Work Online At Home – For Free

Work Online At Home – For Free

Are you one of the thousands of people who have been searching for “Work Online at Home – For Free”? Then you landed here today due to your daily, weekly, or monthly search.

I was just like you, taking and wasting my time searching for a way to work at home online and make serious money to replace my 9 to 5 job.

Years of wasting my time and money came into play until I finally gave up and kept my 9 to 5 regular job. Thousands of dollars were thrown into systems and programs that never worked. Giving up seemed like the only way.

Trying again a little over a year ago I landed on a website “Wealthy Affiliate” claiming I could begin for 100% FREE! Right I said to myself not thinking for a second that it would be FREE.

Skeptical I decided to hit the button just for fun expecting the credit card screen to come popping up. Imagine the surprise when instead a registration screen was in front of me.

Alright, figuring after I entered the information to register then the credit card screen would be next. Wrong again! After filling in my email address, full name, user name, and password I was taken to the “Wealthy Affiliate” website.

Amazed that I had found training to work online at home for FREE, why not continue to find out what all this was about?

Knowing that this was not going to be everything that was required to work online trying the FREE things they were offering could never hurt. Who knows I might just learn a thing or two.


Job Online or Owning Your Own Online Business

The screen below skips one step which will register you and take you directly to the Wealthy Affiliate training website.

With today’s hurried up world we all know that people prefer things right now and do not want to wait patiently for things to happen in their lives.

Therefore, I have attached the link to the image above should you want to register right away and get started with the training. It would be great if you took the time to finish reading this article I have inserted small tips in the content.

One regret I have is that had I found Wealthy Affiliate years ago when I was searching for a way to work at home earning a substantial passive income today would be even better than it is.

There are other ways to work online such as filling out surveys, freelance writing, customer support, just to mention a few. You can register with a couple of these to get started like or

Just remember these are JOBS! You are going to be working for another person/company getting compensated by them for the work you are going to be required to perform.

Personally would you not prefer to be working for yourself? With Wealthy Affiliate that is exactly what you are going to be learning how to do.

Running your own internet business at home in your own time on your own terms. No boss or company hanging over your head telling you what needs to be done or have deadlines to meet.

Now, this is your choice if you are looking for a JOB then applying with these above companies will not cost you anything except your time.

But if you want MORE then you need to take the time to register with Wealthy Affiliate start the training making sure this is going to be right for you.

Owning a business is not going to be right for everyone nor does everyone have what it takes to succeed in the online world.

Honestly, this takes time, work, patience, learning new things daily, and even continued working once success has been achieved. The time that you will work after the success will be drastically reduced depending on the individual, however.

You might question who this is right for the answer to that is anyone who is looking for a complete change in what they want to be doing for the rest of their life. Need more income open a new website.

Seriously, anyone who wants to work online has the ability to make a success of over a million business choices. What interests you the most? Sports, children, aging, health, making money, investments, retirement, etc. the list is endless.

How to Use Wealthy Affiliate Free Training

Wealthy Affiliate offers you 20 Free Lessons all with step by step video instructions showing you exactly what to do and how to do it. One of the owners does all the teaching videos making them easy to follow.

You are going to receive 2 Free Websites on the subdomain to build your online business right along with the training videos.

A website is not valid unless you have Hosting and with Wealthy Affiliate, you are going to get top of the line FREE Hosting for both of your websites.

There are 2 Classrooms available to the Free Starter Members where you can ask questions of the top experts in the community.

Website Backup is done on a daily basis so none of the work you have done today will be lost. I did forget the Beginner’s Training Course when I listed the 20 Free Lessons above this is most valuable to any new person to the online world.

Keyword Research is probably something you have never heard of, do not feel left out I had no idea what it was either, getting a Keyword Research Tool for 30 free searches is priceless with Wealthy Affiliate.

Affiliate Program so you can Earn While You Learn what more could be better? Should you have referrals during your initial Free Starter Membership period you will make a commission at half of what a Premium Member is paid.

One-on-One Coaching is available for the first seven days of the Free Starter Membership. As well as, Live Chat where you can get answers from experienced members in real-time.

Unfortunately, after the first seven days of the Free Starter Membership, you will lose the One-on-One Coaching and Live Chat if you do not decide to upgrade to the Premium Membership.

I must be very honest with you it only took me two days to upgrade, once you see what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer in the way of training along with all the extra bonuses you are getting a membership for a steal of a deal.


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Premium Membership Steal of A Deal

When I say that Premium Membership is a “Steal of a Deal” I am not kidding. Anyone who has tried to set up a free website prior to this training has run into roadblocks everywhere I am sure.

Wealthy Affiliate with the step by step video walkthroughs showing everything you need to do and how to do it makes their training simple and easy to follow.

Using WordPress for the website builder giving you the choice of free themes not having to worry about knowing how to code a website is priceless. The number of plugins available for free through WordPress is unsurpassable.

Our Live Training Coach, Jay, (Profile name: magistudios) has a Live Event every week teaching us new trends keeping us up-to-date with everything from simple how to’s to the complicated algorithms of the search engines.

Jay (magistudios) Live Training Coach
Jay (magistudios) Live Training Coach

How many of you have access to the Owners of the company you are working at right now? At Wealthy Affiliate, as a Premium Member, we have access to the owners Kyle and Carson at any time through our Private Message System.

Carson and Kyle owners of WA
Meet Carson (left) and Kyle (right) Owners of Wealthy Affiliate

Carson and Kyle met in college, knowing that the internet was large enough for anyone who wants to begin an online business they started “Wealthy Affiliate” back in 2005. It has been growing ever since.

Carson handles the back office with everything technical making sure the websites are running properly. He manages the Site Support we have which answers technical questions usually in less than five minutes around the clock all year long.

Kyle is our online mentor building websites for over 20 years he has made all the mistakes showing us the way. His expertise is added to with the community members who elaborate on his teachings.

The Wealthy Affiliate community is over 1 Million strong showing you this is not a scam or scheme. The cost of membership is so low that members have been at Wealthy Affiliate since their inception.

Know that the cost of the Premium Membership includes everything that they have to offer the only other expense you will incur is the cost of your own Domain Names.

Purchasing your Domain Names with Wealthy Affiliate is reasonable by far compared to competitors, and they have a price guarantee for the renewal of the coming year. How many others have that?

Now I could go into all the success stories at Wealthy Affiliate instead you need to look these up once you have become a Free Starter Member. This way you know I am not feeding you a line on my own website here.

Work from Home Create Your Free Account Now


In Conclusion

Doing the research for writing this article today I found a couple of websites that refer you to “Work At Home For Free – Jobs”. My thoughts are “Why not Work at Home starting for Free and own an online business?”.

Don’t get me wrong any new business requires start-up costs online is no different from a brick and mortar one. But the cost of an online business is much cheaper in the long run and well into the future.

Considering the number of businesses available for start-up online who can resist taking the chance?

Think of finding the right affiliate program that pays you $200.00 commission on each sale from your website. How many sales would it take a day for you to be ecstatic?

This is why owning an online business instead of working for someone else at home online makes more sense in the long run. That particular commission could last for years to come into the future.

Only question now is what are you waiting on, click the box below, fill out the form and get started right now with the training stating today is like planting the seed and watching it grow.

Work from Home Create Your Free Account Now

Decide not to plant that seed then nothing is ever going to happen!

Hearing from my readers in the form of comments, suggestions, or questions is always appreciated please leave them in the space provided below. I usually answer them in 24 hours.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article today, wishing you all the success on your online adventures,


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