How Many Types Of Websites Are There?
How many types of websites are there, that depends on what type of business you want to get into? I could put a page for each type of website here but with the Affiliate Website and the Blogging Website, all the rest are set up basically the same way.
You start with your Niche, Keywords, Content, Images, Affiliate Products and Links only differences are which type of website you want to create to go with your Niche.
Affiliate Marketing is one of the easiest ways to make money online, however, it is not a get-rich-quick scam like all those other systems you read or hear about.
Getting into working online you need to know right from the beginning that it is going to take time to become established in the online world. It is much like building your own brick and mortar business without all the risk and high costs involved.
Investment into an online business is greatly cheaper along with the risk you will need to take prior to seeing an ROI. Most people if they follow the proper process creating their websites can see results in less than a year depending on the niche competition.
Higher competition within a niche does not mean that you will not be able to make money in that particular niche. It just means you need to know how to beat out your competition with keywords and content to rank higher than they do.
Consistency is another way of beating out the competition using low hanging keywords. Training that is provided through Wealthy Affiliate along with the “free” tools they provide makes this an easy task.
Having a Live Training Coach with over 15 years of experience in the online world knowing proper SEO techniques giving you simple tricks to use in building your website is “PRICELESS“!
Your Own Store Website
This website is going to contain the products you are going to want to sell from your store.
You still have to find a niche for what products you are selling in your store to create your store from them, giving them your own branding.
Showing the images and listing product descriptions along with this I am sure you are going to have to give shipping costs.
Depending on what your niche is in sizing if in the clothing niche, would be another thing to make available to the people.
I am not interested in doing a store at this time I did not research much to get involved here. But I do know that WA offers all the training and tips for you along with Live Chat support for questions you might have along the way.
The Live Training Coach we have at Wealthy Affiliate donated all of November 2018 to set up an eCommerce store and drop shipping the training is available for all the Premium Members to watch repeated anytime.
Product Review Website 
A product review website is fairly easy to set up you need to do your research here but also keep in mind that the best product review is going to be your own.
Keywords and phrases will help your product review website rank in the search engines for the product.
You can also include product reviews from your affiliate page from others who have left a review on the product to yours. You need to leave people know where you have collected the reviews from.
Please use as much content in your review for people to make an informed decision about the product. Products and Services are easy to write reviews about if you know the product or service that you are recommending or not recommending to your audience.
A small amount of content is not going to get you ranked on the search engines either. Remember what I have said content is king to all websites so the better and more involved the review the better your ranking and more people will be going with what you have to say.
This works well for your monetized side of the review in more clicks to your affiliate site to purchase the product you are recommending!
A product review can also be attached to a blog website to help people find the best product to make either a craft, weight loss smoothie blender, exercise equipment, etc. So a product review does not necessarily stand alone but can be incorporated into other websites to monetize them as well.
Informational Website
Let just say you are into reporting on information to help people; for example save money, getting organized, save time, car repairs, do it yourself, etc.
Information Websites help people do whatever themselves like the DIY of services in whatever niche you are good at.
You could make your niche in DIY for getting organized in your garage/basement giving before and after images of doing your own. Remember to either take pictures along the way or make a video to show your progress prior to beginning and once finished.
Use the products you purchase to monetize your site by promoting them. And content is exactly how you were able to pull everything together with shelving/ cabinetry/drawers / and labeling to get the most out of your organization skills. With showing how anyone can do this within a weekend or two depending on the size and extent of the garage/basement needing to be done.
If things are not too bad hey maybe even an afternoon is all they may need to get organized. This type of Website can apply to any room in a house and people hire professional organizers to come in and make their homes more functional and organized.
Just remember to use the products and tips you used to monetize your website and you are then well on your way to your own Work at Home – Legitimate Business Opportunity.
I would like to share a small tip here. I am a person who suffers from OCD making it impossible to keep me from doing things a certain way. I was going to get into this “niche” prior to finding building websites and realize that this can be a highly lucrative business.
My only problem with the OCD is I have a cleaning fetish so being able to have a brick and mortar business in this line of work would be impossible for myself.
In Conclusion
If you are into doing any of the above Work at Home possibilities then Wealthy Affiliate is the place to go for training and assistance.
Unless you want the 9 to 5 grind of working for someone else. But this type of business works for those of us who do not want a boss to answer to, stay at home mothers who need to fill their time with something, retired people who would love to add a little to their income, well frankly, for anyone who wants to learn to be independent enough to work for themselves.
Make sure to sign up for your Free Starter Membership prior to leaving the website you are more than welcome to stick around and browse but I would hate to see you forget to sign up before leaving the site.
Should you have any questions you can leave them along with any comments or suggestions in the space provided below I really love hearing from my visitors to know how things are going and if improvements might be required.
Thank you and I am hoping you come back again soon to visit more will be added to the site.
Best wishes and to your success,
Your recommendation towards using Wealthy Affiliate as a means to activate one’s choice towards setting a niche with it’s training and assistance is really well appreciated. I have seen many platforms that serves good to people, but honestly, I must confess, Wealth Affiliate super cedes all other platforms. too easy to apprehend, just with steady training and commitment; that’s all!
Nice recommendation Friend!
I have tried many other platforms out there to an avail; they are selling you a push button system which will not work because there is no training that comes with it. Wealthy Affiliates is the only place that carries out their promise; if you are willing to work do the training , do more work, lather – rinse -repeat daily. Then yes it is possible to make a living online.
Thank you for visiting my site; please come again any time.
Susan 🙂