Mighty Networks New Social Platform Review

Mighty Networks Who Are They?

Looking around the internet this morning I landed on a new Social Media platform called Mighty Networks which is owned and operated by Gina Bianchini who is taking on Facebook once again with a new Social Media plan.

Joining Mighty Networks

You can sign up for Mighty Networks for FREE but will be limited with your use of what all you can do on the platform. Listed below I will give you the information for the different membership plans.

What Mighty Networks is trying to do is have you set up your very own network of people that have all the same interests as you, unlike Facebook who just connects people for socializing but not in any given type of interest way.

In other words, if your interests lie in the field of dieting your network with Mighty Networks would connect you only with people who are interested in that same field. No matter your interests you could connect to like-minded people all over.

Mighty Networks has already built a user base of thousands of members around networks focused on Type 1 Diabetes, artistic hairstyles, gender non-conformity, and other topics. And plans on growing more networks in more interest groups.

Even the free version of Mighty Networks will have a much higher degree of control over what happens on their network. The emphasis of the app is connecting users of others like them, near them, or have similar interests.

Network creators have control over what their members see and can present them with things like manually featured posts—for example, the best diet for diabetics, —users’ most popular posts, a feed of posts on any specific topic.

Members themselves can signal their own interests within their profiles, displaying any content they’ve created, such as their posts, polls, and comments.

“You can get a sense of what’s going on, and what’s relevant to [you],” Bianchini says. “It’s all customizable to the person who created the network. It’s another way of being able to make networks tailored to the interest and purpose of the network and why it’s created. That flexibility and level of custom-ability are important.”

Bianchini said that Ning’s largest network reached a million users and thanks to the power of algorithms that identify users’ location, specific interests, and other factors, then it is possible Mighty Networks “can scale significantly greater than that.”

Mighty Network Screen

Signing up for a Network

Signing up for a Network is FREE for a trial period of 14 days, so I took advantage of this and signed up for a 14-day trial. The sign-up process was not difficult you enter your name a little about your interests or what you want to connect with others about.

You need to enter a Topic for your Network which was a bit confusing for figuring this out because it did not give any directions about how to pick a Topic for the network you wanted to put out for promotion for people to join.

Mighty Networks Screenshot my account

Because they are in the beta testing at this point I just used one of my websites as my topic “Work from Home” people are always looking for ways to make money online.

The number of gurus and scam artists on the internet and Social Media networks is so outrageous that having a legitimate Work from Home website promoting the make money online is needed only getting it to the right people is difficult.

Those gurus and scam artists have money behind them to promote their fake systems so for people like me who has a real way to actually make money online competition is tough.

Once people have paid for a few of those programs that do not work they are very skeptical to try anything new, but I am here to tell you WA is the only way you are going to seriously learn how to build a real business online.

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Pricing How Does Mighty Networks Add Up?

As you can see below they have several options to join the network and the pricing varies depending on what you are looking for:

Pricing Screenshot

Below shows some of what is included with each plan – be aware that I captured what comes with the FREE plan and did not do all the benefits that come with the paid plans, this is not all the features only some highlights!

Benefit Chart

Benefit Chart

What is My Opinion of Mighty Networks?

Considering I just signed up for the 14 trial, we are going to have to give this some time to see how things pan out using this new Social Media platform.

Seriously, I am hoping that it is something that can connect people looking for the right things on a Social Media level with greater ease.

Finding like-minded people adds benefits for all people in all walks of life, businesses can grow and prosper with this type of Social Media including people who blog for a living.

With the 14 trial, I am waiting to see if I find anyone on the network looking into Working from Home and joining my network it will be seen if this is going to be a great thing for those in the affiliate marketing niche.

Well, in really any niche because promoting with the FREE membership could work out for people of all backgrounds! And, considering the pricing for brick and mortar business this could prove to be a cheaper way of advertising.

Click Here for your free account

In Closing

My opinion of Mighty Networks is being that they are new on the market this could benefit many people depending on the number of people that actually sign up to get their own network.

Paying for the membership is going to help brick and mortar businesses if they decide to open a network with some very reasonable advertising fees.

How big is Mighty Networks going to be? That is a great question and depending on if they have the capabilities to handle what they are offering they could turn out to be bigger than the Social Media platform of Facebook for businesses.

What are your thoughts about this new Social Media Platform? Do you think that they are going to be useful?

What do you think of the membership fees? Reasonable or too high? Are you going to set up your own network?

Thanks for joining me today, would like to hear your answers to my questions along with any comments or suggestions you might have about the article please leave them in the space provided below.

Best wishes,


burn fat keto


6 thoughts on “Mighty Networks New Social Platform Review”

  1. Well, with all that has been going on with the social media front, particularly FB, it is good to see some other options out there. I am with you, it will take some time before you can actually render your truly honest opinion because you just started using it. I too will have to try it and see what I think. Thank you for the informative article. 

    • Thank you for taking the time to read about Mighty Network, I am so far very satisfied with my joining as a free member at this time.  I have not networked much on this just yet starting out I am doing more of a sit and watch finding the information to be hard to become familiar with.  But time will tell they are still new to the internet and with the problems encountered with Facebook it might be the next best coming out.



  2. I’ve never heard of Mighty Networks before and I’m glad to have found this review. It sounds like an interesting network and the fact that you can sign up for free, just like it is the case with Wealthy Affiliate, is also a huge bonus. But the best part is probably getting the opportunity of meeting like-minded people and sharing your interests with them. Maybe I’ll give it a shot and sign up, who knows? Thanks for sharing this review!

    • Ruya,

      Thanks for taking the time to read about Mighty Networks, I signed up for the free membership you can upgrade with them if you find them useful for me this is too early to tell.  With Facebook having their problems I have been looking around at other ways to network my website and found them on the search engine so decided to check and find out what they are all about.  Trying them for free is not going to cost me anything so I figured this is a great way to check out what they can offer in this area.


  3. Hi,

    Thank you for this article on this new social media platform.  I don’t think I would sign up for it due to the fee . Now  it’s not a high fee it’s just that Facebook does not charge. Why would I want to sign up , I can meet and be with specific groups in Facebook. Maybe if this new social media meets the numbers I am think about, but not for the moment.

    thank you,


    • Lady Esther,

      My review was mostly to inform people of the possible advantages of using Mighty Networks yes they do have a pay membership but they also have a free membership that you can use as well.  I signed up to make sure I could bring everyone the whole picture about them and what their plans are now and for the future.  I am not positive at this time if they are going to be beneficial but will be posting at a later date my findings.  Thanks for thank the time to read and learn a little about Mighty Networks I am sure they are not going to be for everyone.



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