Start Working From Home For Free

Start Working from Home for Free

If you landed on this page, today is your lucky day “Start Working from Home for Free” is exactly what this article is all about!  Sure you have heard it all before, because we all have, right?  There are scam after scam out there trying to take possession of your hard earned cash.  Not this time, there are no catches here, work when you want from where you want with a lap top and internet connection.  No upfront cost, no Credit Card Required, 100% Safe and Secure, and there is training provided.

Start Working at Home Immediately

Once I decided that I wanted to work at home doing things I was interested in online my next step was to find a place I could learn what I needed to know.  After spending money on numerous scams, you know the ones pay us $39.95 and you can follow our system daily to make thousands!  Considering I knew none of these “systems” worked because I had tried enough of them I wanted something different – something that would actually work,

My internet search was on.  I landed on a site where you can get training for “FREE” along with having experts help you with everything from start-up to finish, including keeping me up-to-date with everything the internet has to offer.  Interesting is the fact even though I had plenty of experience on a computer I had no clue how to go about making money online.

There is a myth where everyone thinks you follow a system and make money online, well that isn’t true at all.  If you are serious about making money online then you need to put in the work to become profitable in the online world.  Did you know there are a ton of mothers out there making money from writing a blog?  That’s right they write up an article about what ever topic they are interested in from cosmetics to taking care of babies.

girl doing research on computer



Some of these mothers might spend a couple hours working on their blog while others may only spend minutes a day.  It doesn’t require full-time attention like a job, in fact anyone can do this any age any gender.  But the one thing you need to remember is monetizing the blog takes time, dedication, commitment, and work.

What Do I Get for Free

Fair question, I had to join a website that you may have heard of “Wealth Affiliate“.  Now I was skeptical even though it said “Free No Credit Card Required” clicking on other sites always took me to another screen to put in my Credit Card Information.  I was quite shocked when it actually opened a real training website where you get 10 Free Lessons that teach you how to build your own online business.  Not only that there is more, a whole online community of people from all over the world to lean on and learn what to do, how to do it, and what not to do.

Here is a list of what you can get 100% Free:

  • 1 Website on
  • 300 Monthly Website Visits
  • Max Website Storage 1 GB
  • Certification Core Training 1 Course, 5 Lessons
  • Bootcamp Core Training 1 Course, 5 Lessons
  • Website Builder
  • Managed WordPress Hosting
  • Daily Website Backup
  • SSL Website Security

However realize you cannot just sign up for a Free Membership then expect to do nothing.  In order to make money online working you need to follow the lessons provided.  Without them you are not going to be able to get anywhere, I never did (get anywhere) until now, I have more than one website.

Of course, without taking the Premium Membership I would not be where I am today.  Wondering what the cost is for this, well I can tell you it is less than a cup of coffee a day at $1.64 just give up Starbucks and you have your Membership covered for a couple of days.  Not just that you can actually earn from telling others about “Wealthy Affiliate”  Below is their affiliate program pay outs:

Notice Starter Members earn even if they are not Premium Members how many other training websites offer to pay you commissions while you are building an online business for “FREE”?  Premium Members have the opportunity to learn more with additional perks that a Starter Member does not receive.  It took me only about 4 hours of going over everything that I received for FREE when I joined as Premium Member.

Building your own online business from scratch is so rewarding even with no prior experience it’s something you will be proud of and can earn a living from for years to come.  This is not the only way to earn with Wealthy Affiliates you can learn hundreds of ways to make money online from the comfort of your own home.

In Conclusion

I could go on and on about “Wealthy Affiliate“, the Starter Membership for FREE, the Premium Memberships, the Training, and plenty more, but are you really going to read it all?  I think not.  You are looking for a way to start working from home for FREE and you found it, what you do now is totally up to you.  Of course, the only way I know if you were here or read any part of this article is if you leave me a comment, suggestion, or questions provided in the space below.

Work from Home Create Your Free Account Now

Thank you for your time hope to see you on the inside of Wealthy Affiliate very soon,




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