Daily Cash Siphon Private Video
The new platform just revealed by matthew@speedwealth.net on October 3, 2018, just sent to my email! Daily Cash Siphon Private Video is it a Scam or the Real Deal let us have a look, shall we?
Daily Cash Siphon
I decide to open this email that stated you can make $400.00 per day from ClickBank because they are well-known all over the world. ClickBank has been known to make money for people doing affiliate marketing for decades.
Opening the video they say in 7 minutes and 19 clicks you can begin making money with this new system???
Being very skeptical I listened to the video and hearing what William Fairbrothers has to say made me not just slightly nervous but wondering if the system was legal at all.
I decided to get the long written out version so I could point out exactly what he was saying in the video for you all.
Let me just put the following to give you an example of what he was saying:
***Nervous here you have to be in a certain location???***
You qualify to read this private letter……because of your location…What you’re about to discover……is highly CONTROVERSIAL……and SHOCKINGLY PROFITABLE… Do not share this private letter with anyone…I’m deadly serious…My name’s William Fairbrother……and I’m a spokesperson for DAILY CASH SIPHON…I guarantee this will be the most important letter you read all year…
“I’m About To Show You A Weird Trick That Could
Make You Money Every Day For The Rest Of Your Life…”
You can start today in under 7 MINUTES & 19 CLICKS…It doesn’t matter if you’re fresh out of College……or if you’re retired… “It doesn’t matter if you’ve got ZERO experience…”
Once you’re set up, you could make money Every Day for the Rest Of Your Life…
But before I share this trick with you, I have to warn you…What I’m about to reveal to you is controversial because…
“It Involves “LEGALLY SIPHONING” Money From
A Barely-Ethical $480 MILLION Market…”
If you’re easily offended, leave this page right now…This weird trick is only for people serious about making stacks of cash… You can start today in under 7 MINUTES & 19 CLICKS…
***You go from 7 minutes 19 Clicks to 30 Minutes per day???***
“It Only Takes A Minimum Of
30 Minutes A Day
To Copy Our Simple Steps…”
Now you might be wondering…Why are we sharing this with you?
Why are we giving away our most powerful Cash Generation System?
***Giving the system away?****(Then why is there a $37.00 charge?)
********So for YOU to make money they make even more money??******
“Because When You Make Money…We Make Even More Money…”
That’s how this works…Oh and don’t worry…The money we earn NEVER comes out of your pocket…So we both win!
But here’s the catch…“We Need To Share “Daily Cash Siphon”
With The Right Kind Of Person…”
Because if it gets into the wrong hands……we could all lose our income potential…
Firstly, this cash system is legal but it’s CONTROVERSIAL…If you’re the kind of person who worries about that…Leave this page right now…This isn’t for you…You’re wasting our time as well as your own…
Secondly, this is only available to people from certain countries…If you’re able to read this letter then you’re in a qualifying country…
If You Pass Both Of Those Rules, Welcome!” You qualify to use “Daily Cash Siphon”…
Make sure you keep on reading until the end of this short letter…
Do not miss the surprise at the end or you’ll hate yourself later…
“As Long As You Have An Internet Connection And A Phone Or Computer…
…You Could Get Started Today…”
This is a MULTI-BILLION Dollar Industry… ClickBank’s one of the leaders and pays out MILLIONS each year to its Affiliates…
As an Affiliate, your job is to find people who want to buy a product on ClickBank…
When those people buy……you get paid Commission…It’s that simple!
You DON’T have to develop or supply the Products…And the best part is…many Product Owners on ClickBank will pay you a staggering 75% COMMISSION!
“Daily Cash Siphon” shows you in one simple step…How to find the products which could make you the most money as an Affiliate…
***ClickBank shows all their Products anyone can find them***
You won’t find many of these products advertised on:
Amazon or
That’s because they’re controversial…Some of them are downright weird…
“But These Products Have Explosive Profit Potential…
They Make Us Bucket-Loads Of Cash Every Day…”
Our System shows you exactly where to find them in a matter of minutes…
Some of them are brand new and very difficult to find if you don’t know where to look…
With our insider knowledge…We know where to find the best products……the most Commission Money…Now don’t confuse this System with one of those get-rich-quick scams…You know the kind I mean?
This System is REAL…It could build you a consistent daily income…The beauty of “Daily Cash Siphon” is that it could work for busy people……and even lazy people…So much of the boring research is already done for you…
***I know of NO system EVER to push a button make money***
You don’t need any technical knowledge…
You don’t need any experience…
You don’t need to develop any products…
“Even A Complete Beginner Could
Copy This Simple Step-By-Step Method…
…And Could Make FAST & CONSISTENT Income Every Day…
It’s so simple that IF I shared it with my Mom……who’s 74 years old and hates computers……I’m 100% confident that even she could make money with it…OK, are you ready to get your licensed copy of “Daily Cash Siphon”?
Check Points to Letter
When you get to the bottom of the whole run off above comes to Check Out time and for the special price of $37.00 instead of normal price of $67.00 you can purchase the system; with a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee!!
Well, alright, then let me just jump right on this is what most people would think!! But here is the first point I would like to make – anyone can join ClickBank absolutely FREE at no cost to you.
Sign Up for a ClickBank Account
Affiliate Marketers have websites already set up to promote the products offered at ClickBank to the public why is this system so much better?
I do not believe it is sure anyone might be able to use it but in reading all the fine print under this long presentation are not atypical for anyone. Just because the person putting together the system made money from it does not mean that you will.
It has not been associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, eBay, Amazon, Yahoo or Bing. They have not been reviewed tested or certified by Google, Yahoo, eBay, Amazon, or Bing.
These two sentences do not even make any sense since affiliates get ranked on Google, Yahoo, and Bing search engines and Amazon or eBay sell products??
Another point I would like to make is you work for only 7 minutes doing 19 clicks of your mouse and never have to do anything again but later says you must invest 30 minutes per day I find that slightly contradictory.
Scam or Real Deal
My opinion here is this is a system that could POSSIBLY work but not in the time frames they have listed in the platform described.
Notice I stated POSSIBLY when saying the system COULD work it takes time to become established in any affiliate program, not minutes or a number of clicks of a mouse.
For most Affiliates they know it takes months to become established in the business online, making a profit in one week is not unheard of for people who pay for advertising or who are highly recognized by Google and the other search engines.
Name brands pay top dollar to keep their websites at the top of the page on all the search engines but when you are Amazon, Wal-Mart, Lowe’s, or any other big name you can afford to do this.
Seeing people spend their hard-earned money thinking they are going to make $400.00 per day by purchasing a system for only $37.00 upsets me knowing they are not going to make anything in probably the whole 60-day Money Back period.
The worst part is they will forget about the money they spent on the system this is how the guy that put it together is making all the money, stealing from hard workers looking for an easy way to make money buying his system!
In Conclusion
Let me offer you something that you can do online to really make money it is not a system and I will not make any claims to how much you are going to make.
I can tell you this put away your credit card because to join it is completely FREE!! That is correct FREE you do not have to spend any money what so ever.
With this program, you get training and live support for seven days FREE if you do not think the platform is for you then you can remain a free member for as long as you like setting up two free websites and have them hosted for free.
Or suppose you find what you are looking for then you can become a Premium Member for the first month at a very low cost of only $19.00 after that premium membership is only $49.00 per month!
Included with Premium Membership is so much more than the Free Membership but I do not want to spoil the wonderful benefits sign up and see them all for yourself below.
Question want to spend your money on a maybe system or invest in your future for a lifetime of income building an online business with passive income for years to come. Want more just do a rinse and repeat!
Please leave any comments, suggestions, or questions in the space provided below.
Thank you for visiting today and please come back anytime more reviews will be coming in the future.
Best wishes and to your success,
Ooh, I would be highly suspicious of this, the way they put it. To go into what they themselves call ‘controversial’ products, would really have me worried and nervous, just like you. I wonder why people would even buy into all these. Your recommended Wealthy Affiliate sounds so much more legit!
Thank you for bringing to light products that promise huge earnings, but are in fact mostly trying to dig into your pockets.
What these are called in the industry are the flashy shiny objects that people see
and then of course want. But in reality, they are nothing more but fake stones.
I want to keep people aware that products like these are all over the internet
people must research them before deciding to spend money on things which will not
Thank you for stopping by, come again soon.
Thank you for an informative comparison, bringing to light another possibly, shady, ‘get rich quick’, programme.
I shy away completely now from any proposal, that asks for my money first and yes most of us realise, that there just isn’t an easy way to earn money online unless we put in some hard work and on a regular basis.
Keep up the great posts.
Thank you for stopping by today. I put time and research into all of these silly emails I receive for good reason which is warning people before they spend money on something that is not going to work.
I was a victim of scams in the past and bringing them out in the light for others is something that needs to be done.
When I find a legitimate one I also give them the approval they deserve. Please come back anytime you know I will be finding probably more bad than good 🙂
How would we know if it’s a scam right? Helpful advice and as my husband always tell me; Do know that everything on internet is not real. Scams and fraudulent businesses dominate the internet. I have known people who were scammed and it realy scared me. Is it alright though, for you to post the email?
One sure way of usually telling the difference is the way websites are designed and how they push the program or platform they are selling on you. They try to make you purchase it right away before giving you much information this is more than likely because the system does not really work.
If they are claiming you can make an unreal amount of money in a very short period of time be wary very wary. Check the fine print at the bottom of the website every time because it will usually read that the earnings are not normally what people will earn with the program.
Keeping these few facts in mind you can usually spot the scam a mile away, and yes you can use what you have received in your email to post because once in your email it now belongs to you 🙂
Hey thanks for your “Daily Cash Siphon Private Video Scam or Real Deal” review. I have come across stuff like this before and it just makes me happy that people like you are exposing the hidden truth about these sketchy programs.
I am an affiliate marketer that likes to work from home. I use Wealthy Affiliate too which is an awesome social platform that helps me make cash via affiliate marketing online. They teach website building, blogging tips, and pretty much shows people how to get off the ground. It’s free at first but once you realize that WA is worth it’s weight in gold most will understand why there is a monthly subscription. My name is Drake Brooks and I vouch for Wealthy Affiliate.
Thanks for stopping by and checking out my review on Daily Cash Siphon. I check my email so many times in a day and find many offers to join programs and platforms promising to make me tons of money in 24 hours some even less time. I have fell for these in the past hoping with my website that people will learn making a living online takes money yes but not for some person to sit around and collect from the unsuspecting. It takes hard work and patience no one I know of makes money in 24 hours on the internet except maybe Amazon LOL 🙂
Hmm, never heard of Daily Cash Siphon. But I think you’ve made the right choice. I’ve read plenty of scam emails/pages, and that sure has all the clues of a scam message. Even if they are legit, they need to write a better offer. Otherwise people won’t join, due to the scammy feeling it has coming from it.
This is another new name that came into my inbox, but as far as the actual platform it reads the same as many of the others out there. Reason behind my opinion that it is a scam! If they were legit my feelings are they would come across much more sincere with the information not rush you to make a decision to hurry up and get in.
Thanks for coming by and leaving your feelings be known.