Product Reviews – What Are Product Reviews?

What Are Product Reviews?

Most product reviews that you are going to find on the internet are written by bloggers or website owners giving their opinion on how the product performs for the price you are paying for it.

product review

Here is something that you need to be aware of never look at just one person’s product review – you are probably going to ask now why in the world are you saying that?

The thing with product reviews is if a person is doing affiliate marketing and promoting a product or service they are going to write a compelling article of all the great points to that product or service.

Suppose it is a product that is in competition with what they are promoting as a affiliate what type of review do you think they are going to give that competitive product or service?  Right, not one to encourage you to purchase it!

Considering I am in affiliate marketing then why in the world do I want to tell you all the ways of reading and finding the proper reviews for products and services that are really going to be the truthful ones?

An honest review of any product or service is going to back up what they are writing with screenshots of the information connecting you to proven facts.  Or perhaps they will link you to another website showing you in black and white what they have written is the truth.

When affiliates write reviews does this always mean that they have tried the product prior to writing the article giving their opinion?  No, research from all over the internet can be compiled to write an informed review.

Usually, when you find reviews the best way for you to make sure you are getting the real facts is if the author took the time to do all the research for you saving you time and money.

Writing honest reviews for me takes no less than two days to research the product or service completely finding out all the specifics if I have not actually tired the product or service that I am reviewing in my article.

I have broken down below my system for doing reviews and hope this will help you making buying decisions moving forward knowing that I am giving a truthful review in my opinion.

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Product Reviews

For my product reviews these will be listed under the various headings inside my website such as, hosting companies, keyword research tools, SEO tools, MLM (multi-level marketing) companies, MMO (make money online) companies, Paid Survey sites, Get Paid To Try sites, Direct Marketing companies, High Ticket Programs, etc.

As you can see there are many options in all these categories and in order to provide you the best service by listing them all under the Review Heading in the website and then a Sub-Title for each is a faster way to find what you are looking for.

What most authors or affiliate marketers do not understand is many times when people search the internet the keywords that they are looking for will produce an article from your whole website, thus most visitors are only viewing a single page of a website not the complete site.

screen shot of 1st page of website

It is imperative to easily be able to navigate a website for a visitor knowing where to look for other information or they are going to look someplace else for it.

My goal with my website is to provide as much information in one location to keep visitors from having to look all over the internet for the right information knowing when they come to my website they will find what they need.

Previously written was my review of Wealthy Affiliate and Jaaxy Lite both of which I am not just familiar with, and know are wonderful products for making money online these are what I use daily for my websites.

What about some of the other products out there are they genuine or scams?   That is what I am working on, providing everyone with facts making it possible for you to know the differences in not just the products and services offered but if the author is giving you the straight answers and not trying to just sell you!

In the past, I spent quite a bit of money on many of these push button get-rich-quick scams and honestly helping just one person from making the same mistake will make all my hard work worth it.

Take the time not only to read my reviews but to do your own research prior to signing up with any of these websites.  Once you see that my reviews are always going to be truthful and honest then you will no longer need looking for more answers to your questions they will be localized in one location on my website.

Selection Process of Products to Review

There is not going to be any specific selection process of the products or services I am going to do reviews on here in my website – when I run across something that I feel you should hear about I will do the research in depth and then leave a report on my website for all to see.

copy of email with offers

For determining factors the best thing that you can count on is that products and services that I have tried myself will always be the first ones I will do a review on letting you know if they are worth your time or money.

I am not here to win any nobel prizes and not too worried about hurting anyone’s feelings so protection of the consumer is the most important aspect of my doing reviews.

Should you find something interesting and want to know more about it and I have not yet done a review on the product or service please send me an email at and I will see what all they are claiming the product can do or if the service is legit.

As a reference for you to beware when you see or hear that you can make money in the next 24 hours, or hurry and get in time is running out, we can only let so many people in and do not want tire kickers, just close them out they are almost always a scam!

Researching everything on the internet is important especially today; there are people out there just waiting to steal your hard-earned money any way they possibly can.

Funny thing someone once told me “The internet is our new Mafia!” beware of the wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Why Would I Want To Do This

There are a couple of reasons for doing product reviews; for my own benefit knowing the programs and what is being offered just makes sense considering I am in the internet marketing business.

For the rest of you, the information you can get easily right here on my website will help you make decisions whether these people are offering you a legitimate opportunity for making money.

Affiliate Marketing is one of the best ways of making money online, but there are many others that you can use to make money as well.

As time progresses there will be reviews and recommendations for these on the website not every product review is going to be a bad product review there are other legit ways to make money online and other ways of finding profitable ways to earn extra money in your spare time.

Some paid surveys are actually fairly decent but you need to know which ones. Even MLM Companies most are legit but depends on their structure how much is paid out for commissions if you are able to make money.

Direct Marketing Companies and High Ticket Programs both hold the potential of being profitable if you have the money to invest in this type of online venture.

Lastly, Make Money Online Programs/Systems here is where you must be the most cautious; the same people run most of these programs/systems they can be highly promoted from the previous program or system they were selling.  Ever hear the term when you find something that works just lather, rinse, repeat that is how these scams work – same product new name new actors.

Helpful or Detrimental

People always need help when they want to get into something new, and working online is no different. Information can be helpful or seriously detrimental depending on where you go.

My website Work from Home has been set up to help as many people as possible find a Work from Home business opportunity that fits them.

In order for this to be helpful for you reviewing the other products being offered keeps you from ending up with a program or system that is not going to work no matter how hard you try.

David Dekel Image

A perfect example for you is – I decided to join a program for FREE – this program gave me a free website with my name on it which I could make commissions from. One problem I had no idea what to do with the website and they did not teach me how to use it. (Detrimental to my success!)

This is seriously not a terrible situation once I joined Wealthy Affiliate; I could now use this FREE website if I chose and make money with it.  But instead I find it more satisfying to help others find their way to success!


You can see there are many products/programs/systems on the internet; choosing wisely is the key to success.

Please come back and check on the reviews being posted especially prior to signing up for any offers; if only one person is saved the hassles of going through what I did for the past 20 years.

Now if you are interested in a way of really making money from home doing product reviews is not the only method and Wealthy Affiliate can teach you so many ways of running a home business getting in for FREE and seeing if they are right for you is something I can seriously recommend you do!

Click Here for your free account

Seriously I love hearing from my readers so if you have any comments, suggestions, or questions please leave them in the space provided below, I do answer them all usually with in 24 hours.

Take your time looking through my website and enjoy because there will be more information provided in the future for you reading pleasure.

Here is to your success,





2 thoughts on “Product Reviews – What Are Product Reviews?”

  1. Wealthy Affiliate is a truly awesome platform that can teach anyone to earn money online. I preferred WA to other platform like MLM etc. I think that WA platform really works but you need to be patient and dedicated to achieving results. We can rarely found such type of platform online. I recommend it to all guys who want to earn money online.

    thanks for the opportunity



    • Ms. Bibian,

      Thank you very much for your kind words of encouragement concerning Wealthy Affiliates and their support.  I am just trying to leave people know that the other systems out there do not always work the way people think they will.

      MLM’s are designed to make the people at the top money, not saying they are all bad just very hard when your at the bottom to make much money with them.

      Please come back anytime for more reviews of other products that will be added in the future.



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