Create A Website Online Free

Creating Your Own Website Free

With today’s technology advances, you can create a website online for FREE. You can do this without having to know any of the old coding or be a genius with techie skills.

There is no experience necessary to start doing this so even one who can follow simple video instructions no matter how young or old can do it.

All you are going to need is a computer/laptop with an internet connection. Simple step by step instructions that are easy to follow show you exactly what to do and how to do it.

Creating your own website for free is great and well worth your time, but what are you planning to do for hosting? You are going to need hosting on the internet for people to find your website.

Another thing that you are going to need to learn is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) applying this to on page and off page of your website.

Why? This is how the major search engines Google, Bing, and Yahoo find your website not only that how they are going to rank it on the pages of websites on the internet.

Where do you want your website to land? Everyone knows that most people do not look past the first page when searching for what they need. Everyone wants that first spot on the first search page where they are visible immediately.

Unless you are willing to pay for advertising which is very costly then how can you get that first spot? Using proper SEO techniques will land you in the first spot on the first page.

This might all sound rather confusing to you considering all you wanted to do was create a website online free. However, I am sure you are not just wanting to do this for fun right?

Even if you just want to do a blog daily about things that interest you this still requires hosting for people to find it. Hosting is going to cost you from all the companies out there I can find.

Have you considered taking it to the next level? Create a website online free and then monetize it to make a passive income online working from home doing what you enjoy?

This is not only a possibility but will work with the right training where you can learn from experts of the online world. Here is the best part – you can do this all for FREENo Credit Card Required – with no obligation ever to upgrade!




How to Create Your Website

When I decided to help people that wanted to Work from Home with a Legit Business Opportunity that is why this website was created.

Sharing the knowledge and skills that I have learned over the past eight months doing research about such opportunities. How to create my own website and work from home earning a passive income was interesting so this is what I found.

Did you know it is possible to create a website in 30 seconds? Neither did I until I found a company called Wealthy Affiliate. Please do not be confused by the name of the company you will learn about online business, not just affiliate marketing.

Take time to watch the video below where co-owner Kyle will show you how to build a functioning website in 30 seconds:

Building a Website in 30 Seconds

Now that was just awesome was it not? You can do this once you get the proper training for FREE from the platform along with not one but two free websites on the subdomain.

Joining the Wealthy Affiliate community with a FREE Starter Membership, No Credit Card Required, and never under any obligation to take the Premium Membership is something that no one should past up.

Even if you wanted to just start your own Blog you will learn exactly what all is involved. Creating your own website free is amazing, but to have Wealthy Affiliate cover the cost of hosting both of these websites on the internet. PRICELESS!

Besides not only beginners will learn with what is offered in the Free Starter Membership the experienced people can actually pick up some great pointers.

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Free Tools to Use for Creating Your Website

Beginners will not know this but you do need certain tools for creating a successful website. Planning out what your website is going to look like would be a good idea prior to beginning.

WordPress Website Builder platform is used worldwide by website owners with a selection of themes to use. WordPress has free themes and paid themes depending on what you are looking for.

If you took the time to watch the video we would be selecting “On A Free Domain” see the screenshot below:

Domain Screenshot

To begin you are going to need a domain name – using the subdomain is no different. Today in my example I am going to use – – this is now the URL for our website.

This will be entered on the next screenshot below for the domain name and the Title for your website:

Choose a domain name for site

What is a URL? “A Uniform Resource Locator, colloquially termed a web address, is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it.” Wikipedia Description

Selecting the title for our website, remember this can be changed opposed to the URL, today I am going to use Best Kitchen Appliances for 2019.

You can see how the URL and Title of the website fit together this is what you want to aim for when choosing the URL and Title name of your website. It is not absolutely necessary but a great idea if you can keep them similar.

Scrolling down the screenshots from above we will then select a theme design for our website to create our content on for our audience to see like below:

Choose A Design For Your Website

After selecting the theme you are going to be taken to the WordPress Website Builder Platform. This is where you will continue to customize the website making it your own. The screenshot below of the WordPress Dashboard:

WordPress Dashboard

The creation of our website is now begun. What is required next? You will need to add content to the website. There are three important pieces of content that are a must for all websites they are an About Me Page, Privacy Policy, and the Affiliate Disclosure or Terms of Service.

Depending on where you are located in the world check to see if you are going to be required to put other disclosures or policies on your website for legal reasons.

Free Starter Members at Wealthy Affiliate will have Site Content Platform to use along with templates to create all these pieces of content on. Screenshot below. This tool is available with additional features to help you set goals for content.

Site Content Screen

To create content that is going to be recognized by the search engines using keyword research is necessary to know what people are searching for on the internet.

You will have 30 Free Searches available as a Free Starter Member on the Jaaxy Lite Keyword Research Platform. This is one feature that the Premium Membership keeps with unlimited searches again PRICELESS! You can upgrade if wanted.

Jaaxy Lite Keyword Research Menu Screen

Learning SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for on page and off page is one of the most important parts of creating a website. Finding an expert to teach you these techniques is not an easy task.

At Wealthy Affiliate you will learn about SEO in the Free Starter Membership however I am going, to be honest, you are going to eventually need the Premium Membership to learn proper SEO.

WordPress has tens of thousands of plugins to make creating a website simple and easy. My go-to for SEO on the platform is the All In One SEO it is simple to set up, FREE and does the job as well as all the paid fancy versions.

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Benefits of Wealthy Affiliate

Recommending Wealthy Affiliate is easy to do here because being totally honest here = IT WORKS!

Yes, finding the hosting companies out there that offer a 30-day trial for a free website is nice, but what are you getting in return? Check that fine print carefully. Once the 30-day trial is over even the yearly special what are you going to pay?

Let me let you in on a SECRET about making money online like all those gurus and scam artist promise you. There is NO SECRET! Really if you are going to create a website for FREE then you can monetize it and make money.

It will take you years but it can be done. Free Starter Members of Wealthy Affiliate have 6 months to work on their websites to see if this will be what will work for them.  After that upgrade to Premium is required to keep your website live.

Just look at what you are getting for FREE at Wealthy Affiliate starting with 20 Lessons – Level 1 in the Online Entrepreneur Certification (10 Lessons) – Level 1 of Affiliate Boot Camp Training (10 Lessons) – 2 Websites – and Hosting for them.

Those are just for starters you will have access to Live Chat 24/7 for the first seven days of membership where you can get answers to questions in real time. Run into a problem in training jump in and ask experienced members for help.

Wait that is not all either there are two classrooms with experienced members to help you, website backup, personal blog posting platform, beginner training course, and you can actually earn while you learn getting paid commissions.

Earn Commissions While You Learn

These are some fairly hefty benefits to give up even as a Free Starter Member. Premium Membership holds extensively more benefits at such a STEAL for the cost, anyone who goes elsewhere is paying too much.

Finding the right place to learn everything you need from experts in the online world what would you be willing to pay for that kind of training? Real millionaires online will not teach you unless you are willing to shell out $10,000. or more.

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In Conclusion

Well, if you have made it this far that you are actually reading the conclusion to my article then obviously you have found some useful information.

Here is just a little more for you. Take the Premium Membership during the first seven days of joining with the FREE Starter Membership and you can have it at a discount of only $19.00! When that month is over you can select your payment plan.

Membership Fees WA

Wealthy Affiliate has made this affordable to all who are going to put their time and energy into building a real online business. Showing you exactly how to create a website and earn passive income for years to come.

Find a business where the overhead is only the price of a cup of coffee a day. Break down the membership fees seriously what business do you know of that it only costs them $1.61 a day to stay open? That is with the monthly membership.

I will tell you this if you are not willing to put in the time and work, commit yourself to build your business on a daily basis then you need to go find a regular job that pays more than the one you have now.

Working on my online business, in the beginning, was hard work I put in sometimes 12 hours a day. For those of you who already have a full-time job, this is not possible. Committing 2 to 3 hours takes longer to reach success but well worth it.

Completely new to the online world I had to learn everything from scratch this takes time. I made mistakes starting over time and again, but I am not willing to quit or let that stop me. You need the same type of mindset to keep going no matter what?

Can you handle it? There is only one way to find out click the box below “Create Your Free Account Now” and begin the training. What do you have to lose? Depending on the competition within your niche you could be earning in a few months.

Work from Home Create Your Free Account Now


Hearing from my readers is always appreciated please leave comments, suggestions, or any questions you have in the space provided below. I answer them usually within 24 hours.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article.

Best wishes to you and your online success,




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