What Is The Best Way To Make Money Online
At Home
Many people would love to work at home to make money. But the problem with this is there are so many scams out there how does one know exactly where to begin?
I have been in this same situation for many years looking for a real way to make money working at home online. I tried so many of the scams and wasted a bunch of money.
Now today I have found the “Best Way To Make Money Online At Home” it really is no secret or a special system like the scams that are sold.
You might have even heard people talk about affiliate marketing before or writing blogs to make money online. This is one of the easiest and best possible ways to earn a substantial living working at home online.
But I am going to reveal to you in this article what the scammers and others do not tell you. Their so-called secrets that they lie to you about are really nothing more than the hard work they put in prior to making it big on the internet.
Everyone is programmed from birth to expect instant gratification for the work they do. Building an online business takes time and work just like building a regular brick and mortar business.
So what is the difference? A brick and mortar business has a high risk with high investment whereas an online business you are looking at little risk and a small investment, it is mostly your own time.
In order for a person to succeed online, you need to be dedicated, motivated, committed, basically ready to fail and pick yourself up and start all over again.
The process of working online is one that most people can learn over time. By repeating the process over and over again you can become efficient so that the time involved in doing the work is streamlined.
Therefore, what one needs is a way to learn the process from the experts in the online world. Doing exactly what the experts who are making four, five, six, some even seven figures monthly.
Do not think they started out that way because they did not it took them years of trial and error to figure out the process that would work.
Technology today moves quickly from day to day knowing how the major search engines work is a must if you want to succeed in the online world.
Most people today use a smartphone to access the internet with voice activation this is going to be a wave of the future. Less time involved in trying to locate the information they are looking for.
Does this mean that blogging is going to be a thing of the past? No, quite the contrary people will still be looking for written instructions to find the answers to there problems.
Personal problems are highly searched on the internet things that people are embarrassed to ask friends or family about. This is a great way to break into affiliate marketing providing these searchers with answers to there problems.
If you are someone who has 2 to 3 hours a day to commit to learning how to build an online business, then this is where you want to begin your journey.
There are many places that you can get training finding the right fit for you is something that is a necessity in order for you to succeed.
Sure you could try to learn all this on your own but if there is a short-cut to get someplace would you not use it? I know I do in order to save time and money. Success should be no different.
Training For Online Business
I stated there are many places to learn the process for building an online business and finding the one that is right for you is necessary for you to succeed.
Considering you might be a beginner you need a place that is going to take you by the hand and lead you step by step with instructions that you can follow.
Would it not be a wise move to find one that is going to let you start out for absolutely FREE to make sure there training is what you are looking for?
Actually, when I found “Wealthy Affiliate” amazed was an understatement of how I felt about the community. The training is simple with step by step video instructions for each lesson.
But to begin with a “FREE Starter Membership” now this is really something. Never had I seen any of those scammers out there offer anything for free you always had to get the credit card out just to get you started.
Then they would be selling you a system that was outdated or just plain did not work. Understanding the system was hard because there was no one there to teach you how to use the system.
Not with “Wealthy Affiliate” you have a whole community of like-minded individuals to help you get started. After that, they are there to encourage you and keep you motivated so you will be able to succeed.
The owners of Wealthy Affiliate are two gentlemen from Canada, Carson and Kyle, they both are available to the members of the community should you need their assistance.

Co-owners of Wealthy Affiliate
How many companies do you know of that you can actually contact the owners? These two have operated online in there college days and began Wealthy Affiliate back in 2005.
Let’s take a look at what the Free Starter Membership is all about shall we?
FREE Starter Membership
I do not know about you but when most places say they are giving you something for FREE it is usually an E-Book or something of that nature.
Wealthy Affiliate is much different with the FREE Starter Membership you are getting a seven-day free trial period to use everything in the community as if you were a Premium Member.
The Free Starter Membership does have a time limit of six-months for you to decide if Wealthy Affiliate is the place you would like to stay. But you do not have access to all the benefits like the seven-day trial period.
What you are getting with the Free Starter Membership is the following:
- Beginner’s Training Course
- Level 1 Online Entrepreneur Certification (10 Lessons)
- Level 1 Affiliate Boot Camp Training (10 Lessons)
- 2 Free Websites on the siterubix.com subdomain
- Free Hosting for both Websites
- Website Backup (done daily)
- Personal Affiliate Blog
- Video Walk-Throughs
- Keyword Research Tool (30 Free Searches)
- 2 Training Classrooms
- Affiliate Program
- Earn While You Learn
- Live Chat 24/7 (available during the seven-day trial period)
- One-on-One Coaching (available during the seven-day trial period)
Note: the only two items above that you are losing after the seven-day trial period are Live Chat and the One-on-One Coaching – you do not lose these should you select to become a Premium Member during the seven-day trial period.
BONUS: Joining during the seven-day trial period you are going to be receiving bonuses of Kyle’s “Diamond Traffic Program” plus your first month of Premium at a 61% discount of only $19.00!
Premium Membership
Giving you the details to the “Free Starter Membership” was my intentions because I know that once you are on the inside of the community and see what all Wealthy Affiliate has to offer then you are going to go Premium.
The choice is clear they have way too much to offer in the way of training. Our Live Training Coach “Jay – (Profile magistudios) holds events every Friday night on topics that only he has mastered teaching us important pointers.

He is an expert in the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) field finding someone to teach you how to do this is nearly impossible. Most experts in the SEO field will not teach you they feel it is giving away their secret to success.
Following the process “Jay” teaches will lead you to success, he has many years of experience prior to coming to Wealthy Affiliate. He has been with the community for over 12 years now.
All the Live Events are recorded and archived for viewing anytime you would want a refresher or be unable to attend the actual event on Friday night.
Premium Membership is huge compared to the Starter Membership, after all, it is a complete website with members submitting there own training to help the new members.
Everything is all-inclusive with Wealthy Affiliate there are never any up-sales that you are going to be looking at so your membership is paid either monthly, every six months, or once a year.
Included is a chart below of the costs:
As you can plainly see the six-month and yearly memberships come at a nice discount over the monthly. But this allows any budget to afford to become a Premium Member.
The only other expense you are ever going to incur is the cost of your own Domain Names. Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership awards you 50 Websites, 25 on the siterubix.com subdomain and 25 of your own purchased domain names.
These are all hosted through Wealthy Affiliate free of charge. You will also have access to Jaaxy Lite Keyword Research on an unlimited basis as a Premium Member.
Almost all the tools that “Jay” refers members to use he makes sure they carry a “FREE” version for those just starting out to keep all the costs of beginning your own online business to a minimum.
I do not know of any of the other training course that is offered online that take the time to do what Wealthy Affiliate does helping its members keep their initial costs down.
In Conclusion
Are you one of those people looking for a get-rich-quick way to make money online? Then save your money they do NOT exist use it to play the lottery instead you have a better chance.
But if you are willing to take the time to learn the process dedicate and commit to building a real online business then you are going to be earning a passive income stream for years to come.
This takes work not like a 9 to 5 type of job once you start seeing an ROI, but you cannot be a slacker if you are looking to make a full-time income from an online business.
Imagine writing an article, placing it on your website, and years from now you are still getting paid commissions from that one single article. This happens more than you think.
Interested? What are you waiting for? Click the box below “Create Your Free Account Now” there is No Credit Card Required and you are under no obligation to upgrade.
I appreciate hearing from my readers in the form of comments, suggestions, or questions you might have for me. Please leave these in the space provided below. I usually answer within 24 hours.
Thank you for taking the time to read “What is the Best Way to Make Money Online – At Home” see you on the inside at Wealthy Affiliate.
Best wishes to your online success,