How To Be Successful Online – With Your Business!

How To Be Successful Online

People Who Change Their Attitudes Can Change Their Lives!

One way that you are NOT going to become successful online is to buy into any of the scams the gurus have hyped up on YouTube or in those email videos to sell you!

If you want the real way to learn to be successful online then please take the time to read my complete article.

It will give you the right information that is required to start your own online business making you money online with a passive income stream for years to come.

We can all be impatient not wishing to read a complete article. For those of you who are in a big hurry the box below will take you directly to the “Create Your Free Account Now” page.

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No worries about getting scammed there is No Credit Card Required and you are under no obligation once you have finished with the free trial period to purchase anything!

How to Create Success

Everyone knows that there is money to be made online they read about people every day who are very successful in making millions daily online.

But how are they accomplishing this? Believe me, they did not start out this way it took them years of research. Failure was not an option for them. If something failed they started again until they found what works it is a process.

Once you learn the process that works for you all you need to do is lather, rinse, and repeat. With knowing the process works creating success online becomes easier as time goes on.

scam artist pictureThing is I am not talking about the gurus or scammers who want to sell you the get-rich-quick system they use either. When it comes right down to it these are not even close to being a realistic way to become a success online.

The promises they make if you take the time to really think about them are so far-fetched how do people fall for all those lies? Finding a magic push-button on the keyboard to have money rain into your bank account?

Remember what your mother always taught you “If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is!” follow her advice she is right. Except for possibly that one time she might have been wrong, no way mothers are never wrong!

Now if you are serious about creating a successful online business you need to be ready to work for it. That is right it takes work to be a success online creating the type of passive income others are already making.

Good news is the work you need to do is more time-consuming than it is hard. Mostly I enjoy the work required for my online business which is creating content (articles) for the websites.

Sure try claiming that you cannot write an article, this is not true, do you use text messaging? Communication is all it takes to write articles for a website. If you can talk to people then you can write an article to communicate with people!

How do you make money online from writing articles? Knew this was going to be your next question, with your articles you can promote products and services to solve problems that people are searching for online.

This is called Affiliate Marketing you may have heard of this before if not I will explain how you can do this making a highly profitable and successful online business.


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Where To Begin?

You can waste many years looking for all the tools, training, and experience that are required to become successful online. Or you can jump right into training that you can get for FREE by joining a community of like-minded individuals to learn.

All joking aside there is a place that you can join FREE called Wealthy Affiliate where you can begin to build your own online business. This is like “kicking the tires” of a car before you purchase it, same deal with Wealthy Affiliate try before you buy.

Creating An Online Business Website


A successful online business takes four (4) steps looking at the image above you can see what is required. I would like to add a point that is not listed that is – make a business plan covering goals you set for yourself keeps you focused.

Before we continue, I want to point out a few important things:

(1) Anyone Can Accomplish Success Online. There are now over 6 BILLION people using the Internet, regardless of the direction you decide to take online there are a very large number of people there that you can connect with. Members at Wealthy Affiliate succeed at the highest rate out of any platform online!

(2) Anything NEW Can “Appear” to be Overwhelming at First. Like anything you begin to learn it is normal to feel overwhelmed and even “fail” a few times when getting started. Remember “Rome was not built in a day.” neither is a successful online business. Quitting is not an option if you want to succeed. Sticking with Wealthy Affiliate you will achieve, and far exceed your goals.

(3) No Technical or Prior Online Business Experience Required. If you have experience working online that is great, but it is definitely not required at Wealthy Affiliate. Everything related to an online business can be learned within your membership and you definitely do not need to be a “techie”.

(4) Success is a Journey. Success is very cumulative by design. This means that everything you do now, and every step you take will contribute towards your personal success in the future. An exciting journey does lie ahead and the effort you put forth now will pay off later and often times forever!

What you need to realize is if you are not willing to work for the success you want then you are never going to reach it. In the beginning, you will need to work harder as time goes on things become easier and take less time to accomplish.

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Training For FREE

Wealthy Affiliate offers you serious training that might blow your mind. Free Starter Members will get 20 Lessons which are Level 1 of the Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) and Level 1 of Affiliate Boot Camp Training.

Two (2) free websites to build on subdomains under the WordPress Website Builder along with 12 free WordPress Themes to chose from for your website. These themes are easy to customize to your liking with WordPress.

What good is a website without hosting? Hosting of your websites will be on the Amazon c3.large (faster) this is included free with the Starter Membership what a deal right?

You will have a Personal Blog inside Wealthy Affiliate that you can use to ask questions of the community along with two (2) Classrooms to question the experts.

All the above mentioned are yours for 6 months as a Free Starter Member, just know that you must remain actively working on your websites or they will be removed from the internet after a 30-day or longer dormant period.

During your first seven-day trial period you will have access to a few other benefits inside the Wealthy Affiliate community.  Live Chat 24/7 will be available to you for any questions or help you need, where you can get answers in real time from other experienced members.

One-on-One Coaching is available to you for the first seven-day trial period helping you with getting started and answering all the questions you have.

I always suggest to the Free Starter Members who join from my articles that they make use of the Live Chat 24/7. Especially those who are skeptical about whether this community is going to work, finding out all they can from other members.

Want to know the absolute icing on the cake with Wealthy Affiliate? Earn While You Learn – that is right should you refer someone to Wealthy Affiliate even as a Free Starter Member you will be paid a commission. (See Chart Below)

Earn Commissions While You Learn

What Is The Catch?

There is no catch, try out all the FREE resources Wealthy Affiliate has to offer. Decide that it is not for you, because to be honest, this is not going to be for everyone, close out you are under no obligation ever!

Suppose you decide that this has been what you have been looking for? Then you can upgrade your membership to the Premium Level – rather than ruin the surprise look under the left side profile picture of your FREE Starter Membership.

Menu under right-hand side profile picture

Clicking on the picture will bring up a menu – proceed to click on the “Included With Premium” heading where you will find a complete list of all the benefits of the Wealthy Affiliate Community.

Right now the owners are giving you a special discount if you join as a Premium Member within your seven-day trial period meaning you can get the first month of Premium Membership for only $19.00 what a deal.

After that then you can select the method of how you would like to pay your membership fees from the chart below, you are not going to find the type of benefits offered by Wealthy Affiliate for this steal of a deal anyplace else!

Membership Fees WA

Savings with the six-month and yearly plans provide you with making a serious commitment to really working on your online business. Remember this is not a get-rich-quick scam it is going to take work and time to become successful.

Any business starting out has financial responsibilities payable up front. Imagine what the cost of opening a brick and mortar business costs compared to running an online business from home where your only costs are this cheap.

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In Closing

Still feeling skeptical? I know that when I first started that was exactly how I felt. Getting inside Wealthy Affiliate starting the training for FREE is what changed my mind knowing this was where I was going to create an online successful business.

Personal Blog posts from members are available to you inside the community knowing how long it took them to reach success within their online businesses.

I highly recommend reading these to Starter Members giving you ideas of what to expect starting out. Members range inside the community from young to old, expert to beginner, and having all these like-minded individuals to learn from PRICELESS!


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Hearing from my readers is always welcome please leave comments, suggestions, or questions in the space provided below. I answer them all usually within 24 hours.

Thank you for taking the time to read my complete article today. Bookmark the page so you can find it again and do not hesitate to leave friends or family know this is available for them.

Best wishes to your future online success,





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