Work At Home For Veterans – All are Welcome!
Work at Home for Veterans – this is an article that I am taking seriously about writing for the brave men and women who gave their all to protect our great nation so that we can live our lives as we know them here at home.
Out Of Respect To Ex-Service Personnel
To me, it would be so unfair that I have written article after article to help others in the world trying to show them that there is a better way in life and not include the men and women who served our country with the same kindness.

Some of you may have heard about what I am going to write about here today and other might not have so this is the opportunity for all of you to learn that this is an option open for you at any time.
Considering members of my own family served in the Vietnam war and many of my friends have had children that are serving or have served in Afghanistan I know that not all of you came home the same person that left.
For some being back here after what you witnessed or went through overseas has left your life upside down and in knowing this I have decided it was time to make this offer available specifically to you.
Please, I am not here to sell you anything it is an invitation for a way to improve your financial future by building your own business at home and create a way to passive income with learning more than one way of doing business.
If you would take the time to read the full article it will explain most of what you want to know but if you would prefer to jump right in then I can understand and this link will connect you to the “Create Your Free Account Now” form.
Invitation To Join
This is my invitation for you to join Wealthy Affiliate and I will be on the inside to guide you with your FREE Starter Membership. My profile is under Marley2016 and I am a Premium Member willing to show you around the community.
As a FREE Starter Member you will receive 20 Free Lessons which will include:
Level 1 Online Entrepreneur Certification – 10 Lessons (see below)
Level 1 Affiliate Boot camp Training – 10 Lessons (see below)
Going through these lessons Kyle one of the owners of Wealthy Affiliate will guide you with videos showing you step by step how to do everything and there is a written description along with this.
There is a task list beside each lesson for you to check off as you are working on things that will keep track of where you left off so you do not lose your place when you stop for the day.
You are also going to receive 2 Free websites to build for your business along with hosting on Amazon c3.large (faster) that includes Site Speed, SSL Certificate, and Site Protection.
Starter Members receive access to the Live Chat area available 24/7 for the first seven days but you do not lose anything else the lessons, websites, and hosting are yours to keep with no obligation.
Completing these lessons will have your website set up and ready for the search engines Google, Bing, and Yahoo to host for people to find them on the internet. And you can continue to build these out under the Starter Membership as long as you remain active working on them you never lose them.
Other Benefits
Benefits with Wealthy Affiliate are numerous and I could write a book about all the new things I have been learning with the community there.
When Kyle and Carson began the company they based it on a pay it forward community rather than every person for themselves so this makes almost all the members seem like family as time goes on.
Of course, you know how every family always has those few that must be the outcasts and rebels in the group, Wealthy Affiliate is no different, there are a handful or so members that just cannot conform to the program.
Guess that is not exactly how to present my invitation is it now, but I am a truthful person and feel that all people have rights to their own opinions and I do not judge not my place so I avoid those types.
Sharing knowledge is common inside the community and it keeps all up to date on what is going on with the search engines when they change the algorithms which affect rankings for content.
Starter Members have access to only 2 of the Classrooms where they can ask questions and get answers or find answers to the same questions they might have that have been asked prior.
There is a commission paid to Starter Members with your own unique link that is issued the day you join when someone uses your link to join and becomes a Premium Member you will earn a commission. (Chart below.)
Members have a place to write blog posts inside the community that gives out more information shared with all members and Premium Members create extra training in the form of tutorials or videos that help all members too.
Premium Membership
Being a Premium Member it is only right that I let you know what you can get with the Premium Membership and what it does cost to become a Premium Member.
As a special you can join as a Premium Member within the first seven days for the first month at only $19.00 after that then I put the Premium Membership chart below for your convenience savings in the 6 month and yearly plans are significant.
Benefits are all-inclusive with this plan and with it comes 50 websites that you can build to diversify your business into other fields of interest or use them for Local SEO which you will learn in the community this is immensely profitable.
The only other costs within the WA community is the purchase of your own domains these run from $13.99 per year up to the most expensive one I have ever seen is $15.99 for a year. Renewable yearly of course.
Because we have seen people come to WA from other hosting companies I took the time to do some comparison pricing on one of my other websites and for one (1) website alone it cost more than a whole year membership at WA. Read Here!
In Closing
Look I am a senior citizen who was trying to get by on Social Security until I found WA now my life has become so much easier and full filled thanks to this community.
Not only have I found a way to make the extra income which I desperately needed but with the members found people who are caring and great friends from all over the world.
What would it take for you to want to change your life?
This invitation is not going to cost you anything but your time to sign up and have a look around, start working the lessons and see if this could be something that interests you.
We all know there is not a fit all job out there and the same applies here giving yourself the opportunity to at least try this could mean the chance of changing your life and helping others to do the same.
Passive income streams are the most profitable for any of us especially when the time involved to create them is not like working a regular job plus the profits are all yours to keep not making a company rich while we stay poor.
Diversifying what you do brings even more security with cash flow and with this, you will learn exactly how to accomplish that.
Click on the “box” and be taken to the “Create Your Free Account Now” screen take a chance on you!
I really do love hearing from all my reader’s comments, suggestions, questions can all be left in the space provided below I answer them all.
Thank you for reading my article today, and please share and bookmark so it is easy for you to locate again,