Ways To Make Money In Rural Areas

Ways To Make Money In Rural Areas 

Generate A Passive Income Working At Home In Your Spare Time

Being out in the country is fantastic unless, of course, you are looking for ways to make money working from home. There are the usual ways of Freelance Writers, Telecommunications, or even Customer Service.

But have you ever considered building an online business where you can earn a passive income with unlimited potential?

The one thing I am going to be explaining in this article requires no experience working from home online. You are not going to need any techie skills at all.

Here is the best part of all, you can start for 100% FREE! That is right No Credit Card Required to “Create Your Free Account Now” even better you are under no obligation to ever upgrade the membership.

Knowing this is not going to be right for everyone I would greatly appreciate your taking the time to read this complete article but for those of you in a hurry click the box below. It will take you directly to the “Create Your Free Account Now” page.

Work from Home Create Your Free Account Now


Where to Begin

Eight months ago I was looking for a way to work from home online. There are so many “shiny objects” on the internet today we know they are all scams with some guru trying to get you to spend your hard-earned money on garbage.

Considering years ago I had tried many of these “shiny objects” wasting thousands of dollars this time I was not going to fall for any of those again.

Then I landed on a page that looks like the one below:

Email sign up for WA screenshot

If you cannot see the words below the “enter your email address”, they state: “Try Wealthy Affiliate Free, No Risk, and No Credit Card Required“.

Well, skeptical as I was I am thinking as soon as I put my email in it is going to take me to a hyped up “shiny object” video with one of those gurus telling me all about making money online.

Wrong, this did not happen instead I ended up the page below:

Create Your Free Account Now screenshot

Still being skeptical I filled in the form with my information and hit the button. From there I was taken to an actual training website, that had never happened before.

I have already told you this is not going to be for everyone that is looking for a way to make money online. Maybe that is what the owners already knew when they started giving this FANTASTIC DEAL.

Before we get into what all the Free Starter Membership is offering you I would like to explain a few things.

If you are not willing to work, follow the training step by step, be committed to donating your time, dedicated to working on building your own online business, and being patient enough to get results then this is not for you.

Online Business is no different from building a brick and mortar business except the risk, investment, and ROI comes faster. That and you do not have to travel to a job every day to earn a lousy paycheck once your business starts rolling.

Sounds super interesting so far, right? Let me point out you can go on vacation and take your job with you working online with your own business all you need is a laptop and internet connection.

Work anywhere in the world on your own schedule once the business takes off the sky is the limit. Want to earn even more you can branch out into other areas or set up more websites diversifying, what you already know works.

Once you have the process down with a successful online business the whole thing is lather, rinse, repeat to start another one.

legit way to mmo banner


What Do I Need?

To start your own online business the first two things you need are a computer (laptop) and an internet connection. I always recommend having an office space where you can work (I use my kitchen table).

Doing this work is not difficult at all but having a quiet place where you can concentrate on the training is vital so you do not miss any important steps.

You might want some notebooks and pens but they are not necessary because you can watch lessons over again as many times as you need. I have been doing this for eight months and still go back and watch training videos.

With over 4 billion people using the internet every day looking for solutions to problems they are encountering there is room for any type of online business you would like to create.

So what you need right now is an idea, this is called a niche. Your niche needs to be something you are very passionate about where you can talk about it forever.

After selecting a niche you will then build a website. Hold on now like I said you do not need any techie skills here all the hard work is done behind the scenes. You are going to be selecting a theme and customizing it to your liking.

Putting the few pieces of necessary content on your website will give you an idea of how the theme is going to work for you. These include a Privacy Policy, Affiliate Disclosure, and an About Me page.

Because the necessary tools are provided by Wealthy Affiliate for FREE you do not have any added extra expenses over the membership fees once you decide that you are going to upgrade. (Highly recommended I did!)

What no up sales? Correct you do have the choice of using the free sitebubix.com subdomain or you can purchase a domain name of your own (recommended) these run on the platform $13.99 to $15.99 for a year, renewable yearly.

Once you have the few pieces of content on the website, Kyle co-owner of Wealthy Affiliate will be walking you through getting your website properly set up with SEO (Search Engine Optimization). He will also explain why this is necessary.

Believe it or not, a website can actually be set up and ready to go in less than 30 seconds, check out the video below. Kyle will show you exactly how this is done (this is included with the Free Starter Membership).

Building a Website in 30 Seconds Video

What Comes Free?

Your Free Starter Membership will include 20 lessons, 2 free websites, and free hosting for both of the websites. But that is not all you will be getting, take the time to check out all the following ones.

  • Level 1 Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) consists of 10 Lessons
  • Level 1 Affiliate Boot Camp Training consists of another 10 Lessons
  • Beginners Training Course
  • Two (2) Free Websites – built on the WordPress Website Builder Platform
  • Twelve (12) Free WordPress Themes to choose from
  • Free Hosting for both of your websites
  • Personal Affiliate Blog
  • Live Chat 24/7 – available for the first seven-days of Starter Membership
  • Two (2) Classrooms
  • Keyword ResearchJaaxy Lite – 30 free searches
  • Affiliate Program
  • Earn While You Learn

Please take notice of the last two on the list – Affiliate Program & Earn While You Learn – you can make commissions as a Free Starter Member by referring people to Wealthy Affiliate. See the commission chart below.

Earn Commissions While You Learn Chart

In Conclusion

Becoming a Premium Member of Wealthy Affiliate was the best decision I have ever made. Living a life without having to worry about getting up and going to work every day is a relief.

Not having to live by someone’s schedule, but my own, stress-free not having to deal with a boss. Do not take this wrong I still have to set my own schedule for placing content to keep my websites ranking.

But this is running a business online, starting out takes commitment, dedication, and work just like any other business. Are you are willing to commit yourself to the work? Then you will make it in the online world.

Only 1% of people who want to work online actually make it. Why? Because it does take the work, commitment, dedication, and patience until the major search engines recognize you as a serious website owner.

Planning on only writing a couple of articles thinking they are going to earn you a living online is not building a business. It takes more like 100 to 200 articles on a website posted consistently before they know you are serious.

You will need to research keywords making sure that you can rank with high-quality content about the products/services you are going to be promoting on the website.

Sure this all might sound complicated and hard right now, but believe me, with the training provided it is quite simple. The only way you are going to know if this type of work is right for you is “try it right now for FREE“.

You have nothing to lose except a way to make a passive income working from home or anywhere in the world that has an internet connection and a laptop.

Work you start right now today could be the business website you are able to completely retire within a few years. Depending on which niche you select as a business a passive income for life is waiting for you at the end of your fingertips.

STOP take a couple of minutes right now “Create Your Free Account Now” by clicking the box below, and remember there is No Credit Card Required and you are under no obligation to take the Premium Membership.

Work from Home Create Your Free Account Now


Frankly, everyone I know has found this such a STEAL for the benefits they do not usually wait for the end of the seven-day trial period.

Most take the Premium Membership with the first month at a discount of only $19.00 selecting the membership fee that fits their budget after that.

Membership Fees WA Chart

I do not know about you but I have never heard of any business where the overhead is less than the price of a cup of coffee per day. Really figure this out, a yearly membership costs $359.00 that breaks down to only $.98 a day pocket change.

Hearing from my readers is appreciated will you please drop me a comment, suggestion, or ask me any questions you may have by leaving them in the space provided below. I get back to them usually in 24 hours.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article today. Waiting to welcome you inside at Wealthy Affiliate come look me up Profile Name Marley2016 and say hello.

Best wishes to your future success,


4 thoughts on “Ways To Make Money In Rural Areas”

  1. Hello, I really appreciate your time and effort on writing about Wealthy Affiliate.

    From your article, it’s obvious that this opportunity is perfect for people who enjoy working from home as well as being able to earn as much money as they’re willing to put effort into it. I’ve seen so many similar programs out there that offer affiliate marketing training, but none of them ever offer you to try it for free. The fact Wealthy Affiliate offers a free membership just proves that they’re confident in their product.

    I’ve been a member for over 2 years now and I’ve earned commissions from them and gotten paid before, so I know they’re 100% legit. 

    Thank you.

    • Kent,

      Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read my article today.  It is hard for some who lives in the Rural Areas of the United States to travel back and forth to a regular job especially those who live in the seasonal zones.

      Wealthy Affiliate provides everything you need to get started absolutely FREE – who could ask for more?  They have been around since 2005 right there speaks for the company in a big way.  I have tried so many of the other programs that claim you can make money online, but FIRST, you must give them all your personal information including your credit card number.  Always my motto, try before you buy!

      Once again, thank you,


  2. When I came across your article it caught my attention. The reason is, that, I have worked in Rural areas for the past 5 years doing inspection work.

    I like your honesty, you made it clear, that what you are promoting, is not a “Shiny Object” and the reality that it takes hard and consistent work. I think people who are honest and sincerely looking to make and income online would appreciate that, I know I do. I live in a Rural area myself.

    So, even someone who lives in a Rural Area ( as long as they have a computer and internet connection) could start their own online business from home. Can You say how long it would take to actually start earning an income online?

    Thank you for this information!

    • Lonnie,

      Glad I was able to reach someone from a Rural Area with my article.  Honesty is always best when someone is looking to work at home online.  

      Building an online business takes time and work, but most of all the patience until the search engines recognize you as a serious business owner.  Adding content to a website consistently shows them you are building a business for the long term.

      Earning money online takes time just like a brick and mortar business, you must take into consideration many factors.  Competition, age of your website, quality of content, keywords, proper use of SEO, and this will also depend on what type of traffic you are looking to draw.  Free traffic known as organic means that when people place words in the search bar they find you or paid traffic so you can rank faster on the search engines.

      You can get proper training in everything I have mentioned about by clicking the box and “Create Your Free Account Now” to get started.  Remember there is No Credit Card Required.




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