Ping-O-Matic Good for What?

Ping-O-Matic What Is This?

Covering today a product known as Ping-O Matic I was just informed of this product the other night and off we go to investigate if Ping-O-Matic is good for a website, what is the purpose of using it, and should you use it or not?

What is Ping-O-Matic

While talking to some members from Wealthy Affiliate Ping-O-Matic was brought to my attention, and not knowing anything about this particular platform or ever hearing of it prior I decided to find out what it is all about.

The Ping-O-Matic website is available of course on Google so I opened it and checked it out and noticed in the footer that this service is compatible with WordPress 2018.

To learn what the Ping-O-Matic does — I went to YouTube and found a video below describing what Ping-O-Matic can do to help bloggers or anyone with their website and indexing and rankings.

To access the YouTube Video use this link:

I did locate another article on the internet this was from WP Tavern and they claim the servers the site runs on were donated by Automattic. In order to know if this is true I went to Automattic Blog Page to find the information but to my surprise could not locate this anyplace on the site.

According to WP Tavern, Ping-O-Matic is a Matt Mullenweg project created on April 20th, 2004. The purpose of the site is simple, to ping multiple, popular services so that your blog post is indexed on those sites which results in an increase in traffic.

The site currently lists 19 different services that you can ping at one time with 4 specialized services. This statement if you check WP Taverns article is incorrect as well stating 21 different services and 5 specialized services.

I do believe that the post from WP Tavern is very outdated and no longer applies to this service.

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Can Ping-O-Matic Help

Because I had never heard of this until last night I am not in the know yet about how beneficial this can be for a website so back to research.

What is pinging it is a way for you to electronically let search engines and other websites know, that you have new or revised content on your website.

By having a ping it alerts websites like search engines, feed aggregators, social networks and subscribers, that there is updated content on your site.

It means your latest and greatest content gets discovered by search engines more quickly, which can lead to faster indexing and potentially more traffic!

Does this help my SEO? No, the ping itself doesn’t directly influence your rankability – that is to say, there isn’t something in Google’s algorithm that says “the more times a post is pinged, the higher it should rank”.

Remember your search engine rankings DO get influenced by having more sites around the web linking to your website. With increased pings you can potentially increase the number of sites that discover your content, this can open the door for other sites or bloggers to pick up your content and offer you a link back.

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Ping-O-Matic Is WordPress Compatible

WordPress populates that field with only one pinging service – Pingomatic – which is actually run by the people who manage WordPress.


Pinging to more services can only make you look more spammy with content so using only one pinging service is really all that is required. With what I have found on Ping-O-Matic they do a great job of staying on top of the major services that are best to use.

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How To Install Ping-O-Matic

If you are a WordPress user then there is no reason to do anything Ping-O-Matic is the default option within the ping manager. If you did alter the settings then you go do the following to reinsert the program.

You can go to “Settings > Writing” in your WordPress blog to verify, and if looks like the image below, then you are all set.


In Closing

Pinging will help with exposure for new posts and pages for indexing and being found by other bloggers and writers but it will not make or break the success of your business with ranking.

Search Engines crawl for new material all the time so through the indexing “spiders” (also called bots or robots) they will find your content – – pinging can speed this process up.

Just remember if you do have your pinging shut off that there are many other ways to optimize your SEO and ranking and you are in the right place with Wealthy Affiliate teaching you the SEO that will rank your business website.

Opinions of the author of this material they in no way represent how you and others might feel about the said product. When purchasing products or services it is always wise to do research before spending your hard-earned money on them.

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It is always a pleasure hearing from any of you so if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for me please leave them in the space provided below.

Thank you for visiting with the website today and bookmark it to come again for more information,

Best wishes,


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6 thoughts on “Ping-O-Matic Good for What?”

  1. I have also heard a few days back about the services offered by Ping-o-matic. There is no doubt that pinging the various search engines we can intimate the various search engines about our new posts and thereby hasten the process of their bots crawling our posts sooner than previous cases. However, it is very true that it will not give any SEO boost to our articles and will not help in any way to rank our articles higher in Google, Yahoo or Bing! 

    Thanks for the detailed review Susan!

    • Gee,

      Thanks for commenting on the Ping-O-Matic I figured not to many people might have know about this way of having the search engines crawl your posts faster it is a good little tool for alerting them.


  2. Hi,  Susan. Thank you very much for the info about Ping-O-Matic. I bookmarked it for the next application.  I used to go to totalping. com and pingler. com after publishing a new post.  I got the info from Eric Cantu.  So your article enrich my knowledge about SEO. It will help our websites to be found by the readers.

    • Melani,
      You are welcome for the information, I found them and wanted to let anyone with their
      own business know they are available to help you with getting the search engines to
      locate your content faster. This is always better when the search engines can locate
      your content quickly then your indexing and ranking will profit.
      Thank you for visiting my website,

  3. This is a very informative website. I had no idea what Ping o matic was. It is a usefull tool that a lot of us can use in our websites. Good explanation and real honesty in your article. I really enjoyed reading this. We need more articles like this, if more people had constructive information, onlline business would be easier. 

    • Jamiro,
      Thank you for stopping by and reading about Ping-O-Matic – I was lucky enough to hear about
      this from someone and thought that possibly many people did not know about them or what they
      can do for their website. This is a nice tool for anyone with a website just starting out
      or even with experience to use making the search engines find your posts faster.


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