What Is Gen Pro?

What Is Gen Pro from Genusity?

Genusity was founded by Tim Sebert and Randy Thomas, you can research both of these men and find they have a history of working online in various other organizations.

Now, this might impress you as being good or bad undoubtedly, but it seems they might have hit upon something starting the Gen Pro line with Genusity.

I have been following along with them now for a couple of months but not seriously getting into promoting the company at a 100% rate just yet. I have been holding off to see if they are worth the investment and time.

Admittedly so far I am leaning toward starting to promote the Gen Pro line of Genusity and becoming an Associate for the company. They have some great products they have added to their line-up that I find can earn some great commissions.

Shall we get into what these products are and the commission structure to see if you might be interested in getting involved with Gen Pro (Genusity)?

Should One Join Genusity?

Had I come across this a few years ago, I would have written a completely different article about this company. Considering where they started with Genusity and only offered a few products which today, to me, have become obsolete.

The first one of their products was an “Advertising Beacon“, this is a Bluetooth Beacon used for advertising, however, let’s take a look at a few they offer:

5 BB Sport Special

Herein lies the problem the only way your advertisement is going to show up on anything is when someone has their Bluetooth activated and they must be within 50 feet of your BB Sport. Not very likely in my opinion.

Genusit Boom

This is only one of four offered besides the BB Sport with Bluetooth capabilities for advertising by companies. As you can see, once again the person would need to have the Bluetooth turned on in order to receive the advertising you are sending.

I am not certain about the advertising reaching people’s cell phones considering most turn off the Bluetooth capabilities when they are out and about. I find these advertising beacons outdated, once again, only my opinion.

Today they have added more to the Gen Pro line of products and joining this company might not be such a bad idea. You can actually start as a Free Associate meaning you are not going to earn as much in commissions as upgraded members. We will get into that later.

Locking in your spot prior to deciding if this is right for you would NOT be considered a bad idea. I myself have become a Free Team Member so far, I am still undecided upon upgrading to an Associate just yet.

Attending the weekly webinars is something I suggest you take part in, they are live and you can ask questions from both Tim and Randy. I do like the fact that you can talk directly to the owners of the company this makes it legit.

Gen Pro (Genusity) Products Worth Promoting

Above I showed you the products they carry that I feel are obsolete now I would like to show you the products I feel are worth becoming involved with this company for promoting.

GenEnergy Residential No Surge ProtectionGenEnergy Plus With Surge Protection

With the cost of energy today especially electricity these are something that anyone who can afford to buy should have for their home or business. Savings are proven by installing these units.

I would recommend using the GenEnergy + (Plus) over the unit without Surge Protection you can save yourself even more money by not having to replace appliances and other expensive items should you get hit with an electrical power surge.

These two items are well worth the time to get involved with Genusity. But wait, they have found a few more products that I happen to feel are going to do great.

Keto Extreme

Ultimate Keto Extreme

For Maximum Weight Loss*

This is the Ultimate Body Formulation to help your body hit Ketosis faster and easier. Combined with a Keto Diet and Exercise, now you can…

  • Support Ketosis*
  • Fuel Body and Mind*
  • Fight Oxidative Stress*
  • Increase Energy*

Get your bottle today!

Suggested Retail Price: $79.95

Ultimate Keto Extreme contains Beta-hydroxybutyrate. BHB is the first substrate that kicks the metabolic state of ketosis into action.

Beta-hydroxybutyrate floats around in your blood, and importantly, can cross different important barriers to be able to be turned into energy at all times. One of the most important areas where this happens is in the brain.

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is usually a very tightly regulated interface, but since BHB is such a rock star and so hydrophilic, your brain knows to let it in so it can bring energy to the party at any time.

This is one of the main reasons why increased BHB levels lead to heightened mental acuity.* Ideal for both men and women, Ultimate Keto Extreme is a dynamic and powerful ketosis dietary supplement.

We all know that the Keto Diet has been sweeping the nations everywhere, but Tim Sebert’s wife has actually tried this particular Keto Extreme and found it work.

Genusity CBD Product Line

Considering the legalization of CBD Products finding the ones to take personally or promoting to establishments who wish to carry the best line of products Genusity did their homework.

Their line of CBD is made from industrial hemp plants grown on farms in the United States. The oils are CO2 extracted resulting in a solvent-free pure extract and tested by independent laboratories to keep quality high as possible.

Black Gold CBD Nana Patches

I am only going to put a couple of the other CBD Products carried by Genusity below so you can have an idea what they have but please remember this is just a sample of the products.

Carolina Gold 1800mg CBD Oil

Anti-aging creams today are popular why not get the best one on the market:

Anti-Aging Cream with CBD & Apple Stem Cells

Genusity Beauty Product Line

A new beginning is the Beauty Product Line with something women are purchasing daily at an all-time high. False eye-lashes, but why purchase ones that cannot be reused over and over?

Introducing magnetic eye-lashes in various looks from the GenLash “Natural” to the GenLash “Peek-A-Boo” finding any other lashes that compare to this high-quality is going to be highly difficult.

Pictured below are the “Natural” and “Peek-A-Boo” pairs, please note that you can purchase an extra bottle of magnetic eyeliner for $25.95 just in case you would like an extra bottle for in your purse.

GenLash Natural Lash Magnetic Eyelashes

GenLash Peek-A-Boo Magnetic Eyelashes

With the different styles available ladies should have no trouble selecting more than one type that will be right for them.

How Commissions Are Paid

I know this is one of the most important aspects of any program, compensation! Who wants to work for pennies? I know that when putting in the time and work involved to promote products and services they must be worth my time.

You need to know that Genusity does offer Wholesale packages should you know business owners who are interested in purchasing products in bulk for their stores.

Free Team Members can still make commissions so if you never upgrade but purchase products for your own use or sell products you can earn decent commissions on a monthly basis.

With Fast Start Commissions and a potential payout of up to 85% of Business Volume (BV), the Genusity Fast Start Commissions can help you generate a lot of front end income from product sales to Customers and Associates while you build your back end residual income. This applies to upgraded Associates and higher levels.

Free Team Members earn a 25% commission on Level 1 and a 5% commission on Level 2, not bad for never having to purchase any products or upgrade if you are not interested in doing so.

As I stated previously, I am not 100% sure that upgrading at this time for myself is an option but with the Free Team Membership at least promoting the Genusity products are worth my time and effort.


In Conclusion

I would recommend this company to those that are interested in becoming involved either as a Free Team Member or as an upgraded Associate or higher. Upgraded members do have the potential to make decent commissions over the Team Members.

Just remember if you are thinking about upgrading with Genusity then you are going to need to work to build your team and promote the products with utmost confidence. This will take time and work.


Genusity Banner


I am an Affiliate Marketer that is the main reason I have not taken an upgraded position with Genusity, owning my own online business takes most of my time.

Anyone who is interested in starting their own online business can contact me by leaving their email address below and I will get back to them with further instructions.

Hearing from my readers is most appreciated please leave any comments, suggestions, or questions for me in the space provided below. I usually answer within 24 hours.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article today, please bookmark my website for future articles that might be of interest to you and share with others who are looking for a Work From Home Opportunity.

Best wishes,



Bio for Susan