Work From Home Review – Door to Door or Online?

Work From Home Review

Door to Door Sales or Online Business Your Choice

Wanting to work from home can be a confusing ordeal and there are many opportunities advertised on the internet today to make fast cash but you are more interested in a legit way and are looking into Amway but have you heard of any others that really are legit?

Here is the only one I know of you can sign up for FREE right now – or when you get to the end of my article up to you depends on how quickly you want to get started!

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Amway the Company

The Amway Company has been around for years and years I remember my parents when I was younger being Amway IBO’s (Independent Business Owners).

Products that are carried by the company are all mostly natural and highly effective working just the way the company claims and I myself endorse many of the products.

Working for the company you can earn a living but not a really big living due to the limitations with advertising and it is more of a knock on door type of sale that you are going to be getting into.

Finding that word of mouth today is not near as good as it once was because people have become used to using the internet searches for every thing we do.

People who search online are going to be taken straight to the Amway website and leaving the IBO sitting in the dust for sales considering you can order the products right online from the company and have them shipped to your door.

Amway IBO’s (Independent Business Owners)

As an IBO with the company you have to order your products from the up line with the company in other words the people you signed up in under.

Depending on how big of a distributor they are will determine if they have the stock that you are going to need to fill the orders for your customer or if you are going to have to wait for them to order it direct from Amway and wait on delivery.

Most customers that use the products will know to order ahead of time prior to running out of the products they use every day or know how often to replace or reorder and this does not pose a problem.

But what happens when you find a new customer and that customer would like delivery of the product today or even the next day but it will take the IBO at least a week to get the product.

As large and well-known as this company used to be recently it has become research of time (that most people are not going to go through) to find an IBO in the area in order to find out the product is not available for a week sometimes two.

What I am finding is that the Amway Business is doing better overseas than in the United States due to advertising and marketing efforts there but no longer do they do any advertising here.

During my research to find one particular product that Amway sells I was fortunate enough to find that it is now sold on Amazon but at a much higher price than what it would cost to buy direct.

Amway Compensation Plan

Going to the website direct with Amway I have found that I can purchase the products cheaper than I can from the IBO due to they can set their own prices for products within reason or it is controlled by the higher IBO who they signed up under.

Below is a screenshot of the Compensation Plan:

Amway Compensation Plan Screenshot

At the bottom if you are able to zoom in (sorry about the small print) you will see that most IBO’s are making an average gross monthly income of $207.00.

Average Monthly Income for IBO

Might I confuse you a little more with the Performance Bonus Statement that I also pulled from the Business Reference Guide shown below?

Performance Bonus Statement

Amway Work from Home

As a work from home option with Amway you will be required to attend meetings and to purchase your own literature for promotional materials including the catalogs with products people can order.

You are going to be responsible for pick up and delivery of the products from either your up line sign up IBO or wait for direct ship from the company to fill orders.

Considering supply and demand to be able to make a real living from a work at home job this does not sound like something that is going to be very profitable even for a part-time position.

Like I stated previously I am behind the products that Amway sells 100% they are natural and can help many people if only the company would realize that people in the United States cannot locate the IBO’s then online sales could benefit them.

Ordering directly from the company is cheaper true but unless people are aware of how well the products work from experience who is going to look for them?

How many of you reading this today knew about the Amway products?

We have all heard of the Avon Lady and the Fuller Brush Man if we are the correct age, but today the only one you really hear about much would still be the Avon Lady.

In Closing

door to door salesmenDays of the door to door salesmen/saleslady are seriously gone and to even try something like this in today’s world could get you shot knocking on someone’s door.

Working from home is a dream most of us have had at one time or another leading the life of working from our computer or laptop no traffic to deal with daily going to that job we cannot stand but need.

I, however, found a solution to that dream and you can too if you are interested in joining the internet marketing world then all you need to do is visit my “Learn to Work from Home Online Guide”.

But if you are one of the sales people who feels that knocking on doors or promoting these products to your friends and family are going to be a profitable way for you to make the extra money you are looking for then Amway or Avon could be right for you.

Personally, I have made that much with a yard sale in the summer months in a weekend after cleaning out the house of unwanted items that I no longer use and not wasted as much time.

And you do not need to bother your family and friends to buy things from you to make a few extra bucks.

How would you feel if you could work part-time from home and make a real passive income?

Would you be interested in learning what I am doing?

What are your thoughts about these questions?  Please leave your answers along with any comments, suggestions, or questions you might have for me in the space provided below.

Interested in what I do online you can get started for FREE right now just click the box below and Create Your Free Account Now – no obligation – take the training – see if it is right for you – not everyone is going to want to do this!

After all no why pass up a way to check something out that is FREE and just might be the answers to what you are looking for?

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Thank you for taking the time to read my article you can share with anyone who might be interested in my offer.

Best wishes for a future of great success,


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