Make Money Working At Home – Is This Even Possible?

Make Money Working At Home

Make money working at home, is this even possible? I know that many of you are used to seeing a video sales page full of hyped up promises that working at home pushing a magic button is going to make you rich, not this time!

Been there tried those and many other ways to make money working at home forget about it now. I have found the honest real way of actually working at home making a passive income for years to come.

Guess what? It is all in the training, if you can find the right training then you are going to be able to build an online business that will not only make money but can replace your 9 to 5 job eventually.

Can you find all the training required by searching online? Sure you can if you are willing to spend years looking for everything you are going to need to learn, that is if you do not miss one important step in the process as well.

Why waste all that time when you can find everything you need all on one website with a wonderful community of experts to learn all the skills you need and more.

Check out the information below I guarantee you will find it awesome!


How to Get The Complete Training

Searching landed me on a website by accident one day called Wealthy Affiliate. Considering I could begin the training for 100% Free piqued my interest curiosity had the better of me so I filled out the email box.

Thinking this was going to take me to a hyped up video imagine my surprise when instead it came to the “Create Your Free Account Now” page.

I created my account and was then taken right to the Wealthy Affiliate website. WOW, this had never happened before with any of those systems the gurus were out there throwing at me.

Check out the “Welcome Video” below from, Kyle he is co-owner of the Wealthy Affiliate Company:

Welcome Video WA

FREE Starter Membership

Getting a free Starter Membership expires after six months once the seven-day trial period is over. You can keep part of what they offer you free of charge as long as you remain active working on the websites that are hosted by them for FREE during that time.

Below are the free lessons that you are going to get showing is Level 1 of the Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC):

OEC Training Level 1

When you finish these lessons you can start Level 1 of Affiliate Boot Camp Training:

Bootcamp Training Level 1

WordPress Website Builder is included where you are going to build your websites on the domain for free. You will have (2) websites that you can use one for the niche website and one for promoting Wealthy Affiliate if you would like.

Choosing a theme to build your website on will be from twelve free WordPress Themes.  These themes are easily customized to accommodate any niche selection.

Of course, having a website is not doing you any good without hosting Wealthy Affiliate provides free hosting for both websites on the Amazon 3.c (faster) server.

What happens if during the training you get stuck? Offered for the first seven days of the Starter Membership is Live Chat 24/7 where you can get answers from experienced members in real time no waiting.

Now I have a question for you, “How much would other scammers or places charge you for this kind of training?” Putting a price on training like this is really not something I can even begin to imagine. Invaluable would be a better word for it!

Want even more for FREE? I will offer you One-on-One Coaching for the first seven days take you by the hand and help in any way I can to get you started with your online business.

Wait, this is not all either there are two (2) Classrooms for Starter Members to find help with questions from the experts in the Wealthy Affiliate community.

So what happens when you have completed all the training that you get for FREE? Then it is up to you, are you going to make the right choice and upgrade to the Premium Membership or stay a Starter Member?

“How much is it to upgrade to the Premium,” you ask? Well, I can let you have the first month of Premium for the special low price of $19.00 after that then it will be your choice of how you want to pay your membership. (See chart below.)

Membership Fees WA

I could have listed these out separately for you but seeing them on the actual chart you can notice the savings by taking the six-month membership or the yearly membership over the monthly.

Compare these membership fees to whatever else you find they are a steal for what Wealthy Affiliate gives you in return. The hosting of websites alone would cost more from another hosting company without all the other added benefits.

Benefits of Premium Membership

What I like to suggest to anyone who takes the time to “Create Your Free Account Now” from my articles is to make use of the Live Chat feature immediately upon entering the Wealthy Affiliate community.

Work from Home Create Your Free Account Now


Members will let you know that Wealthy Affiliate can offer everything you need and much more to create an online business that will earn you a passive income for years to come. Hands down it is the only training platform of its kind.

Want to diversify your business after gaining all the skills that you are going to master? Many of the other members have already done this making four and five figures every month some even more.

Just to give you the basics of what you are going to get with the Premium Membership there are way too many to even begin to list them on this page.

Starting with the training you will get the Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) training is a 5 phase (50 lessons) series of courses walking you through the process of creating and growing your own business within absolutely ANY niche that you want.

Moving from that is the Affiliate Boot Camp Training is a 7 Phase (70 lessons) series of courses walking you through the process of creating and establishing a business in a niche related to the promotion of Wealthy Affiliate.

Training Headquarters – has hundreds of videos and walk through showing you how to do more that will enhance your websites making it possible for you to earn even more with them.

Live Events – hosted every Friday night by the Live Training Coach of Wealthy Affiliate our own Jay (magistudios) touching on topics to teach you more ways of earning or creating online businesses.

webinars by Jay

Site Support – Ever deal with a Help Desk for answers to technical difficulties? Site Support is 24/7/365 at Wealthy Affiliate with the most knowledgeable people working under Carson, co-owner of Wealthy Affiliate.

Live Chat 24/7 is unlimited to the Premium Members, making use of the pay it forward community getting answers to problems in real time is invaluable for all of us.

Jaaxy Lite Keyword Research Tool – as a Premium Member you have unlimited access to Jaaxy Lite doing as many searches as you would like for the important keywords to write quality content that will rank.

Jaaxy Black Logo

12 Classrooms are available to ask questions of the experts in their respective fields at Wealthy Affiliate. Knowing that you are going to get help with problems makes using these classrooms helpful to all members answers are archived for others.

Knowing that you are not going to just learn affiliate marketing with this training but many other ways of how to make money working at home make them the only community you are ever going to want to belong to.

In Conclusion

Are you looking for a way to make money working at home? Your search is now over if you are ready to spend your time building an online business the right way.

Stop looking for that magic button that you can push and make millions there is not one out there! Work, time, commitment, dedication, patience, and proper training will get you where you want to be.

Thinking that you can create only one or two pieces of content on a website is not going to make you any money. Truth be told it might take you a couple of hundred pieces of content before you see any results at all.

Google, Bing, and Yahoo the three biggest search engines will look at what you are doing creating your content if you are not consistent with placing it on your website then you are not going to be recognized as a serious website builder.

This is why it takes time and patience to really make it with an online business. The work is not hard as long as you enjoy what you are doing, finding solutions to problems and writing about them is quite simple really.

The more you write content adding it to your website the more of an authority you become. Search engines know this and once you start ranking it becomes easier and easier. The sales start to roll in and trust with your audience grows.

Stop procrastinating “Create Your Free Account Now” it costs you nothing to try this out seeing if this is what you have been searching for all this time.  Remember No Credit Card Required and you are under no obligation to upgrade ever.

Work from Home Create Your Free Account Now


Hearing from my readers is always appreciated please leave your comments, suggestions, and questions in the space provided below. I answer all of them usually within 24 hours.

Thank you for taking the time to read the complete article today. Once inside Wealthy Affiliate look me up profile name is Marley2016 to say hello.

Best wishes to your future success online,



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