How To Increase Traffic For Your Website

How To Increase Traffic For Your Website?

You do have some choices to make when you are looking to increase traffic for your website once you have it ready to go online, indexed, and beginning to rank on the Search Engines.

The most logical way for new online business owners is to drive organic (free) traffic to the website by using the bet keyword research and optimizing the SEO of the website.

This is all taught at Wealthy Affiliate, but they will also teach you how to use Social Media and paid traffic sources that need experience so you are not just throwing your money away on advertising.

Below I have outlined some of the ways to increase traffic to your website, but if you prefer and would rather get in on learning this all for yourself from the best on the internet you can join for free right now!

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Increase Traffic for Free

SEO ChartHow can you increase traffic for free to your website there are a couple of ways to do this and one is with using the proper keywords and meta tags when writing out your content within your niche.

SEO is one of the best ways to push free traffic to your website and learning the right way and wrong way of promoting products and services makes all the difference with the big search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

What exactly is SEO?  This stands for Search Engine Optimization for your website and when you take the proper time to do training on how to build a website and work with SEO then this becomes second nature to you.

Researching prior to writing content makes the difference if you can compete with other websites on the internet knowing you can produce the proper content with the right keywords to rank better than they do will increase your traffic.

Meta tag descriptions need to contain the keyword that you are targeting within your content for the SERP’s to find the content and know that you are offering value to people who are searching the internet.

With doing the research prior to writing any of your content for publication using the right keyword and proper meta tag descriptions this can drive or increase the free traffic to your website knowing SEO is a highly valuable tool.

Alt tags are used on all images and photos when you add them to your content if you leave these off it will affect the SEO on your website so make sure this is added in the proper box on your website builder.

Increase Traffic Placing Paid Ads

All big companies have what they call an Advertising budget and they pay big bucks to make sure their websites are the top of the list when people are searching for something.

Starting a new business online some people will have the funds to pay for placing advertising on the internet to drive traffic to their websites others will not so this is something that is a personal preference.

Other paid traffic sources can be local for you whether in newspapers or magazines but be aware that some of these do have a huge price tag for placing ads.

Facebook is one of the Social Media networks and they now do advertising which is very reasonably priced you can place an ad for as little as $5.00 which is a steal especially if it moves more traffic your way.

Another known source could be from having advertising placed on billboards or signs distributed throughout your area which means reaching more people but these can be expensive as well.

Advertising is something that everyone does whether you want to pay for it is the question when you have the option of driving traffic to your website for free then this is a choice you will need to make.

Increase Traffic with Forums

Warrior logoForums online are everywhere and for any type of business you can think of in the forums, you will meet people who are working just like you and know some of the best ways to promote your business.

One of the Premium Members at Wealthy Affiliate was blogging the other day about how much more traffic her website had picked up by joining the forums in her niche gaining her free traffic.

Dealing with people who are doing the same thing as you can make finding the ideas that they are using very useful in your business and how to get the word out to others.

This is something I was unaware of until recently so I have just started to join a few forums and will have to be patient to see if this drives more traffic to my websites.

Being new in the online world is exciting learning new things every single day and the people are so helpful in making it a pleasure to do business online instead of in the real world.

Increase Traffic with Social Media

Social Media is one of the biggest things today so joining all the Social Media platforms is one of the best free means of increasing traffic to your website you will find.

facebook logoYou do need a personal account prior to setting up a business account on Facebook but just start sharing with your friends and have them keep sharing letting them know to have those people share can go a very long way to increase the traffic to your website for free.

Like I said prior you can purchase advertising on Facebook for such a small amount and reach even more people this is up to you I only use the free advertising with them and already in just a few weeks this is increasing daily.

The nice part is you not only have Facebook but Instagram, Pinterest, Linked-In, Twitter, and Quora there used to be Google+ but they are doing away with this in April 2019.

In Closing

How to increase traffic to your website is not an easy task now but in the long run very worth the effort you are putting in when first starting out every time you post on your Social Media account the people following you get a notification giving them a reason to check out what is there.

Do you know of any other ways to increase traffic to your website? I am sure my readers would like to know about them.

I enjoy hearing from all my readers as well so please leave any questions, comments, or suggestions in the space provided below. I do get back to everyone as soon as possible usually within 24 hours.

Are you ready yet to start your own online business for FREE this can totally change your life, just image where it can take you or the passive income you could be making by owning an online business.

I know that working online and having a monetized website is not for everyone we need people to work in every job all around the world but some people having a difficult time finding a job might want to give this a try.

Stay at home moms and dads could find this a way to bring that extra income into the family that they have been looking for by staying at home and working.

Considering you can get in for FREE and check everything out prior to any commitment on your part just makes sense rather than waste money on those scams that you pay for upfront.

Click Here for your free account

Best wishes always and to everyone’s success,




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