Working From Home Jobs Online

Working From Home Jobs Online

Do you know how many people daily look for a way to work from home online? Because I have learned all about a thing called Keyword Research I am able to give you a good idea that 276 people daily looking for a way to work from home online.

This might not seem like very many people to you, but consider the fact that they only keyword being used for this search is “working from home jobs online”.

Not included are the people who are using a completely different search term. One simple word change can completely change the search results such as “work at home jobs online”.

By changing the one word in the way people search for the same thing you will now find that an additional 208 people are looking for exactly the same thing daily.

Worst of all this does not even cover the different ways people can search for things on the internet. Knowing what keyword research is can help you figure out what types of work you are ready to attempt to do from home.

Take into consideration the number of scams that are run on the internet today and you have a recipe for disaster. Scammers do not care about people all they care about is taking your hard-earned money and making themselves rich.

When they get found out and shut down from selling one bad system they find a way to rename it and start selling the same system all over again.

If you are one of the people who find yourself trying “shiny objects” one after the other it is really time for you to stop! Shiny Object Syndrome is only going to leave you broke you will never make any money online with these systems.

Do not get me wrong I was in your shoes, I tried so many of the “shiny object” systems and the work from home jobs that I lost count. These cost me dearly and finally, I gave up.

Then one day I was sitting around bored and decided to look online again seeing if I could find a real way to work from home to make money online.


Working From Home

To get you started you need to think about what it is you want to do working at home. Do you want to stay at home doing the work because you want to spend time with your family?

Or are you interested in running your own business from home working for yourself, but helping others with their business? By setting your own hours and when and where you wish to work?

You see the one thing I have found out is I do not want to work for someone else makes them more money than I can make myself. I do not want to have to beg for a small raise ever again in my life. I want to earn the money I deserve for my work.

So instead of me finding a job that I can work from home, I found a way to run my own business working from home. Due to certain circumstances, I have not branched out into working outside my home just yet, but eventually, I will.

The earnings for doing this are highly profitable for me not to. With the above information, I have not really given you any clue as to what exactly you are going to be doing now have I?

Please do not take this the wrong way the company I am promoting in my article today is called “Wealthy Affiliate“. They are a training community that has been in business since 2005.

You cannot take the name at face value either they teach you all about running an online business, not just affiliate marketing even though you will learn how to do this too.

What this company has to offer you are not going to find any place else on the internet or in any schools. But the best part of all is you can join them with a “Free Starter Membership” holding a seven-day trial period.

They do give you the “Free Starter Membership” for a total of six months to make up your mind if this is really what you are looking for. Below I will get into what all you are going to receive with the Starter Membership.

A small piece of advice should you join as a Premium Member within the seven-day trial period your first month of membership is only $19.00 USD. That is way cheaper than any of those scams I have seen out there.

Work from Home Create Your Free Account Now

Work From Home No Experience Required

Here is the greatest part of working from home doing “Wealthy Affiliate” you do not need any experience to get started. The only requirements are having a computer/laptop and an internet connection.

It never hurts to have a little computer experience but honestly, you do not need this either. What the owners of Wealthy Affiliate have done is put together simple training with step by step video instructions showing you exactly what to do.

Think you have missed a step simply go back and watch the video over again and again until you have the process down. This is another of the benefits of the community you can watch any of the training videos over any time you need them.

Let’s take a look at what the “Free Starter Membership” has to offer:

  • Level 1 of the Online Entrepreneur Certification consisting of 10 Lessons
  • Level 1 in the Affiliate Boot Camp Training another 10 Lessons
  • Beginners Training Course
  • 2 Free Websites on the subdomain
  • Website Backup
  • Free Hosting for both Websites
  • Personal Affiliate Blog
  • Video Walk-Throughs
  • 2 Training Classrooms
  • Affiliate Program
  • Earn While You Learn
  • 30 Keyword Searches
  • One-on-One Coaching (first seven days only)
  • Live Chat 24/7 (first seven days only)


Level 1 OEC Training


Completing all ten lessons in this level will have you a niche website set up and live on the internet. Each lesson is in a step by step video taught by one of the owners of Wealthy Affiliate.

Do not for one second think this is difficult you do not need any prior experience to build a website or any technical knowledge all of that is taken care of behind the scenes for you.


Level 1 Boot Camp Lessons


Completing these lessons in the Boot Camp Training Level 1 will give you a website set up and live on the internet to promote Wealthy Affiliate. Same applies nothing difficult all lessons are step by step video instructions.

The only difference between the two levels is one is for a “Niche Website” and the other is for promoting “Wealthy Affiliate”.


These are created on WordPress used worldwide by website builders. As a Free Starter Member, you will have 12 Free WordPress Themes to choose from.

All WordPress themes are easy to use and customization to any niche is simple. You can create a professional website in a matter of minutes once you have the experience of working with WordPress.

Build a Website in 30 Seconds



Take the time to check out one of the Video Walk-Throughs below where you can build a website in 30 seconds by one of the owners “Kyle”.

Getting Started Screenshot


The 30 Keyword Researches will be done on Jaaxy this keyword research tool was created by the owners of Wealthy Affiliate for affiliate marketers. Making it the best in the business to help you rank for the keyword you are targeting.

Jaaxy Banner

Have a look at a keyword search for the “Working From Home Jobs Online” that did prior to writing this article below:

Jaaxy search results for Working from home jobs online

Note: the totals I gave you at the beginning of this article contain the whole page of results which are not shown here.


Each member at Wealthy Affiliate has their own Personal Affiliate Blog in the community. You can learn from these tips from more experienced members along with success stories from many of the members.

Below is a success story that I thought you might like to have a look at (clicking on the image takes you to the WA site):

Jerry Huang Success Story


Joining Wealthy Affiliate as a Free Starter Member you will be issued a unique link to your affiliate account. By giving this link to others they will be joining under you and you will be paid a commission at 1/2 the rate of the Premium Members.

Check out all the other programs out there I can pretty much guarantee they do not give you a commission unless you are a paid member in their program.chart of affiliate commissions for WA

ONE-ON-ONE COACHING (First seven-days only)

During the first seven days of your trial membership I can offer you One-on-One Coaching meaning I will take you by the hand and help you with anything you need help with.

This, of course, will continue should you decide to take the Premium Membership within the first seven days of your trial membership. I have no idea why anyone would not this is the best training available with the most help I have ever seen.

LIVE CHAT 24/7 (First seven-days only)

Should I not be available online you can always leave me a message on my profile, but what if you had a way to go ask someone LIVE in real time?

Using Live Chat during your first seven days is highly recommended getting answers to questions about training or Wealthy Affiliate any time day or night.

Live Chat screenshot

As a Premium Member, Live Chat is always available 24/7/365 so you can get answers to questions when you need them from a whole community of experts in all lines of online businesses.

Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership

Most of you would ask why should one take the Premium Membership, and I am going to take the time to explain to you the why of it.

Wealthy Affiliate is fantastic to offer the Free Starter Membership to those of you who have been scammed in the past. A great way to find out that this is not a scam system is by joining for FREE with No Credit Card Required.

Once you are inside the community you can check out the training see if this is exactly what you have been looking for. It is not a get-rich-quick system and there are no magic buttons to push to bring money pouring into your bank account.

After you realize that these systems do not exist then you might find that Wealthy Affiliate is the Real Deal way of Making Money Online.

Affiliate Marketing is one of the easiest and simple ways to get started. Passive income over a residual income for life what could one possibly find better?

After your website is set up and live on the internet then you still need to work. This is what all those gurus out there are not telling you. Everyone feels it is a set it and forget it types of business, this could not be farther from the truth.

Google and the other major search engines do not know you and until you can prove yourself to them as an authority within any business niche then you are not going anywhere.

How exactly do you prove yourself to Google and the other major search engines? By producing keyword-rich high-quality content on a consistent basis. That means you need to have articles to put on your website in a consistent manner.

This could be daily which would be ideal, but let’s not kid ourselves doing an article daily can be difficult and for some just not quite realistic.

Making sure you keep those articles going on the website with consistency whether it be once a week or twice a week is what matters.

Just remember the frequency with which you add the articles is going to determine the amount of time it takes the major search engines to recognize you as an authority within your business niche.

On average, it can take from three months to two years or longer for search engines to recognize you depending upon the niche selection, quality of your content, and the competition you are up against.

Everything I have given you here is more than enough of a reason to take the Premium Membership with Wealthy Affiliate. The experts in the community can help you grasp all the concepts needed to learn the right process to succeed faster.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the most vital things you need to learn when creating a business website. This can be for yourself or if you are wanting to get into Local SEO building websites for local businesses.

Wealthy Affiliate has one of the best in the field when it comes to SEO, the Live Training Coach, Jay (Profile name: magistudios). Jay runs a Live Training each week on Friday nights with the question and answers time after each seminar.

Only one of the advantages of being a Premium Member is having access to this expert. With so many experts in different areas, there is nowhere else you are going to have access to so many in the online world.

Below are a few of the other advantages of being a Premium Member it is by no means conclusive:

    1. Weekly LIVE Interactive ClassesEach and every week we offer Live Class training from industry experts. Jay, the lead trainer in the live classes, is going to blow your mind and advance your skill sets on a weekly basis with insights into new, and bleeding edge strategies.
    2. Online Entrepreneur Certification (50 Lessons)This 5 Phase, 50 Lesson course is going to be the fundamental core of your knowledge base and by the time you are finished this training you are going to be well-equipped to succeed within ANY niche, category or vertical online. This training is updated regularly to keep you ahead of your competition and industry trends.
    3. Affiliate Boot Camp Training (70 Lessons) Affiliate Boot Camp is going to take you from a potential newbie in the “make money” niche, and turn you into a thriving and successful entrepreneur. No secret is left unattended, no golden nugget left out. Affiliates that have taken this course are thriving and many will be attending the full expense paid trip to Vegas this year (and you can too).
    4. Classrooms, Evolving Daily (12 Classrooms) We have the most diverse subset of training in the world. There are MANY ways in which you can build a business and monetize it online. From e-commerce, drop shipping, local marketing, Adsense, Facebook ads, SEO, pay-per-click, email marketing, lead generation, etc. All of these topics are going to be covered within the classrooms and throughout the platform at Wealthy Affiliate. If you don’t see the training you are looking for, simply request it. An expert within the community will build it!
    5. Earn Revenue Creating Your Own Training. Want to earn some extra money simply by giving back to the community? As a Premium Member (after 3 months) you have the ability to create your own video training, text tutorials as well as courses. Payments for training are sent monthly and it can be a way to subsidize your entire membership costs at WA.
    6. Site SSL – Free SSL certificates (Website Encryption) Websites with SSL installed on them are starting to rank much better than non-SSL websites in search engines! With Site SSL at Wealthy Affiliate, you can set up SSL certificates for completely FREE on any domain that you own. It is instant and we have broken the convention because these are typically “paid” services elsewhere (typically $150 per year, per domain), but completely included in the Premium membership for any domain that you host.
    7. 24/7/365 Site Support – Average Response < 5 minutes! Need instant hosting help? Unlike other hosting companies where you have to contact an unqualified “help desk”, through the Site Support platform you are getting direct access to our server administrators (the technical geniuses) and they will address any hosting issues you have immediately. This is 24/7/365, so regardless if it is 3 am or dinner time, you are in good hands. Average response time is less than 5 minutes for all requests.
    8. Mentoring from the Founders. There isn’t another company in the world that gives you a direct avenue to contact the owners, in particular, a company that boasts well over a MILLION members. Wealthy Affiliate is different and we as the founders (Kyle & Carson) are supporting people directly every day and you can have full, inhibited and private access to us with the Premium Membership.
    9. 50 Websites all with Free Hosting. 25 of which are hosted on your own Domain Names, and 25 are on the subdomain owned by Wealthy Affiliate. Talk about savings these include the SSL, Site Protection, Site Speed, Virus Protection, Malware Protection, etc. as well.
    10. Website/Wordpress Support. Outside of all the state of the art and “Wealthy Affiliate technology” you have access to within the SiteRubix platform, you have a community of website and technical help to harness if you ever feel stuck. Many of the top WordPress plugin and theme owners frequent within Wealthy Affiliate and are also able to answer any queries you have!

Meet Carson (left) Kyle (right) – Owners of Wealthy Affiliate

This is not a complete list at all of what the Premium Membership has to offer it is far too long to begin to include on this article here on my website.

Take a minute to fill in the “Free Starter Membership” form and when you get inside the community you can find the complete list of benefits by clicking your profile picture to the left-hand side of the screen then “Included With Premium”.

work at home sign up form

I am certain that once you see what is being offered with the Free Starter Membership, and then the Premium Membership it will not take you the whole seven days to take the $19.00 special being offered.

After your initial first month at the Special offering then you can choose the plan that fits your budget from the chart below, as you can see the savings are substantial the longer you can afford to take the membership for.

premium membership cost at WA

In Conclusion

Personally, it does not matter which membership deal you decide to take or can afford, they all are at such a great price I consider this a steal for all the more we are paying.

Training is unbeatable, service with Site Support the best, answers to questions in real time unheard-of anywhere else, and being able to access the owners of the company “PRICELESS“!

My question to you now is why are you still contemplating finding a job online? Why do you want to work for someone else when the skills you will learn at Wealthy Affiliate have no limitations to what you can earn?

Local SEO can generate an extra couple of thousands of dollars a month if you are into working with others. I have heard where some people have paid thousands for a website (this depends on the size).

Not only do you get paid for building them a website, but you can have it so you receive a monthly fee for the maintenance and hosting of their website. This can run into a couple of hundred dollars per month.

Just make sure to have a contract that is signed prior to starting any of the work. This is another place that Wealthy Affiliate can come in more than just a little handy. Many of the members do Local SEO. Jay has training in the archives for it.

Stop wasting time click the box below “Create Your Free Account Now”, No Credit Card Required and you are never under any obligation to upgrade.

Work from Home Create Your Free Account Now


Hearing from my readers is what I look forward to, please leave any comments, suggestions, or questions in the space provided below. I answer these usually within 24 hours.

Thank you for checking our “Working From Home Jobs Online” hope you found a much better way to earn a living.

Best wishes to your future online success,


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