Review of Wealthy Affiliate – What A Steal!
Many people have heard of Wealthy Affiliate or possibly seen banners or advertising on the internet as they were surfing through things but have you ever really stopped to read anything about Wealthy Affiliate?
Please, do not take this the wrong way I am a Premium Member of Wealthy Affiliate and would have it no other way which might bring up many questions in your mind.
Like well if your a Premium Member, well then of course, you have nothing but good things to say about the company true but I am going to give you the pro’s and con’s of going into the online business and some background history.
Everyone I talk to is skeptical of even trying things online thanks to all the gurus and scams they have seen, heard, or even wasted their hard-earned money buying.
Instead here you are going to get a complete overview of the Wealthy Affiliate Community and then you can make up your own mind if Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership is not priced at a steal of a deal! 🙂
Wealthy Affiliate Who Are They?
Wealthy Affiliate was started back in 2005 by two Canadian gentlemen that had a common goal in life, not to have to work for someone else making them money and only taking home a paycheck every week.
Kyle – who is an internet genius able to design websites from the ground up knowing exactly what to say and do for indexing and rankings with all the search engines.
Carson – a technology expert in the fields of writing code and works behind the scenes backing up everything and building better and more advances into the Wealthy Affiliate website.

These two men guys met when they were in college and even though they had jobs both knew that the internet was going to explode and wanted in on the action.
Working together creating what is known today as Wealthy Affiliate teaching people from all walks of life that dreams of becoming an affiliate marketer online is not just a dream it is a reality.
Back in 2005 things were so much different than today and by next year the affiliate marketing world will be paying out over 6.8 Billions dollars to the internet marketers who know what and how to work with the affiliate programs.
Considering the length of time that these two have managed to keep growing their company obviously they know what they are doing!
Free Starter Membership With Wealthy Affiliate
To begin our tour through Wealthy Affiliate the first thing you will notice is they offer a FREE Stater Membership, really not kidding here at all! Totally 100% FREE no credit card is required to join Wealthy Affiliate.
I could insert a full page banner here but it is so big and frankly I have to admit not very nice looking I have used it prior in other articles I have written for comparison with other companies this needs to be more personal so you understand what these two gentlemen have built and are willing to share with anyone who wants to learn.
Go ahead you can click on the button that says “Click Here” for your free account it opens in another window and you will see you do not need a credit card to begin learning with Wealthy Affiliate.
With the FREE Starter Membership you are going to receive 20 Lessons which will be Level 1 of the Online Entrepreneur Certification (10 Lessons) and Level 1 of the Affiliate Boot camp Training (10 Lessons) if you would like to know what is in these lessons please refer to my article Affiliate Marketing – Training at Wealthy Affiliate.
There are included 2 Free websites for you to build on the WordPress which is a free and open-source content management system based on PHP & MySQL, and 12 themes that you can choose from.
Hosting is provided by Wealthy Affiliate for both of the websites on Amazon c3.large (faster) servers and will also have Site Speed, SSL Certificates, and Site Protection.
The first seven days of your Starter Membership you will have access to Live Chat available 24/7 and 365 days a year once the Starter Membership ends does not mean that you have to leave Wealthy Affiliate either you will remain a Free Member for as long as you want the only thing is if you are inactive for 30 days then your website will be taken down.
Two classrooms are available to Starter Members to ask questions of the community and get answers some of the questions you may have are archived there to help others with the same questions.
All Starter Members have the option to contact the person they signed up under and get help along the way for myself I make sure that I am available to those in the community for approximately 12 to 18 hours a day. Being a mentor for new members is a responsibility I take seriously.
When you are going through the training Kyle will be teaching you how to do keyword research in order to write quality content for your website and Jaaxy Lite is included for this at no extra cost.
Once you learn about keyword research, a fascinating and awesome tool, Jaaxy Lite is seems to become addictive trying to find the best keywords to use when writing content for your website and within your niche.
Free Starter Membership Is Over
Prior to the 7-Day Starter Membership coming to an end you can join as a Premium Member at a special discount price for the first month of only $19.00! In my opinion that is really a steal for the next 30 days of training!
Think about it this way for less than $20.00 you can have 37 days of training and working inside a pay it forward community of experienced Online Entrepreneurs building out a free website with free hosting!
One draw back to this is you cannot revert back to the Free Starter Membership once you have gone Premium so that being said yes it is a super steal for the $19.00 but if you cannot afford to move forward after those 30 days with the Premium Membership then you cannot go back to being a Free Starter Member either.
Knowing things like this ahead of time is what makes my reviews the best to read and get all the inside information you can with companies that I can find!
However, as long as you can keep producing content and adding it to the website your Free Starter Membership remains active and so does the websites meaning they can get indexed and ranked on the search engines!
This will take longer and is harder to work finding the information you will require to make sure you are including all the proper aspects on your website properly but it is not impossible people have done it.
Did I forget to mention that as a Free Starter Member you can also earn commissions from referring people to Wealthy Affiliate with your unique referral link that is issued to you the day you create your free account?
Here is a screenshot of the commissions you can earn even if you are an active Free Starter Member inside the community:
The best thing about getting referrals is you do not just get paid once you will get paid each and every month that the person you helped better their life by joining stays a Premium Member with Wealthy Affiliate!
This is not the only way to earn inside the Wealthy Affiliate community either they have other ways of earning once you become a Premium Member and we will get into that later in this article.
Premium Membership with Wealthy Affiliate
When it comes to Kyle and Carson they put everything on the line to give you the training and tools that are required to actually run a successful business online from home.
These two owners are available to Premium members through the personal email system at Wealthy Affiliate; I have not heard anyone else confirm that is available with other platforms offered on the internet anywhere.
Benefits of Premium Membership are so massive to even begin to try and include them all here would be a nightmare that is why I always let everyone know what is included with the Free Starter Membership once you are on the inside then you can look at all the benefits available for yourself and judge if the community is right for you.
There are a few things that I am sure you would like to hear about that Premium Members have a chance to work towards every year.
Just curious has any company you ever worked for given you a bonus? That was really nice of them I am sure what was that a turkey at Thanksgiving and a few bucks at Christmas time, very nice.
Owners of Wealthy Affiliate reward the top Super Affiliates each year to an all expenses paid trip to Las Vegas for a conference – picking up the tab for everything air fare included!
That is something to work towards each and every year as you also build out your own business making more money each year because you become more experienced and know how and what is going to work!
Internet marketing is only going to continue to grow the more people connecting to the internet the more space for online affiliates the longer you wait to start the longer it takes for you to get your business up and running.
Last thing I am going to leave you with in this section is the Premium Membership table showing the options you have when becoming a Premium Member savings are best if you can afford to take either the six month or 12 month membership but this also keeps you committed to working toward your goal of being successful.
What Makes Wealthy Affiliate Different
Have you noticed I do not call Wealthy Affiliate a platform or a system any of those terms no instead it is a community of like-minded individuals who are working their way to becoming Online Entrepreneurs by helping each other in ways that only Kyle and Carson had the inspiration, dedication, and vision to set up.
Going through my website you will not find promises of making thousands of dollars in 24 hours or even in a year because this is not realistic not unless you are willing to put in the time and work, one of our members put this in proper words “are you willing to work for free?”
Basically that sums up what we do as affiliate marketers until the time comes that Google, Bing, and Yahoo realize hey this person is serious with producing a website with quality content that people are searching for online.
Next thing you know the traffic starts to trickle in – all of a sudden you have a sale or two tickle in – a week goes by and nothing you begin to become discourage but the next day you open your email and have a referral to Wealthy Affiliate!
Point that I am making here is you need to be patient and work at a pace that is good for you consistency is the key to become a successful affiliate marketing Online Entrepreneur it will not happen over night!
In Conclusion
Here is something that I would like to encourage you to think about most of us feel $49.00 is a lot of money and to think about it in one lump sum it is even for myself.
But what you need to consider is broken down you are investing $1.61 per day into your future business where the earning potential is unlimited, that is way less than that cup of coffee you have from Starbucks daily!
How can I claim you have a unlimited earning potential? Because once your online business takes off you then can begin to diversify and add more websites and more products and services to promote.
Affiliate Marketing is the easiest and simplest way to earn a living online and can be done from anyplace in the world that you have a laptop and an internet connection.
Why do most people never make it in the online world? Because they quit – give up – or lose interest that is why you need a place like Wealthy Affiliate community to keep you going engaged and inspired helping you to succeed!
This could be you a year from now all you need to do is invest in yourself and do the work which is not difficult just so you know members inside Wealthy Affiliate range from teenagers to members in their 80’s.
What is holding you back?
Seriously I would love to hear from you any comments, suggestions, or questions you can leave them in the space provided below.
Best wishes to your success in whatever you decide,