or Wealthy Affiliates – Have An Opinion?

Compare GoDaddy to Wealthy Affiliate

The sink seems to be sinking in the picture below wonder which one of these two hosting places are heading for under water?

sinking boat

Why Do People Jump Ship?

Today I decided to check out what has to offer people who would like to set up their own website and have some experience in building a site.

First I went to and looked at the first page interesting “All the help and tools you need to succeed online”  Take the first step with GoCentral Website Builder and Start for FREE! No Credit Card Required.



This sounds like just might be worth looking into after all it is FREE no credit card required going onto the next page you will find you must sign up for an account sure it is FREE – well not exactly now is it according to the screenshots I took going from one step to another!


Let’s Add This Up

For one website on let’s see what we are going to be paying per year for what we get under Wealthy Affiliates all included in the Premium Membership shall we:

ProductSale PriceSale Price 1st YearNormal PricePrice per Year
Domain Name.99 year$ .99 $ 14.99 year$ 14.99
Hosting1.00 per month first year only$ 12.00 $ 2.49 month$ 29.88
Managed Word Press1.00 per month first year only$ 12.00 $ 3.99 month$ 47.88
Email$ 6.99 month$ 83.88
SEO$ 11.99 month$143.88
Premium SSL Certificate$179.99 year$179.99$199.99$199.99
TOTALS YEARLY$432.74$520.50

This is for ONE website ONLY let’s see how that stacks up to Wealthy Affiliate shall we:

Premium Membership Special 1st Month $19.00 all-inclusive only exception is the purchase of domain name up to $15.99 year most of them are only $13.99 a year.

Monthly after that is $49.00 all-inclusive or you can select another option see the pricing below:

Membership Fees WA

This is for 25 subdomain websites and 25 paid domains all hosted on the Wealthy Affiliate Platform at no additional cost and includes Site Speed, SSL Certificates, and Spam Protection under the Premium Membership!

Step by Step training on setting up your website along with All In One SEO plugin, you get one on one coaching with your sponsor all you need do is ask, plus you have a community full of experienced members and do not forget as a Premium Member you can talk directly to the owners Kyle and Carson.

Word Press with over 3000 themes all inclusive with membership, you can purchase themes to use at Wealthy Affiliates from outside the platform if you want but it is not necessary or required that is a personal option you just need to make sure they are Word Press compatible.

The benefits at Wealthy Affiliates are so far outweigh what GoDaddy has to offer and this is only a few of the many benefits that is included with Premium Membership there are so many that listing them all here would be insane.

Do not forget you have the 7-day Free Starter Account at Wealthy Affiliate to try everything out prior to joining or any commitment – why not give them a try just click the button below:

join now button

Comparing Other Benefits How Do They Stack Up? does offer 24/7 help with a chat window or you can request to place a telephone call for help.

Wealthy Affiliate has Live Chat available 24/7 with thousands of experienced members from all over the world ready and available to offer advice, encouragement, and help as requested. does offer an in-house blog for the members to communicate training and educational information for other members.

Wealthy Affiliate has not only the Personal Blog for each member but Premium Members after 3 months of service can produce Training for other members which Wealthy Affiliate pays them for doing helping new members even more than the regular training provided keeping all up-to-date on new techniques. does have an Affiliate Program which people can use to promote on their websites, they do not have the commission program on the website to know what type of compensation you can earn.

Wealthy Affiliate offers a fantastic Affiliate Program to promote and everything is right up front on the website on how much commission you can earn even as a Free Member!

Earn Commissions While You Learn

Wealthy Affiliate has one of the most exciting affiliate programs available anywhere online and you can earn passive revenue by simply referring others to the community helping them learn how to make money online!

With just these four comparisons above already you can see where the value is – Wealthy Affiliate offers the greatest value for the money you would need to invest yearly and getting access to the community of experienced people how do you put a price on that.

kids earn for free banner

 No Experience Required for Wealthy Affiliate

When I started at Wealthy Affiliate I had no experience in building a website nor did I have a clue how to make money online the training that is provided in step by step instructions gave me the experience to write this today.

online trainingPeople who have websites at and are experienced with building website knowing how to do internet marketing have joined Wealthy Affiliate after I did and they became Premium Members within hours or days after finding what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer.

The best part is they were able to transfer their domains to the Wealthy Affiliate platform and have the hosting completely included with the Premium Membership along with Site Speed, SSL, and Spam Blocker.

Wealthy Affiliate began in 2005 and is still here today training and helping people become successful online entrepreneurs not just in the field of affiliate marketing but as other professions with all the skills you learn.

In Closing

Well, I am hoping today that some of you have become enlightened to the fact that yes you can find cheaper ways or platforms to purchase a domain name or get hosting on the internet.

But to what extreme are you actually saving when they do not offer even half of what Wealthy Affiliate can give you?

When looking for the best deal everyone should take the time to research where their money is going to get them more value instead of looking at purchasing something because it is only $.99 for a year which if you check you will find that the domain carries no privacy in that small cost this is going to be extra!

Penny pinching is great to save a few dollars but when your business that you want to make money from suffers then were those few pennies you saved even the few dollars worth it?

I am wondering what your thoughts are about and Wealthy Affiliate which do you think offers the best deal for the money?

Click Here for your free account

Getting feedback from my readers is always appreciated please leave any comments, suggestions, or questions in the space provided below.

If there is a hosting company that you would like to see featured on my website please send me an email at

Thank you for taking the time to check out this article on and hope you found some useful information.

Here is to your success,



Susan 🙂



8 thoughts on “ or Wealthy Affiliates – Have An Opinion?”

  1. Wealthy Affiliates is one of its kind.  Offering both professional and community services to its members.  Believe it,  you cannot get it better else where. With my experience with Wealthy Affiliate,  I can recommend to all at any point in time. 

    At WA,  you go from zero experience to a pro. 

    • Oloisakin,

      Thank you for supporting WA the price comparison was the deciding factor for me, but when I finally made the choice and found the training and other benefits hands down will never try any of the others.

      WA training can take someone who knows nothing about online business and turn them into a professional website builder in less than a month if you have the time to spend going through the training.


  2. Dear Susan,

    Thanks a lot for the detailed comparison on GoDaddy and Wealthy Affiliate.

    Your post is very helpful and informative which gave me new insights on Godaddy. And to be honest with you, I never tried Godaddy and I am with WA.

    To share my experience… WA is awesome in all aspects. Not just the domain, hosting service, ssl, email etc., The training of WA is also great and I am now a full-time blogger working from home because of WA. The rate is a lot better compared to others and their service is awesome.

    I always prefer one platform for everything for my business and WA does it amazingly. 

    Wishing you great success!


    • Paul,

      Thank you for confirming the findings with my comparison, I chose WA over the other platforms out there offering the 30 day free trial website builders because there was no training.  How does a person with no experience in building a website know what to do, it is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

      With WA free trial and extensive training they offer that alone is more than what others offer for the cost, but with all the benefits I do not feel anyone will ever find a better deal.


  3. It would cost me an arm and a leg if I was using GoDaddy instead of WA for my 4 Websites:)

    The only thing that has only be paid once for GoDaddy is the SEO, I guess that would work out for several websites.

    At Wealthy Affiliate I pay now $349/year for all my websites, inclusive SSL and everything else. That would be as much as $1500 at the least lol. 

    You haven’t mentioned the back-up duplicate Website you have at WA for every website you host there, inclusive 🙂

    I was working with a GoDaddy website once but gave it up due not having any training in how a website gets indexed by Google or what all the pages and keywords, as well as plugins you’d need to appear in the search engines, It was a waste of time, effort and money.

    • Stefan,

      The benefits of WA over any other platform out there would take me another 50 pages to write up, I just wanted to let everyone know what type of costs are involved with taking up GoDaddy on their free 30 day website offer is getting them into.  In figuring out those two costs looks like you are saving over $1,000 per year on just 4 websites, and to think you can build 50 websites at WA for that one low cost of $359.00 per year.

      Thank you for pointing out the huge savings you are getting with WA!


  4. Hi Susan, I just felt compelled to add my two cents here. I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate. I absolutely love the platform and all that I learn. It is helping me make all of my business activities, both online and offline more profitable.

    That said, I have bought the majority of my domain names through Go-Daddy. When the have specials, they are great specials. Most of my domains I purchased for $9.99 to $11.99 each. Two of my domains are coming up from renewal. One of which is for a website that is generating a lot of traffic.

    I was shocked to discover yesterday that they want me to pay $17.99 to renew my .com domains this year. I almost feel like it is extortion. On one hand, it is going to be time consuming trying to figure out what I need to do to transfer my domains to Wealthy Affiliate. So…it is incredibly tempting just to pay the extra few dollars and worry about more important things. I suspect that is what GoDaddy hopes that we will do.

    Yet, it seems like I heard that at Wealthy Affiliate, the price will be locked in. Have you heard that by any chance? Thanks in advance.

    • Sondra,

      Thank you for taking the time to check out my site! Unfortunately, that is exactly what GoDaddy does they
      get people with the cheap domains the first year around and then jack the prices up at renewal time many
      people are finding this out with not just them but other hosting companies too.

      I am glad to hear you belong to Wealthy Affiliate the hosting there is cheaper and the domain name renewals
      are always the same every year. The most expensive domain I have seen on the ones I searched for were $15.99
      for a whole year. You should consider transferring them over it does not take long a few minutes really,
      Site Support takes care of most of it for you. But once it is transferred you do have about an hour wait
      before you gain access back to your website.

      One thing nice is with Wealthy Affiliate they back up your website daily too, not sure if GoDaddy does the
      same. Thank you again and please visit anytime.



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