Work At Home Online
Tired of all the Scams?
Whether you are looking for a way to “Work at Home Online” or a “Work from Home Legitimate Way to Make Money Online” you have finally found a place that is going to explain this to the fullest.
There are 975 people searching the internet every minute of the day for a way to make money online, this is a fact. How do I know this? By doing proper research to find the answers to peoples questions.
The problem with people NOT finding the real way to work at home online making the type of income that will eventually let them quit their JOB comes from all the scams that flood the internet.
You know the ones I am talking about they fill your email daily and YouTube videos are becoming an even more popular way for these scammers to find you.
We are going to be looking at how you can make a real passive income for years once you learn the process and how it works. You will need the training provided gaining skills that when repeated enable you to diversify into other areas.
Some of the members of this community have taken the skills they learned to open businesses that they work from home making a monthly income exceeding their expectations.
However, this is not going to be for everyone. You need to be the type of person who takes this seriously knowing it is going to take time, work, dedication, commitment, but most of all patience to reach success.
Do you have self-discipline? Are you able to commit 2 to 3 hours daily to building yourself a successful business online?
If you answered “Yes” to both of these questions then you need to continue reading this article. If you answered “No” to even one of these questions then you need to keep looking for what will be right for you.
Due to today’s busy lifestyles, I am going to give you the optional shortcut to click the box below “Create Your Free Account Now” there is No Credit Card Required and you are under no obligation to upgrade ever.
Free Online Training Courses
First of all, let me point out that the name of the company can be misleading “Wealthy Affiliate” is going, to begin with teaching you about affiliate marketing.
However, as time goes on with the training they will be teaching you so many other useful skills to branch out into other areas of how to make money online and offline.
You will be receiving expert training from highly trained knowledgeable professionals in the online world. This training alone is worth more than what the Premium Membership dues cost.
Others pay tens of thousands of dollars to attend seminars where you have no way to rewatch or ask questions about the training provided for that hour of attendance.
Wealthy Affiliate has all the training recorded for reviewing any time you want to re-watch and refresh your memory or skills in a particular area. That in itself is PRICELESS!
To get you started “Wealthy Affiliate” offers a Free Starter Membership” with No Credit Card Required, for you to “kick the tires” prior to making a commitment. Giving you a way to check everything out. Do any others offer this much for FREE?
Let’s begin with the 20 Free Lessons these are Level 1 of the Online Entrepreneur Certification (10 Lessons) and Level 1 in the Affiliate Boot Camp Training (10 Lessons).
Each of these lessons has video instructions showing you step by step what to do and how to do it. Checking off each task on a list provided with each lesson keeps your place to know where you have left off each day.
In order for you to follow and do what is being taught, you are going to need a website and Wealthy Affiliate provides you with two FREE websites on the subdomain.
Sure you can sign up for those other free websites from hosting companies but where are you going to have the training provided on exactly how to build the website? Let alone a step by step video instructional showing you?
Your website will require hosting for people to find it on the internet Wealthy Affiliate will provide FREE hosting for both of these websites with high speed fast hosting by Amazon 3c (faster).
Completion of either Level 1 in the Online Entrepreneur Certification or Level 1 of the Affiliate Boot Camp Training you will have a fully functional professional website ready to go live on the internet.
This is not a complete list of what all you are getting with the Free Starter Membership we will continue the tools and other benefits next below.
Know that you are able to keep these FREE lessons, websites, and hosting to work on the websites for the next 6 months as you wish but you must remain active. A 30-day dormancy or longer and the websites are then taken down.
Tools Required for Work at Home
By now I am sure you all know that you will need a computer or laptop and an internet connection these are required for doing all your work and training.
Wealthy Affiliate will be providing other tools needed to build your online business at home for FREE. What type of value can one even begin to put on these tools? I have researched what some of this cost and the savings here is huge.
For content on a website, you will need to learn about “keyword research” and how to use a keyword research tool. Jaaxy was created by the owners of Wealthy Affiliates what better keyword tool to use than one created by affiliate marketers?

Starter Membership will include 30 free keyword searches on Jaaxy Lite. Jaaxy does come with upgrade versions providing more experienced members the option of upgrading in time.
Personal Blog Post inside the community where you can discuss things you have learned, the progress you are making, and share successes of yours about the online world.
Many members will share tips they have learned working online along with free tools they locate to help all the members save even more with their online business expenses.
Website Backup on a daily basis is provided for free knowing that you are not going to be losing any of that work that you have already done to your website, PRICELESS security.
Affiliate Program that enables you to Earn While You Learn – Free Starter Members are paid commissions at half the rate of Premium Members. Knowing the second you join referring others actually pays you with your own unique link, nice.
Beginner’s Training Course – where Kyle one of the owners will be walking you through topics related to beginning your own online business and how things are going to work.
Access to 2 Classrooms run by experts in the online world for questions and answers. These classrooms keep archived questions and answers about training for reference that you can check if you have the same issues.
This last FREE tool I saved for the end because you only have it for the first seven days of the Free Starter Membership it is Live Chat 24/7.
Any questions you have concerning the training or the community can be answered in real time by experienced members in the community.
Having this available day and night even for those of us with experience there are always new things to learn. Being able to jump into Live Chat to ask questions getting answers in real time is PRICELESS X2000!
Of course, many of these benefits increase or will just continue once you have upgraded to the Premium Membership.
Taking advantage of the discount offered during the first seven days of the Free Starter Membership for the first month extends these at the low cost of only $19.00.
I am so confident that once you see what is on the inside of this community it will not take you the full seven days to upgrade. It took me only two days knowing that I had found the right training required for becoming successful online.
Fair is Fair
Since I have explained the Free Starter Membership it is only fair that I tell you a little about the Premium Membership with Wealthy Affiliate. Being a Premium Member myself knowing the advantages Premium gives you to become successful.
Sure you can keep the Free Starter Membership and struggle along reaching success in time, just know that this is going to take much longer whereas the Premium Membership takes you there in a shorter period of time.
Considering the amount of training and other benefits in the Premium Membership you will be able to branch out into other areas that will let you grow your earning potential faster too.
With Premium You Have Got Full Access to the Most Powerful Online Business Building Community in the World!
- Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) training is a 5 phase (50 lessons) series of courses walking you through the process of creating and growing a business within absolutely ANY niche that you want.
- Affiliate Boot Camp Training is a 7 Phase (70 lessons) series of courses walking you through the process of creating and establishing a business in a niche related to the promotion of Wealthy Affiliate.
- Training HQ 12 Classrooms that include more training and video courses live by professionals in the online world.
- Weekly LIVE Interactive Classes with our Live Training Coach Jay Neil (Profile: magistudios)
- 3,000+ Beautiful Website Designed Themes for WordPress (FREE)
- 51,973 Website Feature “Add Ons”
- Site Domains, The World’s Only All Inclusive Domain Platform (Keep your domain name renewals consistent)
- Site Speed, Amplify Your Website Speed
- Site Protect, Increased Spam Protection
- Site Health, Website Analysis
- Site Comments, Explode Your Website Engagement
- Site Feedback, A Focus Group for Your Website
- Advanced Website Training
- Site SSL – Free SSL certificates (Website Encryption)
- 24/7 Managed Monitoring
- 24/7/365 Site Support – Average Response < 5 minutes!
- Virus & Malware protection
- Powerful Servers, Powerful Sites – Premium membership is offering next level hosting, with the real services comparable to $250-$300 per month hosting packages out there. But there is one important thing, WE ARE EVEN FASTER!
- Mentoring From the Founders – Access to the owners get this where you are working now?
- 50 Websites – 25 on the subdomain and 25 on your own Domain Name all hosted for FREE! – Find a hosting company that is going to host 50 Websites for you under what the Premium Membership costs here.
- Jaaxy Lite unlimited use for keyword research with Premium Membership.
- Private Messaging – where you can get One-on-One coaching and mentoring with experienced members.
- The Ultimate Writing Platform – Site Content where you can set goals for your content and keep track of your progress.
- Beautify Your Content With Over 1,000,000 Beautiful Graphics.
- Grammar & Spelling Perfection – Google takes this into consideration for ranking your content as an English Teacher.
- Plagiarism Checker – copying from others is a serious offense so make sure your content is original it is checked.
- Templates for Efficiency using templates for content makes life easier letting you keep things uniform on your website.
- Website/Wordpress Support
This list is by no means conclusive of all the benefits available with Wealthy Affiliate, but it gives you a basic idea of how enormous the website community stands.
Question: “How much do you think all of this training, mentoring, experience and consistent real-time help to build your own online business would cost?”
Take into consideration the 50 websites that you can host absolutely FREE with your membership.
“How much are you willing to pay for this type of huge benefit over building a brick and mortar business?” Think about all the risk factors that come with building a brick and mortar business.
Risks involved with an online business are minimal in comparison. Even starting one website to run an online business will cost you more than the price of Premium Membership if you do not have a clue what you are doing.
Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership is covered with pocket change, you can start with less than the price of a cup of coffee a day to building a highly profitable online business.
Once you take the discounted first month of membership at only $19.00 starting your second month they give you options for paying your Premium to fit everyone’s budget.
Choices are monthly at $49.00 which to me is a complete STEAL of a DEAL, but you can choose to take the 6-month membership for $234.00 or the yearly membership at $359.00 saving you almost 60% over the monthly membership fee.
Figure those out on a daily cost basis seriously even the monthly membership dues at $1.61 a day. Pocket change that can earn you a passive income stream for years to come once your business has become established.
Investing pocket change into a business to earn a passive income for years should you begin today retirement from that job that you cannot stand might only be a few years away!
Depends on you! Are you willing to commit to working 2 to 3 hours daily for a future of freedom to work where you want and when you want?
In Conclusion
Helping others has always been something that gives me a feeling of peaceful gratitude. Knowing informing you about the Wealthy Affiliate community keeping you from wasting money on get-rich-quick scams is one way I can help you.
You can begin today immediately “Create Your Free Account Now” No Credit Card Required and you are never under any obligation to upgrade. But once you see the benefits of upgrading I am sure it will not take you the seven days.
The sooner you begin the faster you will make it to the successful position you are searching for to get that passive income rolling in month after month. Click the box below fill in your profile and begin the training now!
Hearing from my readers is always appreciated please leave comments, suggestions, or questions you have for me in the space provided below. I answer these within 24 hours.
Thank you for visiting today and waiting to meet you inside the community stop over and say “Hello” my profile is Marley2016. Will be waiting for you,
Best wishes,