Why Make Your Income Online?
Build Your Own Online Empire Starting Today!
What are the real possibilities of making your income online? That depends on you! Yes, you did read that correctly it is all going to depend totally on YOU!
LISTEN UP! LOOKING FOR A GET-RICH-QUICK PUSH-BUTTON MAGIC SYSTEM? Keep moving this is not it, and to be honest good luck finding one that works. 99.9% of all those are scams unless you are already filthy rich!
Back when I had to work to pay bills and support the family, I am a single mother divorced who raised two boys, I was always trying to find that perfect work at home online gig.
Wasted so much of my hard-earned cash on purchasing all those “shiny objects” hyped up scams. You know the ones with the fancy cars, fancy houses, and people flashing money all around.
Maturing makes one just a little wiser to spot those today when I was once again searching for a way to work online. One day during a search I found a website where you could join for FREE!
Highly skeptical I filled in my email address and was taken to another form to complete. It said No Credit Card Required so what the heck I filled it in as well.
Imagine my surprise when it opened to a website that gave me free training, 2 free websites, free hosting, and some other benefits that we will get into below.
Because some people are always in a hurry no matter how much I would appreciate you taking the time to finish reading all about what is involved with how to make your income online.
I am giving you the box below click it and be taken to the “Create Your Free Account Now” form, No Credit Card Required and you are never under any obligation to upgrade.
How To Make Your Income Online
Before I give you the name of the company you need to understand it is a bit deceiving. The skills that you are going to learn with this community are so vast that it encompasses more than just what the name says about it.
Wealthy Affiliate was started back in 2005 by two gentlemen from Canada. Carson and Kyle met in college prior to starting this company and knew they wanted to work online making money.
Combining their skills Carson is the technical back end master of the business and Kyle does all the training he is an expert at affiliate marketing. Between the two of them, there is nothing they do not know about the online world.

Co-owners of Wealthy Affiliate
Adding to the community years ago is now the Live Training Coach, Jay Neill (Profile: magistudios), Jay runs live training every Friday night. Live Events are recorded and archived for viewing any time you wish to review or happen to miss one.

Just a couple of important facts prior to getting into what all you are going to get with the Free Starter Membership.
Affiliate Marketing is not something that is ever going to go away as long as we have the internet! The industry is expected to keep growing continuously reaching at least 6.8 Billion by next year.
Getting into affiliate marketing does take time, work, dedication, commitment, but most of all patience. Self-discipline is needed to keep yourself motivated and working consistently toward your short-term and long-term goals.
There is a reason only 1% of people who want to work online find success. The other 99% quit or just give up even before they get started. This is not a get-rich-quick system, there really is not one sorry to say or everyone would be doing it!
Before I said do not take the name of the company at face value for a reason, the skills you learn inside the community can be used to set up many other businesses besides just affiliate marketing.
ALL BUSINESSES LARGE AND SMALL need a website today! Local SEO is a highly lucrative business if you have training in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) building websites for these businesses will earn a handsome income monthly.
Getting Started
You are going to need a computer or laptop with an internet connection and a quiet place to work. An office would be ideal but to be honest I use my kitchen table. However, I do live alone so interruptions for me is not a problem.
“Create Your Free Account Now” No Credit Card Required to begin training. Why do you need this training? You could try to find all this information on your own or find it all in one place inside the community.
Free Starter Membership is going to start you out with 20 free lessons Level 1 of the Online Entrepreneur Certification which is (10 Lessons) and Level 1 in the Affiliate Boot Camp Training another (10 Lessons).
Lessons are done with a step by step video instructions showing you exactly what to do and how to do it. You will have certain tasks to complete in each lesson with check-off boxes keeping track of your progress.
In order for you to follow along with the lessons, you are going to need a website to build your business. Wealthy Affiliate provides you with not only one website but two websites on the siterubix.com subdomain.
Selecting the URL domain name is important this cannot ever be changed once set up. The title to your website should reflect what business topic the website is about. A website title can be changed later if you find it necessary.
Do not panic about building a website this is not anything technical like in the past. WordPress Website Builder will be used for building your website using themes that can be customized to your own style.
Starter Members have 12 free themes to choose from giving you a nice selection. A theme is easily changed if you happen to select one that you are not happy with you can always change it later.
We all know that websites need hosting from a server for people to find them on the internet. Wealthy Affiliates gives you FREE hosting for both of the free websites.
IN REVIEW WHAT YOU ARE GETTING FREE: 20 Free Lessons, 2 Free Websites on the siterubix.com subdomain along with Free Hosting for both of the websites.
But, we are not finished yet there are more free things included with the Free Starter Membership.
- Beginner’s Training Course
- Website Backup Daily – do not lose any of that work!
- Personal Affiliate Blog
- 30 Keyword Searches – Jaaxy Lite (little more on this later)
- 2 Training Classrooms
- Affiliate Program
- Earn While You Learn
- One-on-One Coaching (available for the first seven days only for Starter Members)
- Live Chat 24/7 (available for the first seven days only for Starter Members)
You want to talk about getting something for FREE this is more than any hosting company or other training I have found even begin to offer. With the exception of the last two items on this list everything else is available to you for a whole 6 months Free to work on.
Anyone who is serious about making your income online knows the value of what is being offered right now for FREE. But once you get inside the community talk to other members you are going to be upgrading prior to the seven-day trial.
Premium Membership
As a Premium Member with Wealthy Affiliate, I can honestly state there is not another community like this anywhere on the internet. Support is available 24/7/365 day and night for every type of problem or question imaginable.
Premium Membership includes all that Wealthy Affiliate has to offer for training, support, 50 websites with hosting, all-inclusive in the membership dues. There are never any up sales you pay your monthly, bi-yearly, or yearly membership.
You will be responsible for purchasing your own Domain Names which is only fair these do belong to you. If you ever want to leave Wealthy Affiliate you will have 30 days to transfer them to a new hosting company/platform.
What’s that? Do you already own a Domain Name? Yes, once you are a Premium Member you can transfer that Domain to Wealthy Affiliate for hosting under your Premium Membership.
There is no charge for transferring a Domain into Wealthy Affiliate or for hosting either all-inclusive. They do offer on the platform where you can purchase your Domain through Wealthy Affiliate knowing at renewal time the price will be the same.
Budgeting for Premium Membership is something else we can discuss where they have options to fit everyone’s budget. You can select to pay monthly at $49.00 per month, 6-month membership is $234.00, and the yearly is only $359.00.
Savings is substantial if you can afford to take either the 6-month or yearly membership. I have never seen a business with an overhead that is less than the price of a cup of coffee a day. Pocket change when you think about it.
As a Premium Member, you will have access to thousands of experienced members like-minded individuals that are going to help you reach the level of success you want to attain. You will have access to the owners Carson and Kyle if needed.
Previously I mentioned Jay Neill (Profile: magistudios) the Live Training Coach at Wealthy Affiliate. Taped Live Events can be viewed from the past training in any topic that you are searching for. PRICELESS information not available elsewhere.
Jay keeps members of the community up-to-date with changes being made by the major search engines in SEO. He teaches e-commerce, how to set up your own online stores, niche websites, make money online, etc.
Others are willing to pay thousands for the type of training we get inside the Wealthy Affiliate community. Heck to be honest just one seminar you register to attend can cost $10,000.00 sometimes more.
In Conclusion
You know I could keep going with more and more about Wealthy Affiliate, but why? All you need to do is take a few seconds to fill out the “Create Your Free Account Now” No Credit Card Required right now and see for yourself.
Remember this is not a get-rich-quick offer – you are going to need to work, train, plan, get frustrated, possibly even fail first, work some more, be committed, determined, and have enough patience to reach the level of success you want.
The process is not difficult once you have the training after that is just a matter of lather, rinse, repeat. Diversify into another niche set up a website, monetize it, and begin to earn another line of passive income for years to come.
Hearing from my readers whether you have comments, suggestions, or questions for me please leave them in the space provided below. I answer these usually within 24 hours.
Thank you for reading my article today I am only trying to help you make the best decision for making your income online. I could not be doing this if I did not have the confidence in this community that I do.
Best wishes, please stop over and say hello my profile is Marley2016,