Should I Work At Home?

Should I Work At Home?

Working at Home is Not for Everyone is it Right for You?

Although many people are looking for ways to work at home and make a substantial living doing so whether or not working at home is going to be the right fit is the question.

Many of these people looking for a way to work from home are chasing what is called “shiny object syndrome” a method by which to get-rich-quick using a push-button system.

They waste so much of their hard-earned money purchasing product after product that just gets them further and further in debt. Some manage to stop this vicious cycle before it ruins them, but then again some do not.

Back to the question we are going to be discussing here in my article “Should I Work At Home?“.

Not everyone in the world is cut out to work at home we need people to fill all positions for jobs or our world would cease to be the way we know it today.

In order to work at home, you are going to need an idea of what it is exactly that you want to do to make an income equal to or above what you are making now.

I am here to let you know this is not an impossible task, but it will take time to reach that level of income that you are searching for.

Like I said prior everyone is looking for that get-rich-quick push the magic button and cash to start raining into their bank accounts that are not out there.

Before we get into the real way to make money online or offline using the proper tools and training that is required for you to work at home there are a few facts you need to be aware of.

First of all, a business when starting takes time to build online or offline. You can do either with the training but having a website to promote an online or offline business is essential for the growth of any business.

Are you the kind of person who can discipline yourself to work 2 to 3 hours a day building an online business by following a simple step by step video instructions?

Do you have the patience to wait for the major search engines to recognize you as an authority within the business model you are going to select?

Can you commit the next year or two building out your business to reach the level of income you are searching for?

This is work you are going to do on a consistent basis by placing articles on a website helping people solve problems they are searching the internet for solutions to.

Did you answer the above questions with a “Yes”? Then continue reading this article to get all the details of exactly how you can start building your own business today in order to work at home and earn a passive income for the future.

I am going to place a shortcut below click the box “Create Your Free Account Now” there is No Credit Card Required and you are under no obligation to upgrade ever.

Work from Home Create Your Free Account Now


Free Online Training Courses

The above “Create Your Free Account Now” form is going to look just like the one below. Notice you are setting up an actual account to gain access to the Free Online Training Courses in the Free Starter Membership with Wealthy Affiliate.

Create Your Free Account Now

Do not take the name of this company at face value it is going to give you access to skills from experts in the online world that you cannot find in one location anywhere else on the internet.

When you get to the inside of the community, you cannot call this a platform or system, because that is not what it is. You need to fill in your profile with a picture and a little something about yourself such as why you are joining the community.

After that take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with all that is available with Wealthy Affiliate by looking around the site. Head on over into Live Chat where you can talk to experienced members of the community ask questions if you have any.

Check out the menu below that will be on the left-hand side of your screen under your profile picture. After checking out Live Chat the green arrow Training button is the next place you want to head and start the training.

You are going to get 20 Lessons with the Free Starter Membership I recommend you start with Level 1 of the Online Entrepreneur Certification (10 Lessons) see below:

Next, you are getting Level 1 in the Affiliate Boot Camp Training (10 Lessons) see below:

Completing either of these Level 1 training courses all 10 Lessons and you will have a professional website created including SEO ready for the search engines.

Wealthy Affiliate is going to provide you with 2 Free Websites on the subdomain. Along with Free Hosting for both of the Free Websites on servers with Hosting Speed on Amazon c3.large (faster).

Free Starter Members will also get the following for FREE:

  • Beginners Training Course
  • Website Backup Daily
  • Personal Blog
  • 30 Keyword Searches on Jaaxy Lite
  • 2 Training Classrooms
  • Affiliate Program
  • Earn While You Learn
  • One-on-One Coaching – (first seven days of Starter Membership only)
  • Live Chat 24/7 – (first seven days of Starter Membership only)

Only the last two listings are limited with the Starter Membership during your first seven days. Everything else is yours to work on for the next 5 months making sure this is something you are interested in doing.

Tools Needed for Work at Home

You will need a computer or laptop, a smartphone does not give you the capacity to work in a proper way, and a reliable internet connection.

Free Starter Members are given 30 Keyword Searches on Jaaxy Lite to write keyword rich high-quality content within what “Niche” you select for your business.

Jaaxy Black Logo


What is a “Niche”? Your niche can be in anything that interests you a hobby even something you know nothing about but really can provide information to a select group or audience help to solve their problems.

Premium Membership with Wealthy Affiliate is available at such a low cost you can actually find enough pocket change to pay for the membership. Ask anyone if they know of a business with an overhead that is less than the price of a cup of coffee a day.

It took me only two days to realize this training would provide enough skills to potentially earn me four to five figures a month in a couple of years.

Willing to dedicate as much time and work required to reaching that level of a passive income stream for years to come. I am not afraid to learn new skills applying everything I learn even thinking outside the box doing extra research.

I regret that I never found this community years ago instead of chasing those “shiny objects” back then. Just think if I had where it could have led me to so much sooner.

Work from Home Create Your Free Account Now

Sorry that I have gotten a little off topic there you need to realize that the Free Starter Membership is showing you a way to “kick the tires” prior to making a commitment. Letting you know this is not any of those “shiny object” scams.

What you are getting with the Free Starter Membership is the basics of getting started with an online business. Your free websites and free hosting are great but until the search engines recognize you as a serious online business it takes time.

You must consistently keep adding articles to the website on a regular schedule in order for the search engines to know that you are serious about building your online business.

The more keyword rich high-quality content you add the more they will recognize you as an authority within the “Niche” you have selected.

Wondering how some of those websites get ranked so quickly on the search engines? Those website owners have deep pockets and are able to pay for the advertising budgets to get them there.

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to drive FREE traffic or visitors to your website through what is known as organic traffic. This is done by using proper SEO (Search Engine Optimization) when building your website and business.

Another way to drive the organic traffic is through Social Media letting people know about your website posting your content on these can increase your visitors. Increasing your visitors will also help to increase the rank on the search engines.

Premium Membership A Must

The owners of Wealth Affiliate know that this is not going to be for everyone offering the Free Starter Membership is their way of helping you find the proper way to get started with an online business.

Giving me the opportunity to start my own online business has now given me the means to help others do the same. What could be better than to wake up every morning refreshed because you no longer have the stress of a JOB?

enjoying am coffeeNo more commute in all the traffic to get back and forth to work. You can schedule your work time around a schedule of your choosing not what someone else says you need to work.

Being able to work where ever and whenever is the greatest feeling in the world. Taking a day off is no longer a problem nor is taking a vacation when you want because you can take your work with you.

After a year or two once your online business has been established and the income starts to roll in at an amount you are comfortable with all those JOB worries can be a thing of the past.

But in order to reach this leg in the journey, it will take the Premium Membership to get you there. There are a few members who have actually seen an ROI in as little as three to six months.

However, to be realistic you should always be committed for the long term of a year or two depending on the niche you have selected to build your business around.

Some niches are highly competitive, these are known as evergreen niches, meaning they have been around for so long and will continue to be here well into the future.

Can you become successful in these evergreen niches? Certainly, you can as long as you are willing to follow the training applying everything you learn with the process.

After all, staying with the Free Starter Membership you will need to find a way to figure out so much on your own it will take you longer to reach these goals.

Losing just the Live Chat 24/7 is a huge mistake having the option to jump in there asking questions from experienced members in real time helping you solve a problem is PRICELESS.

How much does the Premium Membership cost? Like I said you can run your online business for less than the price of a cup of coffee a day. Upgrading in the first seven days you will get this first month of Premium for only $19.00.

Starting your second month you have options to choose from making this affordable for all income levels. See the chart below the monthly membership runs $1.61 a day, 6-month membership is $1.28 a day, and yearly is only $.98 a day.

Actually, I did a comparison of the membership with Wealthy Affiliate and a few of the other hosting companies on the internet.

I found that only one website being hosted with other companies cost more than what you are going to get with Wealthy Affiliate. With the Premium Membership, you are going to get 50 Websites hosted for FREE, not just one.

Premium Membership includes everything that is offered in the community which takes up a complete website so for me to give you all of it here is impossible. Guaranteed I would miss some things there is way too much value with it all.

Anyone who has ever purchased any of those get-rich-quick scams will soon see the value of what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer.

They are a training community for like-minded individuals who want to work at home online or offline running profitable businesses on their own schedules.

Want to make more money? Once you have learned the process it is a matter of lather, rinse, and repeat into any “Niche” you want to do a website about.

Considering you get 50 Websites hosted for FREE at Wealthy Affiliate look at the diversification aspects of growing into areas that interest you.


In Conclusion

Did I mention that to supplement your monthly income with Wealthy Affiliate once you gain the skills needed you can break into the Local SEO market?

Building websites for local businesses in your area can add an extra ongoing income monthly working at home. Doing the updates and maintenance for the businesses you are able to charge them a monthly fee keeping control of the website.

Wealthy Affiliate has a Live Training Coach who has provided training for this as well as e-commerce for Premium Members of the community.

Learning SEO from experts in the online world you are getting for FREE inside Wealthy Affiliate would cost you tens of thousands of dollars trying to find an expert to teach you elsewhere.

As members find tools that can be used for FREE building their businesses they share them within the community on their Personal Blogs or in training they create. After three months as Premium training, you create and share is compensated.

Premium Membership with Wealthy Affiliate is so valuable for building a business online or offline the only way you are going to understand this is by getting started right now today.

Click the box below “Create Your Free Account Now” No Credit Card Required, and you are never under any obligation to upgrade. Once you see the value I am sure it will not take you the seven days same as me prior to getting the Premium.

Work from Home Create Your Free Account Now

Hearing from my readers in the form of comments, suggestions, or any questions that you have for me is greatly appreciated please leave them in the space provided below. I answer these usually within 24 hours.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article today “Should I Work at Home?” I have provided you with the right training join me now in starting your own business. Will be on the inside waiting for you stop over and say “Hello” profile is Marley2016.

Best wishes to your future online success,


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