried them all. The most I ever made was from selling an old wringer washer on Craigslist, which added up to a whopping $150.00.

Not exactly retirement money is it? Here is the thing I wanted a way to make money online that one considers a passive income, not a fly-by-night lucky break type of deal.

What do I mean by that? I want to be able to work for myself with no boss looking over my shoulder telling me what to do or how to do it. I want to work on my own schedule on my own terms.

This takes determination and dedication on my part along with being highly stubborn I do not like people telling me “That will never work.” or “You are never going to make any money doing that.”

It took me years to find this process for MAKING MONEY ONLINE but I am so happy I never gave up on my DREAM. Now I am willing to share this with you.

There are no SECRETS involved here just plain simple truth. You are going to need to be the type of person who is willing to take a chance on yourself in order to succeed. Not listen to all the naysayers in the world, including your family.

What am I talking about? Owning your own online business website working with affiliate marketing. This industry is growing at such a rate that by next year projected growth potential is enormous.

Brick and mortar business can only have customers that live in the area as opposed to an online business with no products or services that reach the entire world. Estimated at over 4 Billion people online and growing as potential customers.

See why this is exciting and a great time to begin your own online affiliate marketing business?

lady pondering question

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

An explanation to some of you might not be necessary others may have no idea what affiliate marketing is all about. Therefore, a short explanation is in order.

Affiliate Marketing is where companies use your website and you as an affiliate to promote their products or services for them. A visitor to your website clicks on the affiliate link and purchases the product or service you earn a commission.

You may be surprised to learn that more than just big companies like Amazon offer affiliate programs to website owners.

Finding these companies is quite easy once you learn where to look and applying to more than one affiliate program is always recommended.

But how do you get people to visit your website and click on the affiliate link? This is what you are going to learn how to do but there are a few other things you need first.

Like what? Training, a website, a domain, hosting, content, etc. the list goes on but you get the idea.

Notice that I listed training first because this is the most important thing you can get prior to starting. Without proper training, you are setting yourself up for failure right from the start.

Yes, there is more than one training company on the internet for affiliate marketing. Depending on your experience you want the one that is going to teach you from the ground up with no experience at all or one that can advance you to the top.

When I started I had no experience at all. I have no technical background have no clue how to code a website or change code to what I need.

I guess I was super lucky that I found the right place from the start. I NEVER figured when I clicked on the banner that said I could join 100% FREE with No Credit Card Required it was true. See screenshot below:

Sign Up form to get Free Starter Membership


What Do You Get FREE?

Curious about what you are going to get for FREE once you sign up? I know this is all true because I was sitting like you are now reading the article about doing affiliate marketing and had to make the same choice.

Since that time I have found other places that offer training none of them offer a 100% FREE sign up or any of the free items, I am going to tell you about now.

After you take the few seconds to fill out the sign-up form you are taken directly to the website where you really need to fill out your profile and place a picture on your profile page. This lets everyone in the community know you are there!

Let’s get started on what you are going to get FREE:

  • Beginner’s Training Course
  • Level 1 Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) – 10 Lessons
  • Level 1 Affiliate Boot Camp Training – 10 Lessons
  • 2 Websites – on subdomain
  • Hosting for both Websites
  • Website Backup Daily
  • Personal Affiliate Blog
  • Video Walk-Throughs
  • Keyword Research Tool – 30 Free Searches
  • 2 Training Classrooms
  • Affiliate Program – Earn While You Learn (Commission paid at 1/2 of the Premium Membership)
  • One-on-One Coaching – (first seven days of the trial period only)
  • Live Chat – (available first seven days of the trial period only)

None of us work at the same pace, therefore, you can get your first month of Premium Membership should you join during the seven-day trial period for ONLY $19.00!

That way you get 30 more days at such a low price to make sure you do not lose Live Chat where you can get answers to questions in real-time 24/7.

Live Chat screenshot

This alone is worth the $19.00 answers in real-time, help anytime night or day from experts all over the world. It also gives you access to the owners of the company and technical support.

Technical support is available 24/7/365 with response time in most cases less than 5 minutes from a real team of experts in the online world.

You can cancel your membership at any time, no one is going to force you to continue if you find that this is not for you. The community is helpful and supportive in any way you can think of.

Need encouragement or help with your website you have experts in all the fields required to become successful online. You will find training from other members inside the community that add to the value of Premium Membership.

Every week we have a Live Event held by the Live Training Coach “Jay” magistudios. He picks topics and goes into depth teaching us SEO, eCommerce, Ranking, Local Marketing, Local SEO, Social Media, the list is huge.

What you cannot find in the regular training you can find from all the recordings of past Live Events or training from the experts in the community.

Suppose you cannot find a training covering what you need? All you need to do is ask, someone is always glad to provide a training video or tutorial.

Premium Members do get paid for writing tutorials or making video training after three months. Another incentive for becoming a member of this wonderful community.

Common Questions on Affiliate Marketing Training

What is a “niche”?

Niche according to the dictionary adjective meaning: “denoting or relating to products, services, or interests that appeal to a small, specialized section of the population.”

Selecting your niche needs to be something you are passionate about. It does not have to be something you are experienced in or with.

Evergreen niches are ones that people will never stop searching the internet for answers to anti-aging, pets, sports, health and wellness, dating, hair loss, weight loss, etc.

Know that these niches are more competitive and will take longer for you to break into but it is not impossible to earn a passive income in any of them. It will just take more time for you to see a return on your investment.

How long before I make money?

This is the number one question all new members ask in Live Chat. There is no answer to this question it varies from person to person and niche to niche.

Factors that figure into the equation are too numerous trying to answer the question is basically impossible. Some will see a result in as little as 3 months others it may take 3 years or more.

What I can tell you is follow the process taught and it WILL HAPPEN! I have done it believe me if I can do it anyone can.

Do I need my own .com website?

It is better for you to own your own .com website this shows the major search engines you are serious about your business.

Is it absolutely necessary? NO, people have used their free websites and made money. One of the owners actually wrote a Personal Affiliate Blog about this.

Chances are better if you do purchase the .com, however.

I am not a writer, how can I be expected to write content?

Do you talk? Do you send text messages? Writing content is the exact same thing. Communicating to your audience what you want to tell them.

Writing is no different from carrying on a conversation with someone. When you select a niche that you are passionate about then telling others about it becomes second nature.

How much is all this going to cost me?

That is the absolute best thing Premium Membership is all inclusive! Your only other expense you are going to incur on a yearly basis is your own domain .com that belongs exclusively to you.

If you leave you can transfer your website to another hosting company and keep it.

Better yet is the fact that your domain price is guaranteed for renewal each year without increases. The most expensive .com domain I have seen is $16.99 most run only $13.99 for the year.

Already own a domain? As a Premium Member, you can transfer the domain and have it hosted for FREE with your membership!

I have never built a website!

Not really a question but you have nothing to worry about everything is taught with videos showing you exactly what to do and how to do it. You need no prior experience at all.

The only real requirement is having a computer or laptop with an internet connection. With the training, you will have your website up and ready to go live in a matter of minutes.


In Conclusion

Doing this is not for a person who does not have the determination and dedication to start their own business. It does take work, time, and tons of patience.

You are going to be learning a skill that will give you peace of mind for earning a passive income for the rest of your life. Want more all you need to do is lather, rinse, and repeat. The process works every time with any niche.

There is no get-rich-quick scam out there that is ever going to work. Affiliate Marketing is working and will continue to work in the future it is like planting a seed and watching it grow.

If you never plant the seed then nothing is ever going to become of it. This seed depends on you to give it everything it requires to grow.

The sooner you begin the sooner you will see results waiting will only delay them. All you need to do is click the banner below fill in the “Create Your Account Now” form with No Credit Card Required!

Work from Home Create Your Free Account Now

Hearing from my readers is greatly appreciated please leave comments, suggestions, or any questions you have for me in the space provided below. I usually answer in 24 hours.

Thank you for stopping by today please bookmark my websites for future reference and share with anyone you know.







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