Best Part-Time Work At Home Opportunities

Best Part-Time Work At Home Opportunities

Are you looking for a JOB to work at home or the “Best Part-Time Work at Home Opportunities”? There is a difference between these two but I am sure you already know that.

I am willing to share with you today the “work at home opportunity” I chose because helping others find the right fit for them is just the right thing to do. If I can keep another person from getting scammed as I did in the past it is worth my time.

How can you be sure I am not trying to scam you right now? Well for starters notice I am not giving you any of the hype that all those other offers hand you. And there are no fancy house, car, pool, fake bank accounts shown, etc.

Before I start into the explanation of what my opportunity is all about you need to know I have never done anything like this before in my life. That is right I had no prior experience at all!

Age is never a factor either if you can read, communicate, watch videos, follow step by step directions, have a computer or laptop and an internet connection YOU are qualified!

Part-Time Work at Home Opportunities

We all know there is more than one part-time work at home opportunity that we could get involved with, however, I wanted one that I could work when I wanted, where I wanted, and still make a passive income.

After doing some research I settled for trying my luck at affiliate marketing. I had heard about this in the past and even tried it but did not know enough about how it worked to even know what I was doing.

This time was going to be different because I wanted a way to learn exactly what to do and how to do it. There are many training platforms available on the internet today teaching affiliate marketing which one should you choose?

I was in the exact same boat not sure which of the affiliate training modules would be the best one for me to learn what I needed in order to succeed in the online world.

During this research I found “Wealthy Affiliate“, they offered a “Free Starter Membership” with No Credit Card Required all I had to do was sign up!

Create Your Free Account Now

Considering all the scams that are run on the internet I was skeptical about the 100% FREE Starter Membership and figured once I entered my email information it was going to give me a hyped-up video or the credit card screen.

Imagine my surprise when instead I ended up with another form to set up my own profile for the training website of “Wealthy Affiliate”? I did not have to enter any of my personal details or my credit card information at all!

Still not totally convinced that this was going to be what I was looking for, I used a fake name for my profile and a stock picture from the file they let you pick from.

I guess I should have looked around the training website a little more, but I went right to the training and got started. After getting through the first lesson I was shocked at what I was learning and just kept on going with the next lesson.

This information was so intense, laid out in video form with step by step instructions, I just could not stop even taking a break was hard for me to do I was absorbing it all like a sponge.

Can you believe this? I had not spent one red cent to begin building my own online business with a website and had NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE AT ALL!

Affiliate Marketing Training for FREE

Here I was on Lesson 2 of the Training and still did not enter my credit card information – this was the best FREE training I could have asked for!

But I was not even close to finishing what they offered me for FREE, check out the list below:

  • Beginners Training Course
  • Level 1 Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) – 10 Lessons
  • Level 1 Affiliate Boot Camp Training – 10 Lessons
  • 1 Free Websites – on the subdomain
  • Free Web Hosting for both Websites
  • 2 Training Classrooms
  • Keyword Research Tool – 30 Free Searches
  • Personal Affiliate Blog
  • Affiliate Program – Earn While You Learn
  • One-on-One Coaching (for the first seven days of trial period)
  • Live Chat 24/7 (for the first seven days of trial period)
  • DISCOUNTED FIRST MONTH OF PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP (available during first seven days of trial period)

Even with all the above included with the “Free Starter Membership“, you need to take note of the last three items they are only available during the first seven days of your trial membership after that they are GONE FOREVER unless you upgrade to Premium.

Have you seen what other places charge for One-on-One Coaching? That can run into thousands of dollars depending on the sessions required or requested.

Live Chat 24/7 is one of the finest features available inside “Wealthy Affiliate” you can jump into chat anytime you have a question even in the middle of the night and find another member who can help you with answers.

Live Chat screenshot

DISCOUNTED FIRST MONTH OF PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP is ONLY $19.00 when you upgrade during the first seven days of your trial period. After that, the upgrade has options that fit every budget.

Do you know that this is not going to be the answer for everyone, how could it possibly be? We are all different and I think possibly the owners of “Wealthy Affiliate” understand this more than any other company owners out there.

Giving you a chance to “kick the tires” trying out their training prior to spending any of your hard-earned money on an upgrade makes more sense than paying before test-driving, would you not agree?

For me finding Wealthy Affiliate was a blessing it gives me exactly what I was looking for, an opportunity to work at home or where ever I have an internet connection on my own schedule.


Learn from Affiliate Marketing Experts

It takes years to learn all the skills required to become a success with affiliate marketing unless you can learn from the experts in the field. Think of the time you can save from not making the same mistakes they did.

What I found out by becoming a Premium Member of “Wealthy Affiliate” is learning affiliate marketing from the people who are already successful makes it faster and easier for my own business to succeed.

Sure it is not a get-rich-quick scheme or a scam system, done for you, magic button deal, but by following the process I can tell you this truthfully and honestly IT WORKS!

Believe me, if I can do it anyone who puts their mind to it as I have done can do it! I am 63 years old retired and never in my life knew anything about building websites or doing affiliate marketing.

The community at Wealthy Affiliate is full of successful online Entrepreneurs waiting to help you become successful in your online business.

As a Premium Member you have access to the owners of the company, Carson and Kyle, does any other affiliate training program give you this privilege, actually any company you know of?

picture of owners carson and kyle
Carson and Kyle Owners of Wealthy Affiliate

Another point I would like to share is our Friday night “Live Event” with our Live Training Coach, Jay Neill. Jay has 100s of archived replay videos available covering topics of interest in affiliate marketing, eCommerce, SEO, Local SEO, etc.

picture of Jay Neill
Jay (magistudios) Live Training Coach

After the live training every Friday night he holds his world-famous “Question and Answers” session where members can ask questions and get answers in real-time from all over the world. This is PRICELESS!

Jay is an expert in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for on-page and off-page, making ranking on the major search engines much easier without having to pay for advertising.

Wait I forgot to mention all the training that is provided by other members inside Wealthy Affiliate on every topic you could possibly think of. If you cannot find any help with training just ask, a member will be more than willing to create one.


In Conclusion

By now I am sure you know how excited I am to be a Premium Member of this wonderful community. Singing praises about Wealthy Affiliate everywhere I go has been going on now for almost two years.

I consider myself still a beginner with affiliate marketing even with all the experience I have gained with my training. I have made a little money so far nothing major but I am happy to say at least I have started to see an ROI.

Never has this happened with any other online venture I tried. Affiliate Marketing is not going to start raining money in your bank account overnight but in time it will give you a passive income for years to come.

Imagine doing work once and getting paid for it for years into the future over and over again. Do not get me wrong you might have to update some of that work from time to time, but it is less time-consuming once you learn the process.

Guess that is about all I have to share right now concerning “Wealthy Affiliate” you can decide whether you are ready to change your life forever right now – Click the banner below and get your “100% Free Starter Membership” TODAY!

Work from Home Create Your Free Account Now

Hearing from my readers is greatly appreciated please leave comments, suggestions, or any questions you have for me in the space provided below. I usually answer within 24 hours.

Thank you for checking out my article, please share with others and bookmark my website for future information that will be added.

Best wishes,


Bio of the Author Susan