How To Make Money Online At Home

How To Make Money Online At Home

Let’s just suppose here that I managed to get this particular article in front of you right now at this moment. That in itself is quite the accomplishment, however, you were looking for “How To Make Money Online At Home” and I can help you.

Being honest is one of my stronger points and I searched for years for a way to make money online at home. But to no avail, I did not locate anything that earned me a single cent and spent thousands of dollars trying.

Until now! What I am going to share with you here today is not a secret formula as the scammers out there trying to sell you on instead it is an actual way for you to work at home and earn a substantial income for years to come.

This is not some get-rich-quick scheme either. It is going to take you time to build your own online business. “WHY?” you might ask. Being new to the online world is like starting at the bottom just as in any other job.

The search engines Google, Bing, and Yahoo do not know who you are so it takes some time for them to recognize you as a legitimate dedicated employee adding relevant content to their search engines that people are looking for.

Building an online business you are going to need to be patient, however, with proper training along with expert advice to lead you on your journey you will succeed!

How To Get Started – Making Money Online

To begin with, there are many places on the internet you can look for training on making money online. As a beginner, I found that the only one that gets you started for FREE with a seven-day trial period is “Wealthy Affiliate“.

Do not let the name of the website fool you they cover more than just affiliate marketing letting you set up an online business of your choosing.

When I found Wealthy Affiliate, skepticism and curiosity would have been the best way to describe how I was feeling. Join for 100% FREE? Sooner or later I figured the credit card screen was going to pop up. This never happened though.

Once you fill in the simple form you are taken directly to the “Wealthy Affiliate” training website. I would like to suggest that you fill in your profile and select a picture so other members can welcome you to the community.

Please, do not get paranoid everything is explained in a step by step video by one of the owners of the company. You do not need any technical skills to run your own online business that is all handled in the back office.

Now, it is true you are not going to be receiving everything they have to offer as a Free Starter Member, but enough to know if this is going to be what you have been searching for.

Best of all you are going to receive access to thousands of experienced online entrepreneurs in various businesses. Live Chat is available 24/7 for you to communicate with them for the first seven days of your Free Starter Membership.

Free Starter Membership – Wealthy Affiliate

Today it is difficult to find anything for FREE let alone a way to work from home and earn passive income for the rest of your life. Of course, this does not happen overnight it takes time and work, but most of all patience.

What are you going to receive for 100% Free with the Starter Membership at Wealthy Affiliate? The list is unimaginable so let’s begin, shall we?

Training is provided with step by step video instructions showing you exactly what to do. You are going to receive 20 Lessons consisting of Level 1 in the Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) which is 10 full lessons.

Below are the lessons included with Level 1 in the Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC):

Then you will receive Level 1 of the Affiliate Boot Camp Training another full 10 lessons. These are more directed towards the promotion of being an affiliate rather than doing a niche* (*your selected business idea) website.

Below are the lessons included with Level 1 of the Affiliate Boot Camp Training:

In order for you to complete the lessons you are going to be required to build a website, right? Now not only are you going to receive one free website but instead, you are going to get two on the subdomain.

Setting up a domain is simple and easy, you will select the “On a free domain” from the boxes shown above when going through the lessons.

Next, you are going to be giving your website a domain name and a title. These do not have to be exactly the same keep them relevant to what your business/website is going to be about.

After you have completed this step building the rest of your website is just as simple, thanks to WordPress. WordPress is used all over the world by professional website builders.

You will be able to select from 12 Themes as a Free Starter Member:

As you can see there are thousands of Themes available for you to select from should you become a Premium Member do not procrastinate over choosing a Theme it can always be changed at a later time.

Setting up a website can be done in a very short period of time, I have included the video below for your viewing pleasure.

Build a Website in 30 Seconds or less


Wealthy Affiliate does not leave you hanging like other training places they provide you with all the tools required to set up a functioning live website.

Considering the use of Live Chat available to you for the first seven days for FREE who could ask for anything better? You get stuck all you need do is jump into Live Chat and ask the other members to help you out.

Now you may get more than one answer the community is helpful in so many ways they all enjoy giving input to new members.

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Premium Membership – Wealthy Affiliate

Look we all know that this is not going to be the right thing for everyone, right? Maybe that is why the owners decided to give everyone a FREE Starter Membership to see what all is involved.

Completing the Starter Membership Training even after the seven-day trial is over will anyone the necessary information to make an informed decision about Wealthy Affiliate.

It only took me 2 days prior to becoming a Premium Member, I knew this was the real deal for making money online! Never have I regretted going Premium only wish I had found this years ago.

Premium Membership includes over the top benefits compared to the Starter Membership listing them all would not begin to be feasible on this page.

I will give you some of the highlights of Premium so you can see the membership costs are so cheap compared to what you are getting.

    • Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) training is a 5 phase (50 lessons) series of courses walking you through the process of creating and growing a business within absolutely ANY niche that you want.
    • Affiliate Boot Camp training is a 7 Phase (70 lessons) series of courses walking you through the process of creating and establishing a business in a niche related to the promotion of Wealthy Affiliate.
    • Weekly LIVE Interactive Classes – Each and every week we offer Live Class training from industry experts. Jay, the lead trainer in the live classes, is going to blow your mind and advance your skill sets on a weekly basis with insights into new, and bleeding-edge strategies.
    • Incredible Catalog of Industry Training – There are 1,000’s of training modules covering pretty much everything you could imagine in terms of running an online business. Every single day there are new training modules being created through our “community training” program. Subject matter experts are contributing to the education you get at WA and you get full access to this with Premium.
    • Classrooms, Evolving Daily (12 Classrooms) – We have the most diverse subset of training in the world. There are MANY ways in which you can build a business and monetize it online. From e-commerce, drop shipping, local marketing, ad sense, Facebook ads, SEO, pay-per-click, email marketing, lead generation, etc. All of these topics are going to be covered within the classrooms and throughout the platform at Wealthy Affiliate.  If you don’t see the training you are looking for, simply request it. An expert within the community will build it!
    • Earn Revenue Creating Your Own Training – Want to earn some extra money simply by giving back to the community? As a Premium member (after 3 months) you have the ability to create your own video training, text tutorials as well as courses. Payments for training are sent monthly and it can be a way to subsidize your entire membership costs at WA.
    • A Website Platform You Can Grow With – As your business grows, your website platform is going to need to grow with you and allow for higher traffic websites, and more websites. At Wealthy Affiliate, you can run several multi-million dollar websites from ONE platform in SiteRubix. You will not outgrow the platform here and as a Premium member you can host up to 50 websites total.
    • 51,973 Website Feature “Add Ons” – There are over 51,000 “feature” extensions available within Premium that you can use to ENHANCE your website in every imaginable way. Everything from building membership sites, adding shopping carts to your site, image/design plugins, font plugins, and plugins for managing social aspects of your business. These are FREE and installed on your website with a click of a button!
    • SiteDomains – The World’s Only All Inclusive Domain Platform – With our domain platform at Wealthy Affiliate, you have access to all the features you would expect other domain registrars to charge for. Included with every domain is WHOIS Privacy Protection, 24/7 Support, Next Year Guarantee Pricing, Domain Security, Unlimited Email Accounts, & Advanced DNS Management & Instant Set-up. As a Premium member, you will have access to all of these features for no extra cost with any domain that you register through SiteDomains!
    • SiteProtect, Increased Spam Protection – Website security is becoming more and more important to the overall success of a website. The SiteProtect feature at Wealthy Affiliate adds a three-point protection layer on your websites. Comment Spam, Back Office Hacking (passwords), and Website Load Speeds (Botnet Attacks). These are the three ways hackers look to wreak havoc on your business and we protect you from all of these with the SiteProtect platform.
    • Site SSL – Free SSL certificates (Website Encryption) – Websites with SSL installed on them are starting to rank much better than non-SSL websites in search engines! With Site SSL at Wealthy Affiliate, you can set up SSL certificates for completely FREE on any domain that you own. It is instant and we have broken the convention because these are typically “paid” services elsewhere (typically $50 per year, per domain), but completely included in the Premium membership for any domain that you host.
    • 24/7/365 Site Support – Average Response < 5 minutes! Need instant hosting help? Unlike other hosting companies where you have to contact an unqualified “help desk”, through the SiteSupport platform you are getting direct access to our server administrators (the technical geniuses) and they will address any hosting issues you have immediately. This is 24/7/365, so regardless if it is 3 am or dinner time, you are in good hands. The average response time is less than 5 minutes for all requests.
    • Keywords & Opportunity is Unlimited. You literally have access to BILLIONS of keywords with a click of a button within the Jaaxy platform. Whether you are an Internet marketer, a local marketing company, an SEO firm, or a fortune 500 firm looking to get access to keywords for your business, Jaaxy produces the keyword data you need in a matter of seconds.
    • 24/7/365 Help -Wealthy Affiliate is a global community and one that never sleeps. Whether you are located in North/South America, Europe, Asia, Africa or Australia, you are going to be able to connect and communicate with fellow aspiring and successful entrepreneurs 24 hours per day.
    • Expert Mentoring and Support- We all hit roadblocks at various stages of our businesses and there is no better way to overcome this than asking someone who has been there, done that. As the founders, we have 30 years of combined experience within the online business world, but as a community, we collectively have MILLIONS of years of expertise. You can tap into this (at any time) as a Premium member as you have unlimited communication and access to help.
    • Mentoring From the Founders – There isn’t another company in the world that gives you a direct avenue to contact the owners, in particular, a company that boasts well over a MILLION members. Wealthy Affiliate is different and we as the founders (Kyle & Carson) are supporting people directly every day and you can have full, uninhibited and private access to us with the Premium Membership.

I could continue to keep adding to this list but you can read this all for yourself once you create your FREE Starter Membership with Wealthy Affiliate.

You will be able to find the complete list under your profile (please remember to put a picture in) picture on the left-hand side of your screen. Click the picture and then click “Included With Premium” you can then read the complete book.

Once again my only regret is that I did not find Wealthy Affiliate sooner than what I did a little over a year ago. Yes, I have made money online with them not as much as I would love to be earning but that is coming fear not.

In Conclusion

With all the scams on the internet today it is difficult to find a real opportunity that is completely legit. Finding a legit way to make money online and get started for 100% FREE is completely unheard-of, right?

WRONG, you can take a couple of seconds now to create your FREE Starter Membership by clicking the button below, you will not be sorry you did.

Work from Home Create Your Free Account Now

Hearing from my readers is greatly appreciated, please leave any comments, suggestions, or questions you have in the space provided below. I usually answer within 24 hours.

Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read my article today.

Best wishes to your online success,


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