Working from Home – Is This For Real?

Working from Home – Is This For Real?

Actually I wrote this article shortly after I started my own working from home business but today decided that it no longer applied to what I had wrote back then.

Instead of leaving it in the original form it is being completely redone so that it represents how far my business has grown in a few short months.

Starting out working from home you never know if it is really something that is going to work.  Fear that even starting my own online business was foolish and a waste of finances that had to be forced into my budget.

Months go by with no results and just like Kyle said in the training you become discouraged and heartbroken do you have the determination to keep moving forward?

Taking the high road my decision was to keep moving forward, had I failed in my first attempt at building a successful online business or was this the calm before the storm?

Keep reading to find out or if you seriously do not want to hear about how things are progressing with the online business and want to close out that is fine!

Want to get started on your own online business for free right now just click the box below it will take you to the Create Your Free Account Now page – there is no credit card required!


Can You Succeed At Working From Home

On July 3, 2018, was when I decided that Wealthy Affiliate was the platform to join after I signed up and spent over 24 hours doing the FREE membership they offered.

By just doing the Free Membership training and looking around I was hooked knowing this place was so different from any other program offered on the internet. Why do you ask? Because I was foolish enough to join many other scam programs over the years.

The thing about WA making them so different is the actual Free Membership for seven days, for most it does not require the whole seven days to figure out this is really the place to learn to create and run your own online business.

With all the costs covered by your membership every month (or you can get a 6 month or yearly membership) depends on how your budget; I have seen no place else offer what they do.

Membership Fees WA

No up sales are even offered what?? Seriously, your monthly membership includes everything except if you want to purchase your own domain name. Through WA these are priced so low the most expensive one I have seen is $15.99 for a whole year.

But, what you must remember is WA pays for hosting your online business with the Premium Membership and you can create and have a total of 50 websites through them 25 on a sub-domain and 25 on your own domains.

Have you ever checked what hosting would cost for 50 websites let alone the cost to build them all?  Since the time of writing this article I have done comparison of what WA costs monthly compared to GoDaddy and other hosting companies you can find these under my Reviews.

Click Here for your free account

Training and Support

WA offers training that is updated regularly keeping everyone informed about changes that will affect how you run or operate your website.

Their training is very extensive and you can work on this at your own pace no one is going to rush you through. When you have a problem or get stuck on training module you have Live Chat and a whole community just waiting to help or guild you through whatever you need.

live chat 24/7


If it is something technical that members in Live Chat are unable to help you solve you have Site Support available to you 24/7 and 365 days a year. They handle most situations within a matter of minutes more difficult ones will take longer and they will let you know if they are having problems solving the issue.

You will receive personal coaching 1 on 1 with the person who has referred you to WA and this is covered by your Premium Membership as well.

Click Here for your free account

Can Another Platform Compare

With everything WA offers with the Free Membership training of 20 lessons, Live Chat available to you for 7 days, 1 on 1 coaching for the first 7 days, and 2 sub-domain websites and hosting please let me know if you can find another platform on the internet that compares.

As a Premium Member, I have searched to find another platform which compares to WA and in the three and half months since I have been a member still have not found one that even comes close.

I have researched for costs of domains and yes I can get some cheaper at other places but they do not carry the high quality of hosting that WA offers. And considering the inferior website builder, they offer I am not interested at any lower cost.

Premium Membership offers just so much that no one else can even come close to giving for the price of what WA charges; teaching what and how they have put together this platform no one else can do what these guys do.

Click Here for your free account

Do Your Research

Before you spend any money just go take a look around the internet and investigate what is offered for learning an online business what do the platforms cost.

What type of hosting do they offer? What about domains how many can you get for what price and does this include the hosting? Where do you create your website is the platform easy to use?

How many themes do they give you to choose from? Do they have Site Speed, SSL, Anti-Spam and Mal-Ware included for your website? Do they have a research tool for you to find keywords?

jaaxy orange juice

These are all questions that you can have answered at WA in the first 24 hours of being a Free Member.  Researching before you join any program/platform is an essential key to becoming a successful online business entrepreneur.

Does this program your interested in teach you anything about SEO or SERPS? Do they have Live Chat available for you to ask questions? What is their support system consist of? Do they offer Site Support for technical difficulties?

I could go on and on with the questions you need to ask when looking to learn online business skills, but I think you are getting the idea.

In Closing

This post is quite different from all the rest of the posts I have included within my website for a very good reason, if only one person understands this message I am sending out today then it has been worth my time to do.

What I am trying to say is I am here to help you if you seriously want to Work from Home and make money is it an easy job? Honestly, No but it is something anyone can do with the proper training and right mindset knowing this is what they WANT to accomplish for themselves.

You can be a blogger and still earn a generous income from the internet with WA showing you the way it really is very simple. What if you want to run your very own store no problem WA has training for this as well.

Whatever interest you have from newborn babies to astronomy the sky is the limit for building an online business. Selecting a niche to go into is probably the hardest decision you will have to make once you start with WA.

That is all I wanted to say today; hopefully, I did not bore you but instead made you realize that you to can Work from Home owning your own business just like I do.

Don’t believe me go read this article on my website and decide for yourself >>>>>CLICK HERE<<<<< make sure to scroll down the page and meet some of the members of the community!

Select Freedom Today

So you have questions, comments, or suggestions please leave them in the space provided below or you can email me at

Thank you for taking the time to read my article today best wishes,

Susan 🙂



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