Ways To Avoid Work From Home Scams Online

Ways To Avoid Work From Home Scams Online

There plenty of ways to spot a scam online people are just under the misconception with all the hype of the gurus and scam artists out there that there is some sort of magic button you can push and make money online.

This could not be farther from the truth in so many ways. The internet has produced many millionaires over time, but what they lack to tell you is those people worked to get there.

They did not have any fancy software installed to make them money. They did not have any magic system they used to get-rich-quick within 24 hours of starting.

When you hear things like this then you need to watch for all the signs I am going to point out below not to fall victim to these unethical people.

Not interested in finding out how to avoid these hazardous mistakes? But are looking for a real way to make money online? Today is your lucky day by clicking the box below you will be taken to a real way to make money online no hype involved.

You will join for 100% Free with No Credit Card Required and no obligation on your part at all. Inside you will receive free training, 2 free websites, with free hosting, and Live Chat 24/7 available for the first seven days.

Later I will explain more about this if you are willing to take the time to read the complete article. Some are impatient and want to get right to what is being offered (FREE) while others are more hesitate and want more information.


Spot A Scam Online

Did you know that 99.9% of all scams will include one of the following words? Providing this list for you might keep you from giving the scammer any of your valuable time in reading or listing to what they have to say.

  • Instant – as in you can make an instant profit or instant cash
  • Cheap – you have just found the cheap way of making money online
  • Fast – earning within 24 hours
  • Set and Forget – right set up a system and forget about it not going to work
  • 10 Minutes a Day – anyone who has ever made money online works never for only 10 minutes a day
  • Gold Mine – the gold rush ended years ago – unless you are headed into the ocean or to Alaska
  • Multiplier – this will usually refer to possible MLM operations not all of these are scams research will let you know
  • Reseller – oh you are going to get in cheap but watch out for all those up sales could be thousands
  • Zero to ? – another one of the ways to say magic push-button
  • Push-Button – really do you think if someone found this push-button system are they going to share it? Would you?
  • Cash Cow – sure cows are worth some cash for milk or beef but not on the internet making money
  • Automated – a computer does not run by itself a person must tell it what to do there are no automated systems for cash
  • Done For You – let me get this one, gurus are going to charge me for a website that I can build for free without hosting?
  • Daily – fake screenshots of what is possible daily these are fake, not impossible to make money except with their system
  • Cash Machine – everyone should get one of these right? a machine that spits out cash every hour!
  • SECRETS – they just can let so many people in before shutting the doors forever – right same system over and over!

Hearing any of these words or reading them run do not walk because you are asking to be scammed right out of your hard-earned money.

Reporting Scams

Have you already fallen victim to one of these scams? Did you know that there is a way to report these people? Although they can escape prosecution it costs them for attorneys and fees.

Never fear they will be back with a new system soon it only takes them a matter of time. That is the sad thing about the whole situation getting them stopped is impossible.

The first thing you need to do is report the scam to your local police department having them make a report of the scam having it on record is important. After doing this, you may also contact your state consumer protection office filing a report at each level.

Certain types of scams and fraud go to federal enforcement agencies once the above two levels are completed. The website below will give you more information for scams and fraud reporting:


If you believe you have been a victim of internet fraud or cybercrime, report it to the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) or by using the FBI’s online tips form.


I have provided the link above to the Internet Crime Complaint Center – on the site you will find a couple of options to choose from for reporting and the following information is required:

The IC3 accepts online Internet crime complaints from either the actual victim or from a third party to the complainant. We can best process your complaint if we receive accurate and complete information from you. Therefore, we request you provide the following information when filing a complaint:

  • Victim’s name, address, telephone, and email
  • Financial transaction information (e.g., account information, transaction date and amount, who received the money)
  • Subject’s name, address, telephone, email, website, and IP address
  • Specific details on how you were victimized
  • Email header(s)
  • Any other relevant information you believe is necessary to support your complaint

From there your complaint will be forwarded to federal, state, local, or international law enforcement agencies. So if you have been a victim of a scam do not let them get away with it report it!

Other Ways to Spot Scams

You have gotten those emails where it sounds too good to be true, right? The rule here is listening to your mother she always said: “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!”

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Remember the push-button above? When they are promising that you are going to be making instant money with a few clicks of your mouse!

You are not sure about something so you decide to check them out but cannot find any information on the internet? No website, no reviews, absolutely nothing on them at all – looks like a scam – sounds like a scam.

scam artist pictureOpen an email that looks interesting only to find the person has written you a sales article to hurry and watch the video inside because time is running out? This is a very popular scam type email!

Any type of work from home company or business that asks you for more personal information prior to giving you any details about the type of work you are going to be performing – especially if they want a fee paid upfront! Scam!

Online is not the only place you are going to run into scams. They will call you on the telephone asking you questions that are not really any of their business. These people will try hard to get personal information they can use to scam you.

Social Media is crawling with people who will scam you asking for money in “Go Fund Me” accounts which were created for those who are really in need. Research every place possible before contributing to these scams.

Scam programs usually work with up sales starting out small with only $37.00, but once they have you watch out your credit card information is in their system. Before you are finished they could get you for thousands.

Once these places have you they will keep pressuring you into buying more of the products to earn money with them. In reality, you will never earn a dime.

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Real Work From Home Opportunity?

With all the scams out there how do you know if a Work From Home Opportunity is real? Research is the key to all of the knowing. Even those opportunities that are real have reviews from people on the internet.

Finding more bad than good reviews? Then you will need to be selective with which company to start out working with. My best advice is to try to find a company you can start with for FREE!

See I have been in your shoes and tried many of the scam products before I found the real Work from Home opportunity! It was FREE to join which was unbelievable especially for me. Skeptical would be an understatement reading it!

But decided to give it a shot the signup screen I landed on looked like the one below:

Signup Page for WA

Considering my budget being on a fixed income at the time, figured not going to hurt to try something for FREE! Filled in the information – as you can see there is really nothing very personal required.

Imagine the surprise when I ended up on a real website to Wealthy Affiliate? With real training that I could work with. Followed the instructions by completing my profile (Marley2016) and started working on the lessons.

You can join right now for FREE just like I did and believe me this is so worth trying out. How do you know if it would be right for you if you do not give it a try? Click the box below and “Create Your Free Account Now” see you on the inside.

Wealthy Affiliate – What Is It About?

Here you are going to find a training community like no other! Below I will get into what you are going to receive as a FREE Starter Member but you are going to be shocked at what is available with them!

Free Starter Members get 20 Lessons they are Level 1 of the Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) which is 10 Lessons included in the screenshot below:


Your next training is Level 1 of the Affiliate Boot Camp Training this is also 10 Lessons shown below:

Bootcamp Training Level 1

Both sets of these lessons are written out but come with video instructions from one of the owners of the company. These two men started the company back in 2005 and it has been growing ever since.

With the free training, you will have two (2) websites on the siterubix.com domain to build yourself an online business as Kyle teaches on the videos. Follow these in order and when you have completed 10 lessons your website will have taken shape.

A website needs to be hosted on the internet for people to find it and at Wealthy Affiliate this is included for the Free Starter Members. Not just that Kyle teaches you about SEO in the training helping you with the search engines.

There are 2 Classrooms available for the Starter Members for questions and answers from top members in the community. During your first seven days as a Starter Member you will have access to Live Chat 24/7 should you need help or have any questions at all.

Here is something you are not going to find with the other platforms out there – your Free Starter Membership account is never canceled as long as you remain actively working on your website! The only way it is taken down is if you ignore it and do not work on it for 30 days or longer!

Seriously, you are going to get all this for FREE – what are you waiting for? Smack that box below and “Create Your Free Account Now” the possibilities here are endless!


What Is Wealthy Affiliate’s Premium Membership?

Being fair is the way I roll. So advising you of how the Premium Membership is and works needs to be included here for you to check out.

With the Premium Membership, you receive all WA (Wealthy Affiliate) has to offer in the way of training. This not only includes all Levels in the Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) but in the Affiliate Boot Camp Training.

Members for years have added additional training modules to the basic training provided by Kyle with hundreds if not thousands that you can reference.

Every Friday night there is a Live Event training by one of the finest internet marketers you will ever meet (magistudios) all of these have been taped and archived for reference as needed.

As a Starter Member, you received two (2) websites to build right? With Premium, you will now have 50 websites to build this is the only other added expense to your membership 25 of the domains will be purchased while 25 are siterubix.com.

Domain Name Screenshot

Reminder, here when purchasing a domain name from another place it will take time to transfer it into WA sometimes as long as 60 days. Purchasing domain names at WA guarantees the renewal price yearly as well.

Premium Membership can be set up as follows – you can get a discounted first month of Premium for $19.00 after that then you can choose from paying membership from the chart below:

Membership Fees WA

This is just a highlight of the benefits with WA Premium Membership once you are on the inside with your Free Starter Membership you will find a complete list under your profile picture on the left “Included With Premium”.

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In Closing

Hopefully today you learned how to spot the scams and guru offers that you have been getting or possibly even falling for, we like to call this the “Shiny Object Syndrome”.

Yes, there are legitimate ways to work from home but be aware of if they are legitimate by doing research prior to paying any cash out to join them – any legit company is NOT going to ask for money up front.

Joining WA has changed my life along with many others what is stopping you from trying this out right now?

Hit the box below and “Create Your Free Account Now” remember “No Credit Card Required” and you are under no obligation to go Premium.


Hearing from my readers always makes my day knowing that possibly I have been able to help someone change their life around. Please leave all comments, suggestions, or questions in the space provided below. I answer them all usually within 24 hours.

Thank you for taking the time to read my complete article today and will catch you on the inside of WA (Marley2016),




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